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Miss Winnie Daily Cantonese Small Talk, Ep. 60 Blessings in Disguise

Ep. 60 Blessings in Disguise

Hello 大家 好 . 今日 係 2023 年 嘅 4 月 21 號 星期五

而家 係 早上 嘅 9 點 05 分 9 點 1

咁 今日 係 學校 假期 所以 我 唔使 返學

咁 我 就 早啲 就 錄音 就 同 大家 傾下 計

咁 今日 呢 我 想 同 大家 講 乜嘢 呢 ?

咁 其實 係 關於 一句 叫做 言語 廣東話 嘅 一句 說話 啦

唔知 你 有冇 聽過 呢 ?

塞翁失馬 焉知非福 咁 塞翁 其實 係 字 一個 老人家

咁 人哋 就 叫 佢 做 塞翁

咁樣 呀,咁 呀, 翁 喺 呢 個 嘅 書面語

Written Cantonese 書面語 啦,可以 字 老人家 嘅, 咁樣

咁 呀, 呢 位 老人家 呢 就 叫做 塞翁 啦

咁 佢 啦 就 唔 見 咗 一 匹 馬 喎

失馬, 失 呢 係 字 唔見咗

So that guy is called 塞翁 and he lost a horse

咁 呀,唔見咗 匹馬

跟住 the second part of this saying is 焉知非福

Actually 焉知 can mean who knows. 非福 literally mean not a fortune or not a blessing

福 係 字, 福氣 啦, 或者 祝福

即係 blessings 嘅 意思, 或者 fortune 嘅 意思

咁 呢 一句 嘅 說話 呢 其實 同 英文 一句 呢 叫做

like it's a blessing in disguise or another English saying every cloud has a silver lining

其實 係 類似 嘅 意思 嘅

即係 話 呢, 可能 喺 生活 上面 發生 一啲 唔好 嘅 事

但係 唔 點知 呢, 呢啲 唔好 嘅 事 啦

最後 又 變成 一啲 好 嘅 事 喎.

咁 啦, 我哋 就 叫做 塞翁失馬 焉知非福

但係 到 轉頭 嚟 講 in the opposite

到 轉 嚟 講 呢 都 可以 嘅

可以 嘅 就 可能 係 有時 一啲 睇 嚟 好 嘅 嘢

又 可能 會 變成 唔 好 嘅 嘢

咁 即係 其實 係 字 喺 人生 裏面 啦

有 好 嘅 事 亦都 有 壞 嘅 事

咁 有時 好 嘅 事 又 會 變成 唔 好 嘅 事

唔 好 嘅 事 又 會 變成 好 嘅 事

係 好 難 呢, 預料 嘅 hard to predict what will happen next

咁 我哋 就 會 叫 塞翁失馬 焉知非福

點解 我會 諗 起 呢 一句 說話 呢

其實 就 係 尋日 啦,咁 就 同 我哋 同事 傾計 嘅 時候

咁 我 有 一位 同事 啦, one of my colleagues

其中 一位 同事 , 咁 佢 呢, 就 話

佢 嘅 老公 上個星期 就 畀 公司 炒魷魚

so her husband got fired by the company last week

咁 佢 嘅 老公 呢 上個星期 就 畀 老細 畀 公司 炒魷魚 got fired

咁 佢 就 當然 係 唔 開心 啦

咁 突然 之間 發生 呢 一件 事

咁 呀 其他人 呀, 有啲 同事 就 話

唔,雖然 呢, 係 呢 一刻 好似 呢, 真係 一件 非常之 差 同埋 唔好 嘅 事情

但係 呢,相信 呢, 會 有 更好 嘅 喺 前面 嘅

some better thing is waiting for them

咁 一定 有 啲 好 嘅 嘢 呢, 喺 前面

或者 有時候 我哋 失去 一啲 我哋 覺得 好好 嘅 嘢

我哋 突然 間 失去 嘅 時候

其實 都 係 一個 契機 啦 is an opportunity

去 即係 畀 自己 一個 空間 一個 space to accept something better

去 得到 一啲 更好 嘅 事

係 呀, 咁 啦, 我 就 諗 到 呢 一句 嘅 說話 啦

所以 塞翁失馬 焉知非福

咁 我 就 查 翻,呀, 究竟 塞翁失馬 焉知非福

咁, 因為 講 嗰 個 老人家 塞翁 唔見咗 隻 馬 喎

咁 應該 係 背後 呢 應該 係 有 個 故事 嘅

咁 我 就 去 search 喺 Google 下 到 究竟 係 乜嘢 故事 啦

咁 我 就 覺得 都 幾 有趣 喎

咁 我 係 呢 一度 都 想 同 大家 分享 下 呢 一個 故事

咁 呀, 就 話 呢, 從前 呢, 有 個 老人家

咁 人哋 就 叫 佢 做 塞翁

咁 有 一日 呢 佢 就 唔見咗 屋企 嘅 一 匹 馬 喎

咁 應該 可能 呢 隻 馬 呢 走 咗 出去 呢 玩 啦 咁樣 呀

咁呀,其他人 知道 塞翁 唔見咗 匹馬

有啲 佢嘅 朋友 就 話 都 瞪 佢 好 難過 呀

咁 呀, 但係 塞翁 呢, 就 回應 response,回應,跟住 佢 就 話

唔見咗 匹 馬 可能 係 一件 好事 都 未定, so maybe it is a good thing。

咁 點知 真係 喇 喺 幾日 之後 呢 隻 馬 呢 就 自己 返 嚟 喎

咁 唔單止 呢 一隻 馬 返 嚟

呢 隻 馬 呢 仲 帶 埋 另 一 匹 馬 返 嚟 . 一隻 靚 馬

變 咗 佢 本來 唔見咗 一隻 馬

而家 呢 就 變 咗 有 兩 隻 馬

咁 其他人 知道 之後 呢 就 恭喜

Congratulate, Congratulate 係 恭喜 啦 恭喜 呀 塞翁

哇! 你 而家 呢, 唔單止 呢, 搵 返 匹 馬 喎

仲有 兩隻 馬 添, 真係 好 啦

跟住 塞翁 呢 就 話

唔,可能 都 未必 一定 係 好事

Maybe it is not a really a good thing. Who knows

咁 呢 就 點知 呢

佢 個 仔 呢 就 騎 嗰 隻 新 嘅 馬 啦 That new horse 新 嘅 馬

咁 呀, 一個 唔 小心 咁 呢, 個 仔 啦, 就 跌 咗 落 馬

整親 佢 隻 腳 . 整 斷 腳 喎

So the leg of his son was broken

咁 佢 個 仔 隻 腳 呢, 就 斷 咗。 咁 佢 就 行 唔 到 啦

咁 其他人 呢, 就 同 塞翁 講

啊,真係 慘 啦! 你 個 仔, 整親 隻 腳。 真係 慘 啦

我 希望 你 個 仔 都 快啲 好 返 啦

咁樣,咁 塞翁 呢, 就 回答 . 我 個 仔 係 跌親 . 係 整親 隻 腳

不過 可能 都 係 一件 好事 嚟 呢

So 塞翁 replies them; “It seems that it is bad that my son has broken his leg

But maybe it turns out to be a good thing. Who knows”

跟住 原來 喺 嗰 個 地方 呢,後來 就 發生 咗 戰爭

Some battle and wars 戰爭 . 咁 好多 嘅 男人 呢 都 要 去 當兵 喇 喎

So men have to be recruited to the army

要 去 入伍 Recruited to the army

咁 就要 當兵 Being a soldier 當兵

咁 因為 呢, 塞翁 個 仔 就 跌 斷 咗 隻 腳

咁呀, 變 咗 行路 行 唔 到 啦 行 唔 到 路 啦

咁 所以 呢 就 唔 需要 當兵 喇 喎

Because 塞翁 's son got a broken leg

So he was not recruited into the army

咁 就 唔 需要 當兵, 啦 咁 因為 戰爭 嘅 原因 呢

好多 人 個 仔 都 去 咗 當兵

之後 呢 可能 死 咗 啦

返 唔到 屋企 咁 但 因為 呢 塞翁 個 仔 唔使 當兵

就 可以 留 喺 屋企 咁 塞翁 一家 呢 都 好 平安 喇

咁樣,咁 所以 呢, 塞翁 個 仔 跌親 隻 腳

後來 又 可以 成為 係 一件 好 嘅 字 喎, 咁樣, 咁 呀 個 故仔 呢

所以 呢 就 話 好多 嘢 呢 都 可能 估唔到 嘅

Sometimes a blessing can be disguised as a misfortune, and sometimes some good things may finally turn out to be a bad thing. Who knows?

冇 人 呢 可以 估計 到 冇 人 呢 可以 知道 喎 咁 你 又 點睇 呢 ?

我 都 覺得 係 嘅 其實 喺 人生 嘅 裏面 都 會 有 好 嘅 時候

有 唔 好 嘅 時候 . 咁 如果 當 你 而家 正正 係 處於 一個 比較 低谷 期 喇

低谷 低 係 low 谷 係 個 valley

It seems like you are in a low valley now, so don't lose your hope

咁 就 唔 好 放棄 希望 . 咁 因為 啦 始終 呢 都 會 有 好 嘅 事情 會 發生 嘅

咁 當然 如果 你 而家 係 好好 嘅 時候 呢

唔,咁 啦,我 唔 係 話 叫 你 好 擔心 會 有 壞 嘅 嘢 發生

不過 呢, 都 點樣 講 吖. 當 你 喺 好 嘅 處境 嘅 時候

我 自己 就 覺得 唔 需要 感恩 呀

如果 遇到 好 嘅 嘢 ,咁樣, 但係 啦,當 有 壞 嘅 事情 發生 嘅 時候 呢

自己 都 唔 好 氣餒 囉

Don't feel dismayed or lose hope 唔 好 氣餒 啦

因為 希望 在 明天 . 我哋 相信 呢 係 一定 會 有 好 嘅 時候

好似 呢 個 世界 咁 樣 . 有 好 天 又 唔 好 天

有 晴天 有 雨天 . 有 天光 daytime

亦 都 有 nighttime 夜晚 . 有光 有 暗

have light, and darkness,有光 有 暗 . 人生 就 係 咁樣

咁 呀,用 一個 廣東話 叫做 平常心

平常 係 just take it as normal 心 係 heart,

一個 平常心 take it easy,一個 平常心

去 面對 人生 好 嘅 事 或者 唔好 嘅 事

係 喇!咁 呀,今日 呢,講 得 比較 長 . 同 大家 講到 呢 一度 啦

嚟 緊 呢 個 周末

我 都 祝 大家 有個 愉快 嘅 周末

我哋 下 一集 再 傾 . 多謝 你 收聽 . 拜拜

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Ep. 60 Blessings in Disguise ||in| Ep. 60 [Cantonese Talk] Blessings in Disguise Ep. 60 [Charla en cantonés] Bendiciones disfrazadas 第60話 [広東語トーク] 偽装の祝福 Ep. 60 [Conversa em Cantonês] Bênçãos disfarçadas Эп. 60 [Кантонская речь] Благословения в маскировке Ep. 60 [Kantonesiskt tal] Välsignelser i förklädnad Ep. 60 [Cantonese Talk] Blessings in Disguise Ep. 60 [Cantonese Talk] Blessings in Disguise

Hello 大家 好 . 今日 係 2023 年 嘅 4 月 21 號 星期五 Hello||||||||date|

而家 係 早上 嘅 9 點 05 分 9 點 1 ||morning|||| The home is at 9:05 a.m. 9:1 a.m.

咁 今日 係 學校 假期 所以 我 唔使 返學 ||||holiday||||

咁 我 就 早啲 就 錄音 就 同 大家 傾下 計 |||earlier|then|recording|"then"||everyone|chat with|chat Then I would have recorded it earlier so that we could have a chance to talk about it.

咁 今日 呢 我 想 同 大家 講 乜嘢 呢 ? "so"|"today"||"I"||"with"|everyone||what| So, today I want to talk to everyone about something?

咁 其實 係 關於 一句 叫做 言語 廣東話 嘅 一句 說話 啦 |"actually"||about|a phrase|called|language|Cantonese language||sentence|phrase| Well, actually it's about a saying in Cantonese language.

唔知 你 有冇 聽過 呢 ? "Don't know"|||heard of| I wonder if you have heard it before?

塞翁失馬 焉知非福 咁 塞翁 其實 係 字 一個 老人家 Blessing in disguise|a blessing||Old man|||theory||Old man What is the best thing that can happen to a person who has lost a horse? So, in fact, a person is an old man.

咁 人哋 就 叫 佢 做 塞翁 |"others"|||||Sage of the West Then they call them "Theon".

咁樣 呀,咁 呀, 翁 喺 呢 個 嘅 書面語 ||||formal language|||||Written language So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so

Written Cantonese 書面語 啦,可以 字 老人家 嘅, 咁樣 Elderly person's words|Sure, here is the translation: "Written Cantonese"|||||elderly person|| Written Cantonese 啦,可以 字 老家 家嘅,咁樣

咁 呀, 呢 位 老人家 呢 就 叫做 塞翁 啦 ||||||||Old Man Sai| Well, this old person is called Sai Weng.

咁 佢 啦 就 唔 見 咗 一 匹 馬 喎 ||||||||a (single)|horse|"it seems" Then, he lost a horse.

失馬, 失 呢 係 字 唔見咗 Lost character|Lost|||word|"missing" Losing the horse means that the character is missing.

So that guy is called 塞翁 and he lost a horse |So that guy|old man||named|Sai Weng||that guy|lost||a horse

咁 呀,唔見咗 匹馬 |||The horse Well, a horse has gone missing

跟住 the second part of this saying is 焉知非福 "Next"|the|"next"|second part||this saying|A blessing.|is actually|A blessing? The second part of this saying is 'who knows if it's a blessing'

Actually 焉知 can mean who knows. 非福 literally mean not a fortune or not a blessing In fact|Who knows||can mean|who knows|who knows|not a blessing|word-for-word||||Not a blessing|or not a|not a||not a blessing Actually, 'who knows' can mean 'who knows'. 'Not a fortune' literally means 'not a blessing'

福 係 字, 福氣 啦, 或者 祝福 Blessing|||Good fortune|||Blessings 'Fortune' is a word, it means good luck or blessings.

即係 blessings 嘅 意思, 或者 fortune 嘅 意思 |Good fortune||meaning of|or||| So it means the meaning of blessings, or the meaning of fortune

咁 呢 一句 嘅 說話 呢 其實 同 英文 一句 呢 叫做 ||a sentence||||||English phrase||| This sentence is in fact the same as the English one called

like it's a blessing in disguise or another English saying every cloud has a silver lining |It's||||||Hidden blessing|Hidden blessing||每一個|Silver lining|有着||Hidden blessing|Silver lining

其實 係 類似 嘅 意思 嘅 ||similar to||meaning| In fact, it has a similar meaning.

即係 話 呢, 可能 喺 生活 上面 發生 一啲 唔好 嘅 事 "That is"|||"might"|"in"|daily life|"in life"|happen|some|"bad"||things In other words, there may be some bad things in your life.

但係 唔 點知 呢, 呢啲 唔好 嘅 事 啦 ||"How to"|||||| But I don't know, what are the bad things?

最後 又 變成 一啲 好 嘅 事 喎. "Finally"|"again"|"turned into"|"a bit"|good|good|thing| It turned out to be something good in the end.

咁 啦, 我哋 就 叫做 塞翁失馬 焉知非福 |||||blessing in disguise|how do we know it’s not a blessing Well then, we could say that a loss may well be a blessing in disguise

但係 到 轉頭 嚟 講 in the opposite ||"on the contrary"|come|speak|in||"on the contrary" However, turning around to speak in the opposite

到 轉 嚟 講 呢 都 可以 嘅 |turn around|||||| Turning around to speak like this is also okay

可以 嘅 就 可能 係 有時 一啲 睇 嚟 好 嘅 嘢 What is possible could sometimes be something that seems good

又 可能 會 變成 唔 好 嘅 嘢 It may turn out to be a bad thing again

咁 即係 其實 係 字 喺 人生 裏面 啦 ||||||life|in life| That is, the word "life" is in fact in life.

有 好 嘅 事 亦都 有 壞 嘅 事 There are good things and there are bad things

咁 有時 好 嘅 事 又 會 變成 唔 好 嘅 事 Then sometimes good things turn out to be bad things

唔 好 嘅 事 又 會 變成 好 嘅 事 ||||||become||| Things that are not good will become good again

係 好 難 呢, 預料 嘅 hard to predict what will happen next ||very difficult||"predict"||difficult||hard to predict|||will happen|"what's next" It's hard to predict what will happen next

咁 我哋 就 會 叫 塞翁失馬 焉知非福 ||||||who knows

點解 我會 諗 起 呢 一句 說話 呢 Why|"I would"|think of|think of|"this" or "this one"||saying| Why do I think of this sentence?

其實 就 係 尋日 啦,咁 就 同 我哋 同事 傾計 嘅 時候 "Actually"|"just"|"is"|"yesterday"|"you know"|||||colleague|chatting|"when"|time when Actually, it was yesterday, when I was chatting with my colleagues.

咁 我 有 一位 同事 啦, one of my colleagues |||one|||one of|||One of my colleagues I have a colleague, one of my colleagues.

其中 一位 同事 , 咁 佢 呢, 就 話 "one of"|one colleague|Colleague|||"in this case"|| One of the colleagues, well, she said

佢 嘅 老公 上個星期 就 畀 公司 炒魷魚 Her||husband|last week|then|"got"|company|Got fired Her husband got fired by the company last week

so her husband got fired by the company last week |her|her husband|was let go|got laid off|by||the company|last week|last week so her husband got fired by the company last week

咁 佢 嘅 老公 呢 上個星期 就 畀 老細 畀 公司 炒魷魚 got fired ||||||||boss||||| Well, her husband got fired by the boss last week.

咁 佢 就 當然 係 唔 開心 啦 |||of course|||| So, of course, she is unhappy.

咁 突然 之間 發生 呢 一件 事 |suddenly|all of a sudden|happened||this incident| Then, suddenly, this incident happened.

咁 呀 其他人 呀, 有啲 同事 就 話 So, the other people, some colleagues said

唔,雖然 呢, 係 呢 一刻 好似 呢, 真係 一件 非常之 差 同埋 唔好 嘅 事情 "not"|"although"||||this moment|"seems like"||really is|a matter|extremely|bad|"and"|"Not good"||matter No, although, at this moment it seems like, this is really a very bad and unpleasant thing

但係 呢,相信 呢, 會 有 更好 嘅 喺 前面 嘅 ||"believe"|"you know"|"will"||better things|||ahead| However, believe that, there will be better things ahead

some better thing is waiting for them |something better awaits|better opportunity ahead||awaiting them||for them

咁 一定 有 啲 好 嘅 嘢 呢, 喺 前面 Then there must be some good things ahead.

或者 有時候 我哋 失去 一啲 我哋 覺得 好好 嘅 嘢 |"sometimes"||lose|||||| Or sometimes we lose things that we think are really good.

我哋 突然 間 失去 嘅 時候 |suddenly|in|lost||time When we suddenly lose them.

其實 都 係 一個 契機 啦 is an opportunity ||||Turning point||||"an opportunity"

去 即係 畀 自己 一個 空間 一個 space to accept something better "let go"|||||"room"||room||embrace|something better|

去 得到 一啲 更好 嘅 事 |get||||

係 呀, 咁 啦, 我 就 諗 到 呢 一句 嘅 說話 啦 |||||||||||phrase| Yes, so, I thought of this saying.

所以 塞翁失馬 焉知非福 so|| So, the old man lost his horse, how can one know that it's not a blessing?

咁 我 就 查 翻,呀, 究竟 塞翁失馬 焉知非福 ||"then"|look into|"again"||"actually"|| So I checked, ah, what exactly does 'the old man lost his horse, how can one know that it's not a blessing' mean?

咁, 因為 講 嗰 個 老人家 塞翁 唔見咗 隻 馬 喎 ||talk|||old man|Sai Weng|||horse| Well, that's because the old man said that he hadn't seen a horse.

咁 應該 係 背後 呢 應該 係 有 個 故事 嘅 |||behind it||||||story| Then there should be a story behind it.

咁 我 就 去 search 喺 Google 下 到 究竟 係 乜嘢 故事 啦 |||go|look up||Google|||exactly what|||| Then I'll search Google to find out what the story is.

咁 我 就 覺得 都 幾 有趣 喎 ||||||interesting| I think it is quite interesting!

咁 我 係 呢 一度 都 想 同 大家 分享 下 呢 一個 故事 |||||||||share with|||| Well, I want to share this story with everyone here.

咁 呀, 就 話 呢, 從前 呢, 有 個 老人家 |||||"Once upon"||||old man So, there was an old man in the past.

咁 人哋 就 叫 佢 做 塞翁 People called him Sai Wong.

咁 有 一日 呢 佢 就 唔見咗 屋企 嘅 一 匹 馬 喎 One day, he lost a horse from home.

咁 應該 可能 呢 隻 馬 呢 走 咗 出去 呢 玩 啦 咁樣 呀 |||||||ran away||"gone out"||||| So it's possible that this horse ran out to play.

咁呀,其他人 知道 塞翁 唔見咗 匹馬 "Well,"|||Sai Wong||a horse Well, the other people knew that Sai Weng lost a horse.

有啲 佢嘅 朋友 就 話 都 瞪 佢 好 難過 呀 |"his" or "her"|||||stare at|||feel bad|oh Some of her friends stared at her for being so sad

咁 呀, 但係 塞翁 呢, 就 回應 response,回應,跟住 佢 就 話 ||||"as for"||responded|"response"|responded|then||| Then, in order to respond, respond and follow up with him, the Government has to take the initiative to provide a response.

唔見咗 匹 馬 可能 係 一件 好事 都 未定, so maybe it is a good thing。 missing|a|horse|||a piece of|good thing||"Not certain"||could be||||| Not seeing a horse may be a good thing, so maybe it is a good thing.

咁 點知 真係 喇 喺 幾日 之後 呢 隻 馬 呢 就 自己 返 嚟 喎 |||||||||horse||||returns|back| I wonder if the horse will come back on its own in a few days.

咁 唔單止 呢 一隻 馬 返 嚟 |"Not only"||one||| So not only did this horse come back.

呢 隻 馬 呢 仲 帶 埋 另 一 匹 馬 返 嚟 . 一隻 靚 馬 ||||still|bring|along|another||horse|horse||||beautiful| This horse also brought another horse back. A beautiful horse.

變 咗 佢 本來 唔見咗 一隻 馬 "became"|||"originally"|"lost"|one|horse It turned out that he originally lost a horse.

而家 呢 就 變 咗 有 兩 隻 馬 Now there are two horses.

咁 其他人 知道 之後 呢 就 恭喜 ||||this|then|Congratulate Then after others found out, they congratulated.

Congratulate, Congratulate 係 恭喜 啦 恭喜 呀 塞翁 "Congratulations, congratulations"|"Congratulations, congratulations"||Congratulations|||| Congratulate, Congratulate is congratulations, congratulations, Saigong.

哇! 你 而家 呢, 唔單止 呢, 搵 返 匹 馬 喎 wow||||not just||find|back|a||oh Wow! Right now, not only are you looking for a horse,

仲有 兩隻 馬 添, 真係 好 啦 |two more||"even more"|really|| there are also two more horses, that's really great.

跟住 塞翁 呢 就 話 next|||| Then, the old man from the frontier said

唔,可能 都 未必 一定 係 好事 |||"Not necessarily"|definitely|| Well, it may or may not be a good thing.

Maybe it is not a really a good thing. Who knows

咁 呢 就 點知 呢 |||how to know| Then, how do we know?

佢 個 仔 呢 就 騎 嗰 隻 新 嘅 馬 啦 That new horse 新 嘅 馬 |||||ride|that|||||||new|||| That new horse

咁 呀, 一個 唔 小心 咁 呢, 個 仔 啦, 就 跌 咗 落 馬 ||||"careful"||emphasis particle|||||fell off|fell off|onto| Well, one accidentally, the kid fell off the horse.

整親 佢 隻 腳 . 整 斷 腳 喎 Break||his|leg||break|leg|"it seems" I fixed his leg. I broke his leg.

So the leg of his son was broken ||his son's leg||his son's|his son's leg|was|broken So the leg of his son was broken.

咁 佢 個 仔 隻 腳 呢, 就 斷 咗。 咁 佢 就 行 唔 到 啦 |||||leg|this|||||||||| Well, his son's leg is broken. So he can't walk now.

咁 其他人 呢, 就 同 塞翁 講 |||||old man| Then the other people talked to Sai Wong.

啊,真係 慘 啦! 你 個 仔, 整親 隻 腳。 真係 慘 啦 ||so unfortunate|particle indicating a suggestion or finality||||injured|one|||tragic| Ah, that's really terrible! Your son injured his leg. It's really tragic!

我 希望 你 個 仔 都 快啲 好 返 啦 ||||||faster||| I hope your son gets better soon.

咁樣,咁 塞翁 呢, 就 回答 . 我 個 仔 係 跌親 . 係 整親 隻 腳 ||Sai Weng|||"replied"|||||fell down||hurt|| So, in this way, the old man at the border responds. My son has fallen. He hurt his foot.

不過 可能 都 係 一件 好事 嚟 呢 but|||||good thing|| However, it might also be a good thing.

So 塞翁 replies them; “It seems that it is bad that my son has broken his leg ||responds to|||appears that||||unfortunate|||||||

But maybe it turns out to be a good thing. Who knows” |||ends up|turns||a|||||

跟住 原來 喺 嗰 個 地方 呢,後來 就 發生 咗 戰爭 Then|"turns out"||||||later|then|happened||war broke out Then it turned out that in that place, a war later broke out.

Some battle and wars 戰爭 . 咁 好多 嘅 男人 呢 都 要 去 當兵 喇 喎 |Some battles||wars|war||||men|||||serve in military|already| Some battle and wars. So many men had to go to be soldiers.

So men have to be recruited to the army |men||||recruited 招募|||military forces So men have to be recruited to the army.

要 去 入伍 Recruited to the army ||Enlist|||| Recruited to the army

咁 就要 當兵 Being a soldier 當兵 |just|be a soldier|"Being"||Being a soldier|enlist Being a soldier

咁 因為 呢, 塞翁 個 仔 就 跌 斷 咗 隻 腳 |||Sai Wong||||fell|broken||one| Because of this, the old man’s son broke his leg

咁呀, 變 咗 行路 行 唔 到 啦 行 唔 到 路 啦 |become||walking||||||||road| So, we're on our way, but we can't get there.

咁 所以 呢 就 唔 需要 當兵 喇 喎 |||||need|serve in the military||particle indicating a suggestion So, it means that there's no need to enlist in the army now.

Because 塞翁 's son got a broken leg Because Sai Weng's son got a broken leg.

So he was not recruited into the army ||was|||to|| So he was not recruited into the army.

咁 就 唔 需要 當兵, 啦 咁 因為 戰爭 嘅 原因 呢 |||need|join the army||||war||reason| Then you don't need to be a soldier because of the war.

好多 人 個 仔 都 去 咗 當兵 |||||||join the army Many people's sons have gone to join the army

之後 呢 可能 死 咗 啦 |||die|| Afterwards, they might die

返 唔到 屋企 咁 但 因為 呢 塞翁 個 仔 唔使 當兵 |||||||||||serve in the military They can't return home, but because of the Saigon people's sons, they don't have to join the army

就 可以 留 喺 屋企 咁 塞翁 一家 呢 都 好 平安 喇 ||stay||||Sai Wong|||also||safe and sound| Then we can stay in the house and the family will be safe.

咁樣,咁 所以 呢, 塞翁 個 仔 跌親 隻 腳 ||||Old man|||fell|| So, that's why the old man's son accidentally hurt his foot.

後來 又 可以 成為 係 一件 好 嘅 字 喎, 咁樣, 咁 呀 個 故仔 呢 |||become||a|||||||||story| Later on, it can also turn into something good, so this story.

所以 呢 就 話 好多 嘢 呢 都 可能 估唔到 嘅 |||||||||can't guess| So, that's why many things are often unexpected.

Sometimes a blessing can be disguised as a misfortune, and sometimes some good things may finally turn out to be a bad thing. Who knows?

冇 人 呢 可以 估計 到 冇 人 呢 可以 知道 喎 咁 你 又 點睇 呢 ? No||||estimate|||||||||||What do you think| No one can estimate and no one can know, so what do you think?

我 都 覺得 係 嘅 其實 喺 人生 嘅 裏面 都 會 有 好 嘅 時候 |||||||||within|||||| I think there are good times in life.

有 唔 好 嘅 時候 . 咁 如果 當 你 而家 正正 係 處於 一個 比較 低谷 期 喇 |||||||when|||right now||in a|||low point|period| There are bad times. Then, if you are in a relatively low point La La, you will be in a good place.

低谷 低 係 low 谷 係 個 valley valley|low||low|valley|||

It seems like you are in a low valley now, so don't lose your hope

咁 就 唔 好 放棄 希望 . 咁 因為 啦 始終 呢 都 會 有 好 嘅 事情 會 發生 嘅 ||||give up|||||eventually|||||||||happen|

咁 當然 如果 你 而家 係 好好 嘅 時候 呢

唔,咁 啦,我 唔 係 話 叫 你 好 擔心 會 有 壞 嘅 嘢 發生 ||||||||||worried||||||happen Well, then, I didn't mean to tell you to worry that something bad might happen.

不過 呢, 都 點樣 講 吖. 當 你 喺 好 嘅 處境 嘅 時候 ||||||when|||||situation|| But then, how do I put it? When you are in a good place

我 自己 就 覺得 唔 需要 感恩 呀 |||||need|thankful| I myself feel that I don't need to be thankful.

如果 遇到 好 嘅 嘢 ,咁樣, 但係 啦,當 有 壞 嘅 事情 發生 嘅 時候 呢 |||||||||||||happens||| If something good happens, then so be it, but what if something bad happens?

自己 都 唔 好 氣餒 囉 |||good|discouraged|

Don't feel dismayed or lose hope 唔 好 氣餒 啦 ||disheartened|||||||

因為 希望 在 明天 . 我哋 相信 呢 係 一定 會 有 好 嘅 時候 ||on|tomorrow|||||||||| Because hope is in tomorrow. We believe that there will definitely be good times.

好似 呢 個 世界 咁 樣 . 有 好 天 又 唔 好 天 |||||like||||||| Just like this world. There are good days and bad days.

有 晴天 有 雨天 . 有 天光 daytime |sunny day||rainy day||daylight| There are sunny days and rainy days. There is daylight.

亦 都 有 nighttime 夜晚 . 有光 有 暗 also|||||has light||dark There is also nighttime. There is light and darkness.

have light, and darkness,有光 有 暗 . 人生 就 係 咁樣 There is light and darkness. Life is just like this.

咁 呀,用 一個 廣東話 叫做 平常心 ||||Cantonese||calm mind Well, we call it a state of equanimity in Cantonese.

平常 係 just take it as normal 心 係 heart, usually||||||||| Ordinarily, just take it as normal, the heart is the heart.

一個 平常心 take it easy,一個 平常心 An ordinary heart takes it easy, an ordinary heart.

去 面對 人生 好 嘅 事 或者 唔好 嘅 事 |facing|||||||| Face the good or bad things in life.

係 喇!咁 呀,今日 呢,講 得 比較 長 . 同 大家 講到 呢 一度 啦 Yes! So, today, I'm going to talk for a relatively long time. Let's talk about this.

嚟 緊 呢 個 周末 This coming weekend.

我 都 祝 大家 有個 愉快 嘅 周末 |||||happy||weekend I wish everyone a pleasant weekend.

我哋 下 一集 再 傾 . 多謝 你 收聽 . 拜拜 ||||talk||||