🦔 PRIČE ZA DJECU - Mrzovoljni Majmun - Bajke - Priča za laku noć i učenje osjećaja i empatije
🦔 GESCHICHTEN FÜR KINDER – Grumpy Monkey – Märchen – Gute-Nacht-Geschichte und das Lernen von Gefühlen und Empathie
🦔 STORIES FOR CHILDREN - Grumpy Monkey - Fairy Tales - Good night story and learning feelings and empathy
🦔 CUENTOS PARA NIÑOS - Mono Gruñón - Cuentos de Hadas - Cuento de buenas noches y aprendizaje de sentimientos y empatía
🦔 HISTOIRES POUR ENFANTS - Singe grincheux - Contes de fées - Histoire de bonne nuit et apprentissage des sentiments et de l'empathie
🦔 RACCONTI PER BAMBINI - La Scimmia Scontrosa - Fiabe - Storia della buonanotte e apprendimento di sentimenti ed empatia
🦔 VERHALEN VOOR KINDEREN - Grumpy Monkey - Fairy Tales - Welterustenverhaal en gevoelens en empathie leren
🦔 HISTORIE DLA DZIECI - Grumpy Monkey - Bajki - Opowieść na dobranoc oraz nauka uczuć i empatii
🦔 ИСТОРИИ ДЛЯ ДЕТЕЙ - Grumpy Monkey - Сказки - Сказка на ночь и изучение чувств и сопереживания
Mrzovoljni majmun
Grumpy monkey
Napisala Suzanne Lang
Written by Suzanne Lang
Ilustrirao Max Lang
Illustrated by Max Lang
Jednog divnog dana Jim Panza se probudio
||||||woke up
One fine day Jim Panza woke up
i otkrio da ništa nije u redu.
|he discovered|||||
and found that nothing was wrong.
Sunce je bilo presvijetlo,
|||too bright
Die Sonne war zu hell,
The sun was too bright,
nebo previše plavo, a banane preslatke.
|||||too sweet
the sky is too blue and the bananas too sweet.
Jim je bio zbunjen.
Jim war verwirrt.
Jim was confused.
"Šta se dešava?"
||is happening
"What is going on?"
"Možda si mrzovoljan",
"Vielleicht bist du mürrisch"
"Maybe you're grumpy,"
predložio je Norman iz komšiluka.
suggested||||the neighborhood
suggested Norman from the neighborhood.
"Nisam mrzovoljan!" Jim je inzistirao.
"I'm not grumpy!" Jim insisted.
U šetnji je susreo Marabu.
|||he met|Marabu
Er traf Maraba beim Gehen.
On the walk he met Marabou.
"Jim je mrzovoljan",
Norman je rekao Marabuu.
Norman said to Marabu.
"Zašto si mrzovoljan, Jim?" upita Marabu.
"Why are you grumpy, Jim?" Marabu asked.
"Tako je divan dan."
"Es ist so ein schöner Tag."
"It's such a lovely day."
„Mrzovoljan! Ja? Nisam mrzovoljan ",
"Cranky! I? I'm not grumpy,"
rekao je Jim.
Jim said.
"Ali pogledaj kako stojiš",
|||you are standing
"Aber schau, wie du stehst,"
"But look at how you stand,"
rekao je Marabu.
said Marab.
"Istina je'', rekao je Norman.
"It's true," Norman said.
"Sav si pogrbljen."
"Ihr seid alle gebeugt."
"You're all hunched over."
Pa se Jim opustio.
Also entspannte sich Jim.
So Jim relaxed.
Tada je naletio na Lemura.
||ran into||
Dann traf er auf Lemur.
Then he ran into Lemur.
"Jim je mrzovoljan",
"Jim is grumpy,"
Norman je rekao Lemuru.
Norman said to Lemur.
"Zašto si mrzovoljan, Jim?" upita Lemur.
"Why are you grumpy, Jim?" asked the Lemur.
"Tako je divan dan."
„Mrzovoljan! Ja? Nisam mrzovoljan ",
"Cranky! I? I'm not grumpy,"
rekao je Jim.
Jim said.
"Tvoje obrve izgledaju mrzovoljno",
"Deine Augenbrauen sehen mürrisch aus."
"Your eyebrows look grumpy,"
rekao je Lemur.
sagte Lemur.
said the Lemur.
"Istina je", rekao je Norman.
"Skroz su se skupile."
"Sie sind den ganzen Weg zusammengekommen."
"They're all together."
Pa je Jim podigao čelo.
Also hob Jim seine Stirn.
So Jim raised his forehead.
Zatim se spotaknuo o Zmiju.
Dann stolperte er über die Schlange.
Then he tripped over the Snake.
"O ne", rekao je Norman.
"Oh no," Norman said.
"To je zadnje što ti treba kad se osjećaš
„Das ist das Letzte, was du brauchst, wenn du dich niedergeschlagen fühlst
“It’s the last thing you need when you’re feeling
tako mrzovoljno."
so grumpy."
„Mrzovoljan! Ja? Nisam mrzovoljan ",
"Cranky! I? I'm not grumpy,"
rekao je Jim.
"Zašto se onda tako mrštiš?"
"Warum runzelst du dann so die Stirn?"
"Then why are you frowning like that?"
upita Zmija.
Snake asked.
"Mislim da je to zato što se spotakao
“I think it’s because he stumbled
o tebe", šapnuo je Norman Zmiji.
about you, ”Norman whispered to Snake.
Pa se Jim nasmiješio.
So Jim smiled.
Napokon, Jim je izgledao sretno.
Finally, Jim looked happy.
Ali se nije osjećao sretno iznutra.
But he didn't feel happy inside.
Svi su željeli da Jim uživa
Everyone wanted Jim to enjoy it
u ovom divnom danu.
on this wonderful day.
"Trebao bi da pjevaš s nama!" rekoše ptice
"You should sing with us!" said the birds
Jim nije htio pjevati.
Jim didn't want to sing.
"Trebao bi da se ljuljaš s nama!"
"You should be rocking with us!"
rekli su majmuni.
said the monkeys.
Jimu se nije ljuljalo.
Jim ließ sich nicht beirren.
Jim was not rocking.
"Trebao bi da se kotrljaš s nama!"
"You should roll with us!"
rekoše zebre.
sagten die Zebras.
said the zebras.
Jimu se nije kotrljalo.
|||was rolling
Jim didn't feel like rolling.
"Trebao bi da se šetaš s nama!"
"Du solltest mit uns gehen!"
"You should be walking with us!"
rekoše pauni.
sagten die Pfauen.
Jimu se nije šetalo.
Jim didn't walk.
"Trebao bi ležati u travi!"
"Du solltest im Gras liegen!"
"You should be lying in the grass!"
"Trebao bi tapkati nogama!"
||stomp|with his feet
"Du solltest mit den Füßen wippen!"
"You should tap your feet!"
"Trebao bi se okupati!"
"You should take a bath!"
"I pljuskati!"
"And splash!"
"Trebao bi nekoga zagrliti!"
"You should hug someone!"
"Trebao bi se nasmijati!"
"You should laugh!"
"Trebao bi drijemati!"
"You should take a nap!"
"Trebao bi jesti staro meso!"
"Du solltest altes Fleisch essen!"
"You should eat old meat!"
"Ili malo meda!"
"Oder etwas Honig!"
"Or some honey!"
"Trebao bi skakati gore-dole!"
||jump||up and down
"You should jump up and down!"
"Trebao bi sjediti na suncu!"
"Du solltest in der Sonne sitzen!"
"You should be sitting in the sun!"
"Trebao bi plesati!"
Ali Jimu nije bilo ni do čega.
Aber Jim war das egal.
But Jim didn't care.
"Zašto si mrzovoljan, Jim?"
"Why are you grumpy, Jim?"
pitali su ostali.
the others asked.
"Tako je divan dan."
"It's such a lovely day."
"Nisam mrzovoljan!"
"I'm not grumpy!"
viknuo je Jim lupajući se po prsima.
schrie Jim und schlug sich auf die Brust.
cried Jim, pounding on his chest.
I onda je odjurio.
|||ran off
And then he ran away.
Jimu je bilo žao.
Jim was sorry.
Pomalo mu je bilo žao što je vikao na sve,
He was a little sorry for yelling at everyone,
ali većinom mu je bilo žao sebe.
aber am meisten tat er sich selbst leid.
but for the most part he felt sorry for himself.
"Izgleda da jesam mrzovoljan", uzdahne Jim
"I seem to be grumpy," Jim sighed
I baš kad se počeo osjećati stvarno tužno
And just when he was starting to feel really sad
... naišao je na Normana.
... he came across Norman.
Norman je bio klonuo.
Norman war schlaff.
Norman had fainted.
Obrve su mu bile skupljene
Seine Brauen waren gerunzelt
His eyebrows were furrowed
i bio je namršten.
and he was frowning.
"Šta je bilo? Jesi li mrzovoljan? ”
"What's the matter? Are you grumpy?"
„Ne. Plesao sam s Dikobrazom”,
"Not. I danced with Porcupine",
rekao je Norman.
Norman said.
"Jesi li uredu?" upita Jim.
"Are you okay?" asked Jim.
"Pa… boli me,
"Well… it hurts,
ali vjerojatno ću se uskoro
but I probably will soon
osjećati bolje", rekao je Norman.
feel better," Norman said.
"Jesi li ti još uvijek mrzovoljan?"
"Are you still grumpy?"
„Da", rekao je Jim,
"Yes," said Jim,
„ali vjerojatno ću se i ja
"but I probably will too
uskoro osjećati bolje.
feel better soon.
Za sada moram biti mrzovoljan. ”
I have to be grumpy for now. "
"Divan je dan za biti mrzovoljan",
"It's a wonderful day to be grumpy,"
rekao je Norman.
Norman said.
Jim se složio.
Jim agreed.
I već se malo osjećao bolje.
And he was already feeling a little better.
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