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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 044

而家 講下 李孚同 審配 接 好頭 , 商量 妥當 之後 啊 , 審配 就 叫 人 立即 堆起 柴草 點着 火 , 發出信號 嘞 。 第 日 , 佢 又 喺 城樓 上 便 豎起 白旗 , 上 便 寫 住 冀州 百姓 投降 噉 幾個 大字 。 曹操 見到 就 話 喇 : 實 係 城裏 便 冇 糧 , 就 叫 啲 老弱 百姓 出 城 投降 , 後 便 必定 有兵 跟 尾 嘅 。 於是 曹操 就 叫 張 遼 、 徐晃 就 每人 各帶 三千 人馬 , 埋伏 喺 兩 便 。 曹操 就 騎 住 馬 , 打住 羅 傘 豎起 帥旗 就 嚟 到 城下 。 只見 城門 一開 , 嗰 啲 老百姓 就 扶老攜幼 揸 住 白旗 就 行出 嚟 嘞 喎 。 嗰 班 百姓 呀 啱 啱 出 完唧 , 啲 兵 呢 就 突然 跟 住 尾 衝出 嚟 。 曹操 叫 人 將面 紅旗 一舞 , 張 遼 、 徐晃 兩路 伏兵 一齊 出 嚟 亂 殺 啊 。 噉 城裏 便 啲 兵 就 唯有 縮 返入 去 啦 。 曹操 一拍 隻 馬 , 好似 飛 噉 啊 趕過去 。 佢 啱 啱 嚟 到 吊橋 邊 , 城裏 便 嗰 啲 箭 呀 好似 雨 噉 射落 嚟 。 有 支箭 咣聲 射中 曹操 嘅 頭盔 , 爭 啲 射穿 嗨 好險 啊 ! 嗰 班 將軍 急急 衝上 嚟 , 保護 住 曹操 退 返入 陣內 。 曹操 更衣 換馬 , 又 帶 住 一群 大將 嚟 到 進攻 袁 尚 嘅 營寨 。 袁尚 親自 出 嚟 迎敵 。 呢 個 時候 , 各路 軍馬 就 一齊 殺到 , 噉 兩 軍 混戰 一場 呢 就 打到 袁尚 大敗 。 袁尚 帶 住 殘兵 敗 卒 , 一直 退到 去 西山 呢 扎落 營寨 。 即刻 呢 , 又 派 人 去 催馬 延同 張 顗 嘅 部隊 呀 , 快 啲 趕 嚟 。 嗨 , 唉 袁尚 呀 都 仲 係 大碌墨 打更 烏卜卜 。 佢 都 唔 知 呀 原來 曹操 早就 使 呂曠同 呂翔 , 去 咗 招安 馬 延同 張 顗 咯 。 佢 兩個 一 投降 , 曹操 亦 封 佢 哋 做 列 侯 。 即日 就 進兵 攻打 西山 , 又 派 呂曠 、 呂翔 、 馬 延 、 張顗 四個 , 帶兵 去 截斷 袁 尚 嘅 運糧 道路 。 袁尚 知道 西山 守 唔 住 㗎 喇 , 漏夜 趯 咗 去 濫口 。 營寨 都 未曾 安好 唧 , 忽然 之間 , 四周圍 火光 四起 伏兵 齊 出 。 袁 尚 嘅 軍隊 呀 揦 手 唔 成勢 , 真 係 人 不及 甲 就 馬 不及 鞍 。 冚𠾴唥 潰散 晒 , 一直 退 咗 五十里 路 。 已經 搞 到 勢窮力竭 嘞 , 就 唯有 派 人 去 曹操 嗰 處 請求 投降 啦 。 曹操 呢 就 詐 諦 接受 佢 投降 喎 , 但 係 呢 , 喺 當晚 就 派 張 遼 、 徐晃去 劫營 。 打到 袁尚呀將 啲 大印 啊 、 儀仗 啊 、 衣甲 啊 、 物資 呀 都 掉 低 晒 , 一路 逃跑 去 到 中山 郡 。 中山 郡 嘅 郡 城 啊 , 就 係 而家 河北省 定縣 嘞 。 曹操 唔 追 佢 , 立即 回 軍 圍攻 冀州 。 許攸 呢 , 就 向 曹操 建議 掘開 漳河 嘅 堤岸 , 用水 嚟 浸 。 曹操 採納 佢 嘅 辦法 , 就 派 咗 兵 啊 , 喺 城外 掘 壕塹 , 周圍 四十里 。 審 配 喺 城樓 上 便 , 就 望見 曹 軍 喺 城外 掘塹 呀 , 之掘 得 好 淺 。 嚱 佢 偷笑 喎 :嚱嚱, 曹操 不過 想 掘開 堤岸 , 用 漳河 嘅 水 嚟 浸 冀州 城 啫 。 壕塹 深 就 浸 得到 , 你 掘 得 咁 淺 有 乜 用 呢 ? 噉 就 一 啲 都 唔 在意 就 毫不 戒備 。 點 知道 就 喺 當晚 , 曹操 增加 咗 成 十倍 兵力 , 搏命 咁 掘 , 到 咗 天光 嘅 時候 , 條 壕塹 呀 掘 到 二丈 闊 二丈 深 。 引 漳河 水 呀 灌入 嚟 當堂 浸到 冀州 城內 水深 幾尺 啊 。 嘿 , 呢 勻 弊 傢伙 咯 ! 大 水浸 咗 好多 日 , 城內 斷糧 喇 , 餓死 好多 兵士 。 辛 毗 呢 喺 城外 啊 用 支槍 , 挑起 繳獲 返 嚟 嘅 袁 尚 嘅 大印 啊 衣服 啊 噉 , 就 叫 城內 嘅 人 出 城 投降 。 嬲 到 審配 頭殼 生煙 , 即刻 就 派 人 將辛 毗 嘅 家屬 , 老 老 嫩嫩 八十 幾口 人捉 晒 嚟 , 就 喺 城樓 上 斬 死 佢 哋 , 將 佢 哋 嘅 人頭 呀 掉 咗 出城 。 啊 辛 毗 睇 住 自己 嘅 家屬 被 殺 , 喊 到 眼 都 出血 啊 。 審 配有 個 侄 叫做 審榮 啊 , 佢 一向 呢 同辛 毗 係 好 朋友 。 佢 見到 辛 毗 嘅 家屬 被害 個心 就 好 不忿 , 就 暗中 呢 寫 咗 封信 , 話 自己 要獻門 , 將 封信 就 綁 喺 箭 上 便 射 咗 落 城 。 啲 兵 仔 執到 封信 呢 , 就 交 咗 畀 辛 毗 啦 , 辛 毗 又 呈 畀 曹操 。 曹操 睇 咗 審 榮 嘅 獻 門 信 就 好 高興 。 即刻 傳令 三軍 , 攻破 冀州 城 之後 , 唔 准 殺害 袁氏 一門 老小 , 軍民 投降 嘅 一律 免死 噉 。 第日個 天一 光 , 審榮 就 大開 西門 放 曹兵 入城 。 好 喇 , 辛毗一鞭 隻 馬 , 首先 衝入 去 。 嗰 啲 兵 呀 好似 潮水 噉 啊 湧入 去 冀州 。 當時 審 配 喺 東南 城樓 上 便 , 弊 ! 見到 曹兵 已經 入城 嘞 , 就 帶 住 幾個 馬 軍落城 死戰 噃。 點知 撞 正 徐晃 。 審配 係 個 文人 嚟 嘅 嘛 就 點 係 手腳 呢 ? 畀 徐晃 啊 生擒活捉 , 綁 咗 佢 出 城 , 押 佢 返 去 大營 見 曹操 。 喺 半路 遇見 辛 毗 喇 , 哎呀 , 仇人見面 就 分外 眼明 。 辛 毗 嬲 到 咬牙切齒 , 用條 馬鞭 拂 噉 鞭 審配 個頭 。 斬頭 鬼 ! 今日 死 喇 你 ! 審配 好 硬 頸 , 佢 鬧 返 轉頭 話 : 辛 毗 你 呢 個 賊徒 ! 引 曹操 嚟 破 我 冀州 , 殺 你 唔 到 我 好 唔 忿 啊 ! 當徐晃 押 住 審配 嚟 見 曹操 嘅 時候 , 曹操 就 問 佢 話 嘞 : 你 知 唔 知道 邊個 獻門 嚟 接 我 㗎 ? 唔 知 。 係 你 個 侄 審榮獻門 㗎 ! 嗨 ! 小輩 衰到 噉 嘅 地步 呀 ! 前幾日 , 我 嚟 到 城下 , 點解 城內 嘅 弩箭 咁 多 呀 ? 吓 ? 恨少 啊 ! 恨少 啊 ! 先生 忠於 袁氏 , 唔 到 你 唔 係 噉 嘅 , 噉 而家 , 你 肯 唔 肯 投降 我 呢 ? 唔 投降 , 唔 投降 ! 辛 毗 見到 曹操 有 憐惜 審 配 嘅 意思 , 即刻 就 喊住 跪 喺 地 嚟 對 曹操 話 : 我 嘅 家屬 八十 幾口 人 , 全部 畀 呢 個 奸賊 殺害 , 請 丞相 斬 咗 佢 , 同 我 報仇雪恨 啊 ! 審配 話 嘞 : 我生 為 袁氏臣 , 死為 袁氏 鬼 ! 唔 似 你 哋 嗰 啲 阿諛奉承 嘅 奸賊 ! 你 要 斬 就 斬 要 殺 就 殺 啦 ! 於是 曹操 叫 刀斧手 拉 咗 佢 出去 。 臨 行刑 嘅 時候 , 審配 喝 嗰 個 劊子手 話 : 我 主公 喺 北方 , 我 唔 能夠 向 住 南 便 而 死 ! 講完 , 審配 向 住 北方 跪低 , 伸 長條 頸 聽 斬 。 斬 咗 審配 之後 , 曹操 見 佢 咁 忠義 , 就 吩咐 將 佢 葬 喺 城北 嚟 。 呢 個 時候 , 大家 嚟 請 曹操 入 城 。 曹操 啱 啱 要 起行 , 只見 刀斧手 擁住 一個 人 嚟 到 一 睇 , 原來 係 陳 琳 。 曹操 見到 佢 就 話 喇 : 當初 你 同 袁本初 作 嗰 篇 檄文 , 你數 我 嘅 罪狀 就 好 啦 , 為 咩 事要 污辱 到 我 嘅 祖父 同 父親 啊 ? 陳 琳點 回答 呢 ? 佢 話 : 箭在弦上 , 不得不 發 啊 ! 曹操 嘅 親信 都 話 要 殺 咗 陳 琳 。 但 係 曹操 呢 , 看重 佢 嘅 才學 , 仲 係 赦免 咗 佢 , 仲 任命 佢 做 從事 添 。 好 喇 , 而家 講下 曹操 佢 有 個 大 仔 , 叫做 曹丕 , 字子 桓 , 當時 呢 , 正 係 一十八歲 。 噉 曹丕 出世 嗰 陣 啊 , 係 有 一片 雲氣 , 青青 紫 紫 噉 顏色 嘅 。 圓氹 氹 好似 車篷 噉 , 覆蓋住 佢 間 屋 , 成日 都 唔 散 。 噉 啊 有 啲 識 睇 風水 嘅 人 呢 就 靜靜 對 曹操 話 : 呢 啲 呀 , 係 天子 氣 嚟 㗎 ! 令郎 第日 呀 貴不可言 啊 噉 。 噉 曹丕 八歲 嗰 陣 啊 已經 識得 作 文章 㗎 喇 。 才華 高超 豪邁 , 佢 個 學識 博古通今 , 騎馬 射箭 都 好 拿手 , 又 喜歡 擊劍 。 當 曹操 攻破 冀州 嘅 時候 呢 , 曹丕 正 係 跟隨 父親 喺 軍隊 嚟 。 呢 一日 , 佢 帶 住 一隊 隨身 軍 , 直筆 去 到 袁紹 個 住宅 , 落 咗 馬 , 揸 住 把 劍 行入 去 。 有個 將官 就 攔住 佢 話 : 丞相 有令 , 各人 一律 不准 進入 袁府 㗎 。 曹丕 都 唔 理 咁 多 , 喝 退個 將官 , 揸 住 把 劍 直入 後堂 。 入到 去 , 見到 有 兩個 婦女 攬 埋 一 嚿 喺 度 喊 噃。 曹丕 行前 一步 , 拔劍 出 嚟 正 係 想 殺 咗 佢 哋 , 誒 ? 突然 見到 紅光 滿目 噃 奇 喇 。 於是 曹丕 按住 把 劍 問 佢 哋 話 : 你 哋 係 咩 人 啊 ? 其中 一個 年紀 大 啲 個 婦女 就 話 : 妾 身 乃 係 袁將軍 嘅 妻子 劉氏 呀 。 噉 呢 個 女人 係 邊個 ? 佢 係 二 仔 袁 熙 嘅 妻子 甄氏 呀 。 因為 袁熙 外出 鎮守 幽州 , 甄氏 唔 肯去 咁 遠 , 所以 就 留 喺 呢 處 唧 。 曹丕 一手 拉 呢 個 女人 行埋 嚟 身邊 。 只見 佢 披頭散髮 , 塊面 又 污糟 。 曹丕 就 用 衫袖 抹 乾淨 佢 塊 面 一 睇 , 嘩 嗨 ! 原來 甄氏 呀 花容月貌 , 靚到 非常 嘅 。 於是 曹丕 就 對 劉氏話 喇 : 我 係 曹丞相 個 仔 , 我 可以 保護 你 哋 全家 你 哋 唔 使 憂慮 吓 。 講完 , 曹丕 就 叫 人 搬 張椅 嚟 , 按住 把 劍 坐 喺 大廳 處 。 而家 再 講下 曹操 , 佢 統率 一班 將領 進入 冀州 城 。 就 嚟 行入 城門 嘞 , 許攸一 拍 隻 馬 , 跑 快 幾步 就 嚟 到 曹操 身邊 。 用條 馬鞭 指住 城門 對 曹操 話 : 阿瞞 。 咦 ? 乜 直情 嗌 曹操 個 乳名 喎 。 阿瞞 , 你 如果 唔 得 我 呀 , 點入 到 呢 道門 呀 吓 ? 曹操 哈哈大笑 啊 。 但 係 嗰 班 將領 聽 咗 呀 , 人人 個心 都 好 不忿 啊 。 噉 曹操 行過 袁紹 住宅 嘅 門口 佢 問 嘞 : 有 邊個 入 過去 呀 ? 守 門口 個 衛士 回答 話 : 世子 喺 裏 便 嚟 呀 。 所謂 世子 乃 係指 諸侯 嘅 親生 仔 繼承人 咯 。 嗯 ? 乜 曹丕 入 咗 去 咩 ? 曹操 唔 高興 嘞 , 就 嗌 佢 出 嚟 想 責備 佢 。 劉氏 即刻 出 嚟 跪 喺 處 對 曹操 話 : 如果 唔 係 世子 喺 處 , 就 保 唔 住 妾 身 全家 咯 。 妾 身 願意 奉獻 甄氏 嚟 服侍 世子 。 曹操 就 話 要 見 下 甄氏 。 甄氏 行出 嚟 , 跪 喺 地下 行禮 。 曹操 睇 下 佢 就 話 喇 : 哦 ! 真 係 我 嘅 好心 抱 啊 ! 於是 就 叫 曹丕 收 咗 佢 喎 。 呢 啲 呢 就 放落 唔 講 佢 喇 。 噉 曹操 平定 咗 冀州 之後 啊 , 有 一日 , 佢 親自 去 到 袁紹 嘅 墳墓 嗰 處 祭奠 一番 。 佢 再拜 行禮 , 喊 得 好 淒涼 。 佢 對 嗰 班 官員 話 : 往日 , 我同 本初 一齊 起兵 嘅 時候 , 本初 曾經 問過 我 話 , 將來 如果 各路 諸侯 彼此 不 和 , 你 話 搵 邊個 地方 嚟 作為 根據 好 呢 噉 。 我 就 反問 佢 話 : 足下 嘅 意思 點啊 ? 本初 話 嘞 : 我南據 黃河 , 北阻 燕代 , 兼有 沙漠 之眾 , 向南 進兵 以 爭霸 天下 , 噉 得 唔 得 呢 ? 當時 我 就 話 : 我要 搜羅 天下 有 才學 嘅 人 , 充分發揮 佢 哋 嘅 聰明才智 , 以 天道 嚟 治理 一切 , 噉 就 處處 都 可以 作為 根據地 嘅 。 唉 , 呢 番 說話 , 就 好似 昨日 講 嘅 噉 啊 。 但 係 本初 已經 逝世 咯 , 我 不禁 為 佢 流 起 眼淚 嚟 呀 。 大家 聽 咗 曹操 呢 一番 說話 都 十分 感慨 。 收尾 , 曹操 送 咗 好多 金銀 、 布匹 、 糧食 畀 袁紹 嘅 妻子 劉氏 。 曹操 仲落 咗 個 命令 : 因為 河北地區 嘅 居民 啊 , 遭受 戰爭 嘅 災難 , 就 免收 今年 嘅 租稅 噉 。 同時 呢 , 又 寫 咗 一份 奏章 報告 朝廷 , 由 曹操 自己 嚟 兼任 冀州 牧 , 就 係 冀州 嘅 最高 軍政 長官 。 又 有 一日 , 許褚 騎住 匹馬 ,𠽤𠽤𡃈𡃈 噉 行入 東門 。 咁 啱 撞見 許攸 , 許攸 就 嗌 住 許褚話 嘞 : 喂 ! 你 哋 冇 咗 我 呀 , 點 能夠 喺 呢 道 城門 出出入入 啊 吓 ? 許褚 發火 嘞 : 哼 ! 我 哋 出生入死 , 身冒 血戰 , 奪取 到 城池 , 你 誇 乜嘢 口 咁 大膽 啊 ! 你 哋 只 係 一身 牛力 , 算 得 乜嘢 吖 ? 許褚 畀 佢 激 到 呀 肚 都 爆 , 嬲 起 上 嚟 一劍 就 殺 咗 許攸 , 割 咗 佢 嘅 頭 ,攞 住 嚟 見 曹操 。 話許 攸 如何 如何 無禮 , 我 已經 殺 咗 佢 喇 噉 。 嘿 , 乜 噉 搞法 㗎 , 曹操 就 話 喇 : 唉 佢 同 我 係 老朋友 , 所以 講下 笑 啫 , 點解 要 殺 佢 呢 ? 但 係 唔 殺 都 殺 咗 咯 , 唯有 鬧許 褚 一餐 , 然後 叫 人 好 隆重 噉 葬 咗 許攸 係 啦 。 曹操 啊 , 就 為 咗 要 管好 冀州 , 就 叫 人 到處 咁 去 訪問 下 睇 下 有 咩 好 嘅 人才 。 有人 介紹 佢 話 , 有 一位 騎 都尉 崔琰 , 佢 係 有 本事 㗎 。 皆 因好 幾次 向 袁紹 獻計 , 袁紹 都 冇 聽 佢 話 , 噉 佢 就 藉口 有 病 喺 屋企 冇 出 嚟 做事 唧 。 曹操 聽 咗 , 即刻 就 召 崔琰 嚟 , 任命 佢 做 本州 嘅 別 駕 從事 。 曹操 對 佢 講 喇 : 昨日 , 我查 咗 一下 本州 嘅 戶籍 , 總共 有卅 幾萬人 , 啊 , 都 可謂 大州 咯 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 崔琰 話 : 當前 天下 紛崩 , 九州 幅裂 , 袁氏 兩 兄弟 互相 爭權 , 使到 冀州 百姓 無以 為生 , 暴骨 於 原野 。 但 係 丞相 你並 唔 着 緊去 關心 百姓 嘅 生活 , 去 解救 佢 哋 瀕於 死亡 嘅 困境 , 反而 首先 去 計較 戶籍 嘅 多少 , 噉 唔 通 本州 嘅 民 眾 對 明 公 嘅 希望 , 就 係 噉 嘅 啫 咩 ? 哦 ! 多謝 先生 指教 ! 曹操 立即 好 嚴肅 噉 , 多謝 崔琰 對 佢 嘅 批評 , 將崔琰 呀 當作 上賓 噉 嚟 款待 呀 。 噉 曹操 平定 咗 冀州 之後 呢 , 就 派 人 去 探聽 袁 譚 嘅 消息 。 呢 個 時候 啊 , 袁譚 做 緊 乜嘢 呢 ? 袁譚 正在 帶住 支 人馬 , 喺 甘陵 、 安平 、 渤海 、 河間 呢 一帶 地區 進行 劫掠 。 袁譚 聽聞 話 袁尚 打敗仗 趯 咗 去 中山 郡 , 就 帶兵 去 攻 佢 。 袁尚 都 無心 戰鬥 喇 , 直情 趯 去 幽州 投奔 袁熙 。 袁譚 呢 , 噉 啊 收編 晒 袁 尚 嘅 軍隊 。 嗱, 噉 兵力 一 雄厚 咗 啊 , 佢 又 想 去 收復 冀州 咧 。 曹操 當時 知道 咗 袁 譚 嘅 去向 , 就 使 人 去 召 佢 嚟 。 哈 , 點知 袁譚 呢 趟 唔 聽 笛 喇 唔 肯 嚟 。 曹操 噉 就 嬲 啦 , 寫 咗 封信 去 畀 袁譚 聲明 取消 以前 所 定 嘅 婚約 。 跟 住 曹操 親自 率領 大軍 去 打 佢 , 一直 逼近 中原 。 袁譚 聽講 曹操 自己 帶兵 嚟 到 , 即刻 就 派 人 去 搵 劉表 求救 嘞 喎 。 劉表 呢 就 請 埋 劉備 嚟 商量 。 劉備 話 嘞 : 而家 曹操 已經 奪取 咗 冀州 , 兵勢 正盛 。 袁氏 兄弟 睇 嚟 冇 幾耐 就 必定會 畀 曹操 捉住 , 救 佢 冇 乜 好處 吖 。 何況 , 曹操 素來 都 想 打 荊 襄 嘅 主意 嘅 , 所以 我 哋 仲 係 喺 度 養精蓄銳 , 守住 自己 嘅 地方 好 。 唔 好 亂 咁 起兵 呀 。 劉表 話 嘞 : 噉 我 哋 點樣 推辭 佢 好 呢 ? 誒 , 噉 可以 分別 寫信 畀 袁氏 兄弟 , 以 和解 為名 , 講得 婉轉 啲 , 推 咗 佢 就 得 啦 。 哦 , 冇 錯 冇 錯 , 噉 等 我 寫信 啦 。 於是 劉表 啊 就 分別 寫信 畀 袁譚 、 袁尚 , 勸 佢 哋 兩 兄弟 要 顧念 手足之情 , 和 好 團結 , 共同 對付 曹操 噉 。 袁譚 收到 劉表 個信 , 知道 劉表 唔 想 發兵 嘞 , 又 諗 住 自己 點都 打 唔 過 曹操 㗎 , 就 放棄 咗 平原 , 轉移 去 南皮 就 實行 堅守 。 南平 啊 , 係 喺 河北省 嘅 東南部 嚟 。 噉 曹操 一路 追到 去 南皮 。 當 其時 天寒地凍 , 啲 河道 結晒冰 , 運糧 船 唔 行得 。 於是 曹操 就 下令 喇 , 要 征集 當地 嘅 百姓 做 民夫 , 鑿冰 拉船 。 啲 老百姓 聽見 噉 嘅 命令 , 嘩 一下 就 趯 走 晒 匿 埋 噃。 曹操 發火 嘞 , 就 想 派兵 去 搜捕 啲 百姓 , 捉到 返 嚟 就要 殺 噉 。 啲 老百姓 聽到 呢 個 消息 , 唉 死 啦 , 就 唯有 返 嚟 走 去 兵營 自首 嘞 。 曹操 對 佢 哋 話 : 我 唔 殺 你 哋 呢 , 就 號令 不行 ; 如果 殺 咗 你 哋 , 啊 我 又 於心不忍 。 你 哋 快 啲 趯 上山 匿 埋 啦 , 唔 好 畀 我 啲 士兵 捉到 你 哋 , 去 , 去 啦 ! 哦 ? 有 啲 噉 嘢 㗎 ? 啲 老百姓 流住 眼淚 叩 咗 幾個 頭快 啲 走 人 咯 。 好 喇 , 而家 講下 袁譚 喇 , 佢 帶兵 出城同 曹兵 對敵 。 兩陣 對圓 , 曹操 出馬 用條 馬鞭 指住 袁譚 鬧 佢 話 : 我待 你 咁 好 , 你 點解 要 變心 呀 ? 呸 ! 你 個 奸賊 ! 你 侵犯 我個 境界 , 搶奪 我個 城池 , 逃賴 我個 妻子 , 你仲 反而 話 我 變心 ? 曹操 嬲 嘞 , 派 徐晃 出馬 。 袁譚 啊 叫 彭安 迎戰 。 兩個 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 徐晃 一刀斬 咗 彭安 落馬 。 袁譚 唔 夠打 就 退 咗 入 去 南皮 閂 實 城門 。 曹操 呀 指揮 軍馬 , 將 南皮 成個 氹 氹 𡃈 圍到 鐵桶 咁 實 。 袁譚 慌 嘞 , 就 派 辛評 去 見 曹操 , 要 請求 投降 。 曹操 話 嘞 : 袁譚 呢 個 小子 , 反覆無常 , 我 信 佢 唔 過 ! 你 嘅 細 佬 辛 毗 我 已經 重用 佢 咯 , 你 亦 都 留 喺 度 算 咯 。 辛評 話 : 丞相 你 噉 講就錯 喇 。 常言 有話 : 主貴臣榮 , 主憂臣辱 。 我為 袁氏 做 咗 咁 耐 , 點 能夠 背叛 佢 呢 ? 曹操 諗 住 留 辛評 唔 住 㗎 喇 , 就 叫 佢 返 扯 。 辛評 返到 去 , 對 袁 譚話 曹操 唔 肯 接受 投降 啊 噉 。 哈 ! 袁譚 鬧 佢 喎 : 哼 ! 你 細佬而家 係 同 曹操 做事 。 睇 嚟 , 你 亦 係 唔 得 忠心 嘅 ! 哈 ? 啊 ! 辛評 一聽 當堂 激到暈 咗 ,𢴈 喺 地下 嚟 。 袁譚 就 叫 人 扶出去 , 冇 幾耐 辛評 就 死 咗 嘞 。 袁譚 亦 有 啲 後悔 , 不過 人 都 死 咗 咯 , 後悔 亦 冇 用 啦 。 郭圖 就 嚟 獻計 , 佢 對 袁 譚 話 : 聽日 , 我 哋 趕 晒 啲 百姓 行先 打頭陣 , 兵士 跟 住 尾 , 一 於 同 曹操 決一死戰 啦 。 袁譚 已經 行到 冇 棋行 嘞 , 幾大 就 幾大 啦 。 當晚 , 拉晒 南皮 城內 嗰 啲 百姓 嚟 , 一人 畀 支槍 佢 或者 畀 把 刀 佢 , 要 佢 哋 聽候 命令 出 城 打仗 。 第二 朝早 蒙蒙 光 , 四道 城門 一齊 打開 , 趕 啲 老百姓 在 前 打頭陣 就 士兵 在 后 。 喎 嗬 殺 啊 ! 噉 啊 一齊 衝出去 , 直筆 衝到 去 曹 軍 嘅 營寨 。 嘩 兩 軍 混戰 起 嚟 呀 , 從 辰時 打 到 午時 。 即 係 由 上午 八點 左右 一直 打 到 中午 , 仲 係 勝負 未 分 。 之 兩方 嘅 人馬 呢 , 已經 死到 遍地 都 係 。 曹操 見 打 咗 咁 耐仲 未曾 全勝 , 就 落 咗 馬 , 上去 山上 便 親自 擊鼓 喎 。 全軍 將士 見到 丞相 呀 親自 擊鼓 唄 , 嘿 呀 人人 精神振奮 , 搏命 向前 , 打到 袁 軍 大敗 嘞 呢 趟 。 百姓 就 更慘 咯 , 被 殺死 㗎 不計其數 啊 。 曹洪越 打越 精神 , 發起 威 , 突入 袁 軍 兵陣 , 就 撞 正 袁譚 , 舉刀 亂 斬 啊 , 袁譚 呢 , 噉 就 畀 曹洪 殺死 咗 嘞 。 郭圖 見到 陣腳大亂 , 急急 拍馬 跑 返入 城 。 樂進 眼快 嘞 , 一箭 射過去 , 噼啪 噉 , 將郭圖 連人 帶馬射 咗 落條 護城河 處死 咗 咯 。 戰鬥 結束 嘞 , 曹操 帶兵 入 城 , 安撫 百姓 啦 。 忽然間 , 有 一彪 軍馬 嚟 到 。 原來 係 袁熙 部下 嘅 將官 焦觸 同張 南 。 曹操 即刻 帶兵 迎上去 。 哦 , 焦觸 同張 南 唔 係 嚟 打仗 嘅 , 係 嚟 投降 嘅 。 曹操 好 歡喜 , 封 佢 哋 做 列 侯 。 同時 呢 , 又 有 個 黑山 嘅 賊寇 呀 叫做 張燕 , 帶 咗 十萬人 嚟 投降 。 曹操 呢 就 封 佢 做 平北 將軍 。 呢 啲 呢 就 暫時 唔 講 佢 嘞 。 而家 講下 曹操 啊 佢 入 城 之後 呢 , 就 下令 將袁 譚 嘅 首級 掛起 嚟 號令 , 邊個 敢 嚟 喊 嘅 就 斬 ! 袁譚 個人 頭 掛 喺 北 門外 便 。 哈 , 點 知道 有 個人 唔 怕死 喎 , 着 住 孝服 , 居然 走 去 跪 喺 袁 譚 嘅 人頭 下 便 喊 啊 。 啲 衛兵 就 拉 咗 佢 嚟 見 曹操 啦 , 曹操 審問 佢 。 原來 呢 個人 喇 , 係 青州 別駕 王修 。 佢 啊 因 為 勸諫 袁譚 , 袁譚 啊 唔 聽 佢 勸 將 佢 趕走 咗 嘅 。 而 家 佢 知道 袁譚 死 咗 , 所以 係 特意 走 嚟 喊 佢 嘅 。 曹操 問 : 你 知 唔 知道 我 嘅 命令 啊 ? 知道 。 你 唔 怕死 呀 ? 我 係 佢 屬下 嘅 官員 , 佢 死 咗 , 我 唔 嚟 喊 佢 , 誒 乃 係 不義呀 。 因為 怕死 而 不義 , 仲點 做人 啦 ? 如果 畀 我 收葬 袁 譚 嘅 屍體 , 就算 係 殺 咗 我 我 死 而 無恨 啊 。 啊 ! 啊 ! 河北 嘅 義士 , 為 咩 嘢 事 咁 多 㗎 ? 啊 , 可惜 袁氏 唔 會 用 佢 哋 呀 , 如果 好好 地 噉 使用 佢 哋 , 我仲點 敢 正眼 望一望 冀州 呢 ? 於是 曹操 就 下令 將袁 譚 嘅 屍體 安葬 好 。 將王修 當作 上賓 嚟 款待 , 任命 佢 做 司 金 中郎將 。 曹操 就 問 佢 : 而家 袁尚 已經 投奔 袁熙 嘞 , 請問 用 乜嘢 計策 去 攻 佢 好 呢 吓 ? 王修 唔 回答 。 曹操 話 : 忠臣 啊 ! 忠臣 啊 ! 噉 曹操 就 再 唔 問王修 。 佢 問 郭 嘉 。 郭嘉 就 話 : 最好 派 袁 氏 嘅 降 將 焦觸 同張 南 佢 哋 去 打 返 佢 就 啱 。 曹操 聽 佢 話 , 跟 住 就 派 焦觸 、 張南 、 呂曠 、 呂翔 、 馬 延 、 張顗 , 各自 率領 本部 兵馬 , 分 三路 去 進攻 幽州 。 另外 呢 , 又 派 李典 、 樂進 , 會同 張燕 一齊 呀 去 並州 攻打 高幹 。

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而家 講下 李孚同 審配 接 好頭 , 商量 妥當 之後 啊 , 審配 就 叫 人 立即 堆起 柴草 點着 火 , 發出信號 嘞 。 now|talk about||Shen Pei|receive|good news|discuss|properly|after|ah|Shen Pei|then|called|people|immediately|pile up|firewood|light|fire||past action particle Now let's talk about Li Fu and Shen Pei meeting at the beginning. After discussing and agreeing, Shen Pei instructed people to immediately stack up the firewood and light a fire to send a signal. 第 日 , 佢 又 喺 城樓 上 便 豎起 白旗 , 上 便 寫 住 冀州 百姓 投降 噉 幾個 大字 。 the|day|he|again|at|city tower|on|then|raised|white flag|on|then|wrote|with|Jizhou|common people|surrender|like this|several|large characters The next day, he raised a white flag on the city tower, with the big characters written on it saying that the people of Jizhou surrender. 曹操 見到 就 話 喇 : 實 係 城裏 便 冇 糧 , 就 叫 啲 老弱 百姓 出 城 投降 , 後 便 必定 有兵 跟 尾 嘅 。 Cao Cao|saw|then|said|particle indicating completed action|really|is|in the city|then|have not|grain|then|ordered|particle indicating plural|elderly and weak|common people|exit|city|surrender|later|then|definitely||following|tail|particle indicating possession Cao Cao saw this and said: 'Indeed, there is no food in the city, so he called the old and weak people to come out and surrender, and there will definitely be soldiers following behind.' 於是 曹操 就 叫 張 遼 、 徐晃 就 每人 各帶 三千 人馬 , 埋伏 喺 兩 便 。 then|Cao Cao|then|ordered|Zhang|Liao||then|each person||three thousand|troops|ambush|at|two|sides So Cao Cao ordered Zhang Liao and Xu Huang to each take three thousand troops and ambush on both sides. 曹操 就 騎 住 馬 , 打住 羅 傘 豎起 帥旗 就 嚟 到 城下 。 Cao Cao|then|riding|firmly|horse|hitting|Luo|umbrella|raising|general's flag|just|coming|to|under the city wall Cao Cao rode on his horse, holding a parasol to raise the command flag and came to the foot of the city. 只見 城門 一開 , 嗰 啲 老百姓 就 扶老攜幼 揸 住 白旗 就 行出 嚟 嘞 喎 。 only saw|city gate|opened|those|plural marker|common people|then|supporting the elderly and carrying the young|holding|particle indicating continuous action|white flag|then|walked out|here|past action particle|sentence-final particle As soon as the city gate opened, the common people, old and young, holding white flags, walked out. 嗰 班 百姓 呀 啱 啱 出 完唧 , 啲 兵 呢 就 突然 跟 住 尾 衝出 嚟 。 that|group|common people|particle|||go out|finished|plural marker|soldiers|particle|then|suddenly|||rear|charge out|come Just as those people had just come out, the soldiers suddenly charged out behind them. 曹操 叫 人 將面 紅旗 一舞 , 張 遼 、 徐晃 兩路 伏兵 一齊 出 嚟 亂 殺 啊 。 Cao Cao|ordered|people||red flag||Zhang|Liao||two flanks|ambush troops|together|came|to|wildly|kill|ah Cao Cao ordered someone to wave the red flag, and the ambush troops led by Zhang Liao and Xu Huang rushed out to kill. 噉 城裏 便 啲 兵 就 唯有 縮 返入 去 啦 。 then|in the city|then|more|soldiers|then|only|shrink|retreat|inside|sentence-final particle So the soldiers inside the city had no choice but to retreat back in. 曹操 一拍 隻 馬 , 好似 飛 噉 啊 趕過去 。 Cao Cao|with a slap|measure word for animals|horse|seems like|flying|like that|particle|rushed over Cao Cao spurred his horse, as if flying, and rushed over. 佢 啱 啱 嚟 到 吊橋 邊 , 城裏 便 嗰 啲 箭 呀 好似 雨 噉 射落 嚟 。 he|||coming|||||||||||||| He just arrived at the suspension bridge, and arrows in the city were raining down like rain. 有 支箭 咣聲 射中 曹操 嘅 頭盔 , 爭 啲 射穿 嗨 好險 啊 ! there is||loud sound|hit|Cao Cao|possessive particle|helmet|||penetrate|exclamation|lucky|particle expressing surprise An arrow struck Cao Cao's helmet with a loud bang, almost piercing through it, that was close! 嗰 班 將軍 急急 衝上 嚟 , 保護 住 曹操 退 返入 陣內 。 that|group|generals|urgently|rushed up|here|protect|continuously|Cao Cao|retreat|return|inside the formation The generals rushed up to protect Cao Cao and retreat back into the formation. 曹操 更衣 換馬 , 又 帶 住 一群 大將 嚟 到 進攻 袁 尚 嘅 營寨 。 Cao Cao|change clothes|change horses|again|||a group of|generals|||attack|||possessive particle|camp Cao Cao changed his clothes and horse, and led a group of generals to attack Yuan Shang's camp. 袁尚 親自 出 嚟 迎敵 。 Yuan Shang|personally|come|here|to meet the enemy Yuan Shang personally came out to meet the enemy. 呢 個 時候 , 各路 軍馬 就 一齊 殺到 , 噉 兩 軍 混戰 一場 呢 就 打到 袁尚 大敗 。 this|measure word|time|all routes|cavalry|then|together|charged in|then|two|armies|melee|one||then|fought until|Yuan Shang|was defeated At this time, various troops charged together, and the two armies engaged in a chaotic battle, resulting in a great defeat for Yuan Shang. 袁尚 帶 住 殘兵 敗 卒 , 一直 退到 去 西山 呢 扎落 營寨 。 Yuan Shang|lead|with|remaining soldiers|defeated|troops|continuously|retreated to|the|Western Mountain|particle indicating a question or emphasis|settled|camp Yuan Shang, leading the remnants of his defeated soldiers, retreated all the way to the western mountains and set up camp. 即刻 呢 , 又 派 人 去 催馬 延同 張 顗 嘅 部隊 呀 , 快 啲 趕 嚟 。 immediately|question particle|again|send|people|to|urge the horse|Yan Tong|Zhang|Yi|possessive particle|troops|exclamatory particle|quickly|comparative particle|arrive|here Immediately, he sent someone to urge Ma Yan and Zhang Yi's troops to hurry up and come. 嗨 , 唉 袁尚 呀 都 仲 係 大碌墨 打更 烏卜卜 。 Hi|sigh|Yuen Seung|particle|also|still|is|very dark|night watchman|very black Oh, sigh, Yuan Shang is still in a big mess. 佢 都 唔 知 呀 原來 曹操 早就 使 呂曠同 呂翔 , 去 咗 招安 馬 延同 張 顗 咯 。 he|also|not|know|particle|originally|Cao Cao|long ago|sent||Lü Xiang|go|past tense marker|pacification|Ma||Zhang|Yi|particle He doesn't even know that Cao Cao had already sent Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang to persuade Ma Yan and Zhang Yi. 佢 兩個 一 投降 , 曹操 亦 封 佢 哋 做 列 侯 。 he|two|one|surrendered|Cao Cao|also|granted|them|plural marker|made|marquis|lord The two surrendered, and Cao Cao also granted them the title of Marquis. 即日 就 進兵 攻打 西山 , 又 派 呂曠 、 呂翔 、 馬 延 、 張顗 四個 , 帶兵 去 截斷 袁 尚 嘅 運糧 道路 。 that day|then|advance troops|attack|Xishan|also|send|Lue Kuang|Lue Xiang|||Zhang Yi|four|lead troops|to|cut off|||possessive particle|supply of grain|road On the same day, he advanced his troops to attack Xishan, and sent four people, Lü Kuang, Lü Xiang, Ma Yan, and Zhang Yi, to lead troops to cut off Yuan Shang's supply routes. 袁尚 知道 西山 守 唔 住 㗎 喇 , 漏夜 趯 咗 去 濫口 。 Yuen Seung|knows|Sai Shan|guard|not|able to|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating past action|late at night|hurriedly|past tense marker|go|Lam Hau Yuan Shang knew that Xishan could not be defended, so he hurriedly fled to Lankou at night. 營寨 都 未曾 安好 唧 , 忽然 之間 , 四周圍 火光 四起 伏兵 齊 出 。 camp|all|not yet|settled|sound of a whistle|suddenly|in between|all around|firelight|rising|ambush troops|together|came out The camp had not yet been properly set up when suddenly, fires broke out all around and ambush troops emerged. 袁 尚 嘅 軍隊 呀 揦 手 唔 成勢 , 真 係 人 不及 甲 就 馬 不及 鞍 。 Yuan|Shang|possessive particle|army|exclamatory particle|raise|hand|not|successful|really|is|person|not as good as|armor|then|horse|not as good as|saddle Yuan Shang's army was in disarray, truly unable to match the armor, just as the horse could not match the saddle. 冚𠾴唥 潰散 晒 , 一直 退 咗 五十里 路 。 to cover up|to collapse|completely|continuously|retreated|past tense marker|fifty miles|road The situation has completely collapsed, and we have retreated fifty miles. 已經 搞 到 勢窮力竭 嘞 , 就 唯有 派 人 去 曹操 嗰 處 請求 投降 啦 。 already|||desperate|past tense particle|then|only|send|people|to|Cao Cao|that|place|request|surrender|sentence-final particle We are already exhausted, so we can only send someone to Cao Cao to request surrender. 曹操 呢 就 詐 諦 接受 佢 投降 喎 , 但 係 呢 , 喺 當晚 就 派 張 遼 、 徐晃去 劫營 。 Cao Cao|this|then|deceive|truly|accept|his|surrender|particle indicating realization|||this|at|that night|then|sent|Zhang|Liao||raid the camp Cao Cao pretended to accept their surrender, but that night, he sent Zhang Liao and Xu Huang to raid the camp. 打到 袁尚呀將 啲 大印 啊 、 儀仗 啊 、 衣甲 啊 、 物資 呀 都 掉 低 晒 , 一路 逃跑 去 到 中山 郡 。 hit||plural marker|great seal|particle|ceremonial guard|particle|armor|particle|supplies|particle|all|||completely|all the way|fled|||Zhongshan|county They fought until Yuan Shang's side dropped their seals, ceremonial items, armor, and supplies, fleeing all the way to Zhongshan County. 中山 郡 嘅 郡 城 啊 , 就 係 而家 河北省 定縣 嘞 。 Zhongshan|county|possessive particle|||sentence-final particle|then|is|now|Hebei Province|Ding County|past action particle The county city of Zhongshan County is now Ding County in Hebei Province. 曹操 唔 追 佢 , 立即 回 軍 圍攻 冀州 。 Cao Cao|not|pursue|him|immediately|return|army|besiege|Jizhou Cao Cao did not pursue him, and immediately returned to besiege Jizhou. 許攸 呢 , 就 向 曹操 建議 掘開 漳河 嘅 堤岸 , 用水 嚟 浸 。 Xu You|this|then|to|Cao Cao|suggested|to dig open|Zhang River|possessive particle|embankment|using water|to|flood As for Xu You, he suggested to Cao Cao to dig open the dam of the Zhang River and use the water to flood. 曹操 採納 佢 嘅 辦法 , 就 派 咗 兵 啊 , 喺 城外 掘 壕塹 , 周圍 四十里 。 Cao Cao|adopted|his||strategy|then|sent|past tense marker|troops|sentence-final particle|at|outside the city|dug|trenches|around|forty li Cao Cao adopted his method and sent troops to dig trenches outside the city, surrounding it for forty miles. 審 配 喺 城樓 上 便 , 就 望見 曹 軍 喺 城外 掘塹 呀 , 之掘 得 好 淺 。 examine|match|at|city tower|on|then|just|saw|Cao|army|at|outside the city|digging a trench|particle||to|very|shallow Shen Pei was on the city tower and saw Cao's army digging trenches outside the city, but they were digging very shallow. 嚱 佢 偷笑 喎 :嚱嚱, 曹操 不過 想 掘開 堤岸 , 用 漳河 嘅 水 嚟 浸 冀州 城 啫 。 haha|he|secretly laughed|particle indicating realization|haha|Cao Cao|but|wants|to dig open|embankment|to use|Zhang River|possessive particle|water|to come|to soak|Jizhou|city|particle indicating limitation He couldn't help but chuckle: Haha, Cao Cao just wants to dig open the dam and use the water from the Zhang River to flood Jizhou city. 壕塹 深 就 浸 得到 , 你 掘 得 咁 淺 有 乜 用 呢 ? trench|deep|then|submerged|get|you|dig|to|so|shallow|have|what|use|question particle The trench is deep enough to be submerged, what use is it if you dig it so shallow? 噉 就 一 啲 都 唔 在意 就 毫不 戒備 。 then|just|one|a little|all|not|care about|then|not at all|guarded Then you wouldn't care at all and would be completely unguarded. 點 知道 就 喺 當晚 , 曹操 增加 咗 成 十倍 兵力 , 搏命 咁 掘 , 到 咗 天光 嘅 時候 , 條 壕塹 呀 掘 到 二丈 闊 二丈 深 。 how|to know|then|at|that night|Cao Cao|increased|past tense marker|totally|tenfold|troop strength|desperately|so|dug|arrived|past tense marker|dawn|possessive particle|time|measure word for long objects|trench|exclamatory particle|dug|reached|two zhang (a unit of measurement)|wide|two zhang|deep How did they know that on that night, Cao Cao increased his troops by ten times, digging desperately, and by dawn, the trench was two zhang wide and two zhang deep. 引 漳河 水 呀 灌入 嚟 當堂 浸到 冀州 城內 水深 幾尺 啊 。 divert|Zhang River|water|particle|flow in|come|right away|submerged|Jizhou|inside the city|water depth|several feet|particle They diverted the water from the Zhang River to flood the city of Jizhou, making the water inside several feet deep. 嘿 , 呢 勻 弊 傢伙 咯 ! 大 水浸 咗 好多 日 , 城內 斷糧 喇 , 餓死 好多 兵士 。 hey|this|even|bad|guy|particle|big|flood|past tense marker|many|days|in the city|food supply|particle|starve to death|many|soldiers Hey, what a troublesome situation! The flood has lasted many days, the city has run out of supplies, and many soldiers have starved to death. 辛 毗 呢 喺 城外 啊 用 支槍 , 挑起 繳獲 返 嚟 嘅 袁 尚 嘅 大印 啊 衣服 啊 噉 , 就 叫 城內 嘅 人 出 城 投降 。 Xin|Pi|this|at|outside the city|ah|use|gun|lift|captured|return|come|possessive particle|Yuan|Shang|possessive particle|great seal|ah|clothes|ah|like that|then|call|inside the city|possessive particle|people|exit|city|surrender Xin Bi used a gun outside the city to provoke the surrender of the people inside the city by displaying the large seal and clothes of Yuan Shang that he had captured. 嬲 到 審配 頭殼 生煙 , 即刻 就 派 人 將辛 毗 嘅 家屬 , 老 老 嫩嫩 八十 幾口 人捉 晒 嚟 , 就 喺 城樓 上 斬 死 佢 哋 , 將 佢 哋 嘅 人頭 呀 掉 咗 出城 。 angry|to|trial|head|smoking|immediately|then|send|people||Pi|possessive particle|family members|||young|eighty|||all|here|then|at|city tower|on|behead|dead|they|plural particle|to take|they|plural particle|possessive particle|heads|particle|throw|past tense marker| Furious, Shen Pei immediately sent people to capture Xin Bi's family, a total of over eighty elderly and young, and executed them on the city tower, throwing their heads out of the city. 啊 辛 毗 睇 住 自己 嘅 家屬 被 殺 , 喊 到 眼 都 出血 啊 。 ah|Xin|Pi|see|live|oneself|possessive particle|family members|by|killed|cry|until|eyes|all|bleed|ah Seeing his family being killed, Xin Bi cried until blood came out of his eyes. 審 配有 個 侄 叫做 審榮 啊 , 佢 一向 呢 同辛 毗 係 好 朋友 。 Sham||measure word for people|nephew|called|Sham Wing|ah|he|always|particle indicating a question||Pi|is|good|friends Shen Pei had a nephew named Shen Rong, who had always been a good friend of Xin Bi. 佢 見到 辛 毗 嘅 家屬 被害 個心 就 好 不忿 , 就 暗中 呢 寫 咗 封信 , 話 自己 要獻門 , 將 封信 就 綁 喺 箭 上 便 射 咗 落 城 。 he|saw|Xin|Pi|possessive particle|family|victimized|heart|then|very|indignant|then|secretly|this|wrote|past tense marker|letter|said|himself||then|letter|then|tied|at|arrow|on|then|shot|past tense marker|into|city Seeing the harm done to Xin Bi's family, he felt very indignant and secretly wrote a letter, saying he wanted to offer his life, and tied the letter to an arrow and shot it into the city. 啲 兵 仔 執到 封信 呢 , 就 交 咗 畀 辛 毗 啦 , 辛 毗 又 呈 畀 曹操 。 the|||picked up|letter|particle indicating a question|then|||to|||particle indicating completion|||again|presented|to|Cao Cao The soldiers received a letter and handed it over to Xin Pi, who then presented it to Cao Cao. 曹操 睇 咗 審 榮 嘅 獻 門 信 就 好 高興 。 Cao Cao|read|past tense marker|Shen|Rong|possessive particle|offering|door|letter|then|very|happy Cao Cao was very pleased after reading the letter from Shen Rong. 即刻 傳令 三軍 , 攻破 冀州 城 之後 , 唔 准 殺害 袁氏 一門 老小 , 軍民 投降 嘅 一律 免死 噉 。 immediately|issue orders|three armies|breach|Jizhou|city|after|not|allow|kill|Yuan family|whole family|old and young|military and civilians|surrender|possessive particle|all|exempt from death penalty|like that He immediately ordered the three armies that after breaking through the city of Jizhou, no one from the Yuan family, young or old, was to be harmed, and all civilians who surrendered would be granted amnesty. 第日個 天一 光 , 審榮 就 大開 西門 放 曹兵 入城 。 ||bright|a person's name|then|wide open|West Gate|let in|Cao's soldiers|enter the city The next day at dawn, Shen Rong opened the west gate wide to let Cao's troops enter the city. 好 喇 , 辛毗一鞭 隻 馬 , 首先 衝入 去 。 good|particle indicating completion||measure word for animals|horse|first|charge in|to go Alright, Xin Pi spurred his horse and was the first to charge in. 嗰 啲 兵 呀 好似 潮水 噉 啊 湧入 去 冀州 。 that|plural marker|soldiers|sentence-final particle|like|tide|like|sentence-final particle|surge into|to|Jizhou Those soldiers surged in like a tide into Guizhou. 當時 審 配 喺 東南 城樓 上 便 , 弊 ! 見到 曹兵 已經 入城 嘞 , 就 帶 住 幾個 馬 軍落城 死戰 噃。 at that time|examine|match|at|Southeast|city tower|on|then|oh no|seeing|Cao's troops|already|entered the city|past tense marker|then|||several|horse||fight to the death|particle indicating suggestion or emphasis At that time, Shen Pei was on the southeast city tower, and when he saw Cao's soldiers had already entered the city, he took a few cavalrymen down to fight to the death. 點知 撞 正 徐晃 。 unexpectedly|hit|just|Xu Huang Unexpectedly, he ran into Xu Huang. 審配 係 個 文人 嚟 嘅 嘛 就 點 係 手腳 呢 ? Shen Pei|is|a|scholar|come|past tense particle|question particle|then|how|is|hands and feet|question particle Shen Pei is a scholar, so how could he handle himself? 畀 徐晃 啊 生擒活捉 , 綁 咗 佢 出 城 , 押 佢 返 去 大營 見 曹操 。 give|Xu Huang|particle|capture alive|tie|past tense marker|he|out|city|escort|him|return|to|main camp|see|Cao Cao He was captured alive by Xu Huang, tied up, and taken out of the city to meet Cao Cao at the main camp. 喺 半路 遇見 辛 毗 喇 , 哎呀 , 仇人見面 就 分外 眼明 。 at|halfway|encountered|Xin|Pi|La|oh no||then|especially|alert On the way, I ran into Xin Pi, and oh my, seeing an enemy makes one particularly alert. 辛 毗 嬲 到 咬牙切齒 , 用條 馬鞭 拂 噉 鞭 審配 個頭 。 Xin|Pi|annoyed|to|gritting teeth||riding whip|flick|like that|whip|Shen Pei| Xin Pi was so angry that he gritted his teeth and used a horsewhip to lash at Shen Pei's head. 斬頭 鬼 ! 今日 死 喇 你 ! beheaded|ghost|today|die|past tense particle|you You head-chopper! You're dead today! 審配 好 硬 頸 , 佢 鬧 返 轉頭 話 : Shen Pui|very|hard|neck|he|scolded|back|turned around|said Shen Pei, being quite stubborn, turned around and said: 辛 毗 你 呢 個 賊徒 ! 引 曹操 嚟 破 我 冀州 , 殺 你 唔 到 我 好 唔 忿 啊 ! Xin|Pi|you|this|measure word|bandit|lure|Cao Cao|here|defeat|I|Jizhou|kill|you|not|able to|I|very|not|angry|ah Xin Pi, you thief! You brought Cao Cao to break my Jizhou, if I can't kill you, I will be very angry! 當徐晃 押 住 審配 嚟 見 曹操 嘅 時候 , 曹操 就 問 佢 話 嘞 : |||Shen Pei|came|to see|Cao Cao|possessive particle|time|Cao Cao|then|asked|him|words|past tense particle When Xu Huang brought Shen Pei to meet Cao Cao, Cao Cao asked him: 你 知 唔 知道 邊個 獻門 嚟 接 我 㗎 ? you||||who|Hsien Mun|come|pick up|me|question particle Do you know who opened the door to welcome me? 唔 知 。 not|know I don't know. 係 你 個 侄 審榮獻門 㗎 ! is|your|measure word for people|nephew|Sham Wing Hin Mun|sentence-final particle It was your nephew Shen Rong who opened the door! 嗨 ! 小輩 衰到 噉 嘅 地步 呀 ! Hi|junior|bad to the point of|like this|possessive particle|situation|sentence-final particle Oh! The younger generation has fallen to such a level! 前幾日 , 我 嚟 到 城下 , 點解 城內 嘅 弩箭 咁 多 呀 ? 吓 ? a few days ago|I|||outside the city|why|inside the city|possessive particle|crossbow bolts|||question particle|huh A few days ago, I came to the city, why are there so many crossbows in the city? 恨少 啊 ! 恨少 啊 ! hate less|ah|| So few! So few! 先生 忠於 袁氏 , 唔 到 你 唔 係 噉 嘅 , 噉 而家 , 你 肯 唔 肯 投降 我 呢 ? sir|loyal to|Yuan family|not|reach|you|||like that|particle|||you|willing|||surrender|me|question particle Sir, loyal to the Yuan family, if you are not like this, then now, are you willing to surrender to me? 唔 投降 , 唔 投降 ! not|surrender|not|surrender Not surrendering, not surrendering! 辛 毗 見到 曹操 有 憐惜 審 配 嘅 意思 , 即刻 就 喊住 跪 喺 地 嚟 對 曹操 話 : Xin|Pi|saw|Cao Cao|has|pity|Shen|Pei|possessive particle|intention|immediately|then|crying|kneeling|at|ground|come|to|Cao Cao|said When Xin Pi saw that Cao Cao had a sense of pity for Shen Pei, he immediately cried and knelt on the ground to say to Cao Cao: 我 嘅 家屬 八十 幾口 人 , 全部 畀 呢 個 奸賊 殺害 , 請 丞相 斬 咗 佢 , 同 我 報仇雪恨 啊 ! I|possessive particle|family|eighty||people|all|by|||scoundrel|killed|please|prime minister|behead|past tense marker|him|with|I|take revenge|exclamation particle My family has over eighty members, all of whom were killed by this villain. Please, Prime Minister, execute him and avenge me! 審配 話 嘞 : 我生 為 袁氏臣 , 死為 袁氏 鬼 ! 唔 似 你 哋 嗰 啲 阿諛奉承 嘅 奸賊 ! Shen Pei|said|past tense marker||as|Yuan Shichen||Yuan family|ghost|not|like|you|plural marker|those|particle|flattery|possessive particle|treacherous scoundrels Shen Pei said: I was born a servant of the Yuan family, and I will die a ghost of the Yuan family! Unlike you sycophantic villains! 你 要 斬 就 斬 要 殺 就 殺 啦 ! you|want|chop|then|chop|want|kill|then|kill|sentence final particle If you want to execute me, then do it! If you want to kill me, then kill me! 於是 曹操 叫 刀斧手 拉 咗 佢 出去 。 then|Cao Cao|called|executioner|pulled|past tense marker|him|outside So Cao Cao ordered the executioner to take him out. 臨 行刑 嘅 時候 , 審配 喝 嗰 個 劊子手 話 : 我 主公 喺 北方 , 我 唔 能夠 向 住 南 便 而 死 ! before|execution|possessive particle|time|Shen Pei|scolded|that|classifier|executioner|said|I|lord|at|north|I|not|able to|towards|live|south|easily|and|die At the moment of execution, Shen Pei shouted to the executioner: My lord is in the north, I cannot die facing south! 講完 , 審配 向 住 北方 跪低 , 伸 長條 頸 聽 斬 。 finished speaking|Shen Pei|towards|residing|north|knelt down|stretched|long|neck|listened|execution After speaking, Shen Pei knelt down facing north, stretching his neck to listen to the execution. 斬 咗 審配 之後 , 曹操 見 佢 咁 忠義 , 就 吩咐 將 佢 葬 喺 城北 嚟 。 executed|past tense marker|Shen Pei|after|Cao Cao|saw|him|so|loyal and righteous|then|ordered|to take|him|buried|at|north of the city|here After Shen Pei was executed, Cao Cao saw his loyalty and ordered him to be buried in the north of the city. 呢 個 時候 , 大家 嚟 請 曹操 入 城 。 this|measure word|time|everyone|come|invite|Cao Cao|enter|city At this time, everyone came to invite Cao Cao into the city. 曹操 啱 啱 要 起行 , 只見 刀斧手 擁住 一個 人 嚟 到 一 睇 , 原來 係 陳 琳 。 Cao Cao|||about to|set off|suddenly saw|executioner|holding|one|person|||a|look|originally|was|| Just as Cao Cao was about to set off, he saw executioners bringing a person over. It turned out to be Chen Lin. 曹操 見到 佢 就 話 喇 : 當初 你 同 袁本初 作 嗰 篇 檄文 , 你數 我 嘅 罪狀 就 好 啦 , 為 咩 事要 污辱 到 我 嘅 祖父 同 父親 啊 ? Cao Cao|saw|him|then|said|particle indicating completed action|at that time|you|with|Yuan Benchu|wrote|that|classifier for articles|memorial|you listed|my|possessive particle|crimes|then|fine|particle indicating completed action|for|what||insult|to|my|possessive particle|grandfather|and|father|particle indicating a question When Cao Cao saw him, he said: At the beginning, when you wrote that memorial with Yuan Benchu, you listed my crimes well, but why did you have to insult my grandfather and father? 陳 琳點 回答 呢 ? 佢 話 : Chan||to answer|question particle|he|said How did Chen Lin respond? He said: 箭在弦上 , 不得不 發 啊 ! |must|shoot|ah The arrow is on the string, it must be released! 曹操 嘅 親信 都 話 要 殺 咗 陳 琳 。 Cao Cao|possessive particle|trusted aide|all|said|want to|kill|past tense marker|Chen|Lin Cao Cao's trusted aides said they wanted to kill Chen Lin. 但 係 曹操 呢 , 看重 佢 嘅 才學 , 仲 係 赦免 咗 佢 , 仲 任命 佢 做 從事 添 。 |was||||him|||also||||him||||to be|engaged|additional particle However, Cao Cao valued his talents, so he pardoned him and appointed him as an official. 好 喇 , 而家 講下 曹操 佢 有 個 大 仔 , 叫做 曹丕 , 字子 桓 , 當時 呢 , 正 係 一十八歲 。 ||now|talk about|Cao Cao|he|has|a|big|son|named|Cao Pi|||at that time|particle|just|was|eighteen years old Alright, now let's talk about Cao Cao's eldest son, named Cao Pi, courtesy name Zihuan, who was eighteen years old at that time. 噉 曹丕 出世 嗰 陣 啊 , 係 有 一片 雲氣 , 青青 紫 紫 噉 顏色 嘅 。 then|Cao Pi|was born|that|time|particle|was|had|a piece of|cloudiness|greenish|||such|color|possessive particle At the time when Cao Pi was born, there was a cloud of colors, green and purple. 圓氹 氹 好似 車篷 噉 , 覆蓋住 佢 間 屋 , 成日 都 唔 散 。 round pond|pond|like|car cover|like|covering|it|measure word for house|house|all the time|also|not|scattered The round cloud looked like a canopy, covering his house, and it never dispersed. 噉 啊 有 啲 識 睇 風水 嘅 人 呢 就 靜靜 對 曹操 話 : 呢 啲 呀 , 係 天子 氣 嚟 㗎 ! then|particle|have|some|knowledgeable|reading|feng shui|possessive particle|people|particle|then|quietly|to|Cao Cao|said|this|particle|particle|is|emperor|aura|come|particle Some people who understood feng shui quietly told Cao Cao: These are the signs of a son of heaven! 令郎 第日 呀 貴不可言 啊 噉 。 your son|next day|particle|priceless|particle|like that Your son will be extraordinarily noble in the future. 噉 曹丕 八歲 嗰 陣 啊 已經 識得 作 文章 㗎 喇 。 then|Cao Pi|eight years old|that|time|particle|already|could|write|essay|particle|particle At the age of eight, Cao Pi was already able to compose essays. 才華 高超 豪邁 , 佢 個 學識 博古通今 , 騎馬 射箭 都 好 拿手 , 又 喜歡 擊劍 。 talent|exceptional|magnanimous|he|possessive particle|knowledge|well-versed in both ancient and modern times|horseback riding|archery|all|very|skilled|also|likes|fencing Talented and bold, he has extensive knowledge of both ancient and modern times, is skilled in horseback riding and archery, and also enjoys fencing. 當 曹操 攻破 冀州 嘅 時候 呢 , 曹丕 正 係 跟隨 父親 喺 軍隊 嚟 。 when|Cao Cao|conquered|Jizhou|possessive particle|time|particle indicating past action|Cao Pi|just|was|following|father|in|army|coming At the time when Cao Cao conquered Jizhou, Cao Pi was following his father in the army. 呢 一日 , 佢 帶 住 一隊 隨身 軍 , 直筆 去 到 袁紹 個 住宅 , 落 咗 馬 , 揸 住 把 劍 行入 去 。 this|day|he|||a group|with him|soldiers|directly|to||||||||||||| One day, he brought a group of personal soldiers and directly went to Yuan Shao's residence, dismounted, and entered with his sword. 有個 將官 就 攔住 佢 話 : 丞相 有令 , 各人 一律 不准 進入 袁府 㗎 。 there was a|military officer|then|stopped|him|said|Prime Minister|has an order|everyone|uniformly|not allowed|to enter|Yuan's residence|particle indicating certainty A general stopped him and said: The Prime Minister has ordered that no one is allowed to enter Yuan's residence. 曹丕 都 唔 理 咁 多 , 喝 退個 將官 , 揸 住 把 劍 直入 後堂 。 Cao Pi|all|not|care about|so|much|drink||general|hold|(continuing action particle)|(measure word for tools)|sword||rear hall Cao Pi didn't care much about that, dismissed the general, and went straight into the back hall with his sword. 入到 去 , 見到 有 兩個 婦女 攬 埋 一 嚿 喺 度 喊 噃。 enter|go|saw|there are|two|women|hug|together|a|piece|at|place|crying|particle Upon entering, I saw two women huddled together shouting. 曹丕 行前 一步 , 拔劍 出 嚟 正 係 想 殺 咗 佢 哋 , 誒 ? 突然 見到 紅光 滿目 噃 奇 喇 。 Cao Pi|step forward|one|draw sword|out|here|just|is|want|kill|past tense marker|they|plural marker|eh|suddenly|saw|red light|full of|particle|strange|particle Cao Pi stepped forward, drawing his sword, intending to kill them, right? Suddenly, he saw a dazzling red light. 於是 曹丕 按住 把 劍 問 佢 哋 話 : 你 哋 係 咩 人 啊 ? then|Cao Pi|pressed|measure word for tools|sword|asked|he|plural marker|said|you|plural marker|are|what|people|question particle So, Cao Pi held his sword and asked them: Who are you? 其中 一個 年紀 大 啲 個 婦女 就 話 : 妾 身 乃 係 袁將軍 嘅 妻子 劉氏 呀 。 among|one|age|older|than|classifier for people|woman|then|said|||indeed|am|General Yuan|possessive particle|wife|Liu|sentence-final particle One of the older women replied: I am Liu, the wife of General Yuan. 噉 呢 個 女人 係 邊個 ? then|this|measure word|woman|is|who Then who is this woman? 佢 係 二 仔 袁 熙 嘅 妻子 甄氏 呀 。 He|is|second|son|Yuan|Xi|possessive particle|wife|Zhen family name|sentence-final particle She is the wife of Yuan Xi, Zhen. 因為 袁熙 外出 鎮守 幽州 , 甄氏 唔 肯去 咁 遠 , 所以 就 留 喺 呢 處 唧 。 because|Yuan Xi|went out|to garrison|Youzhou|Zhen family|not||so|far|so|then|stay|at|this|place|to live Because Yuan Xi went out to guard Youzhou, Zhen was unwilling to go so far, so she stayed here. 曹丕 一手 拉 呢 個 女人 行埋 嚟 身邊 。 Cao Pi|with one hand|pull|this|measure word for people|woman|walk over|come|beside Cao Pi pulled this woman over to his side. 只見 佢 披頭散髮 , 塊面 又 污糟 。 only saw|he|disheveled|face|again|dirty She had disheveled hair and a dirty face. 曹丕 就 用 衫袖 抹 乾淨 佢 塊 面 一 睇 , 嘩 嗨 ! 原來 甄氏 呀 花容月貌 , 靚到 非常 嘅 。 Cao Pi|then|used|sleeve|wipe|clean|his|face|face|one|look|wow|hi|originally|Zhen family|ah|beautiful like a flower and moon|beautiful to|extremely|particle Cao Pi wiped her face clean with his sleeve, and upon looking, wow! It turns out Zhen is stunningly beautiful. 於是 曹丕 就 對 劉氏話 喇 : 我 係 曹丞相 個 仔 , 我 可以 保護 你 哋 全家 你 哋 唔 使 憂慮 吓 。 then|Cao Pi|then|to||particle indicating completed action|I|am|Prime Minister Cao|possessive particle|son|I|can|protect|you|plural marker|whole family|you|plural marker|not|need|worry|particle indicating a suggestion or reminder So Cao Pi said to the Liu family: I am the son of Prime Minister Cao, I can protect your whole family, you don't have to worry. 講完 , 曹丕 就 叫 人 搬 張椅 嚟 , 按住 把 劍 坐 喺 大廳 處 。 finished speaking|Cao Pi|then|called|someone|move|a chair|here|holding|measure word for tools|sword|sit|at|hall|place After saying that, Cao Pi called for someone to bring a chair, and sat down in the hall with his sword. 而家 再 講下 曹操 , 佢 統率 一班 將領 進入 冀州 城 。 now|again|talk about|Cao Cao|he|commanded|a group of|generals|entered|Jizhou|city Now let's talk about Cao Cao, he led a group of generals into the city of Jizhou. 就 嚟 行入 城門 嘞 , 許攸一 拍 隻 馬 , 跑 快 幾步 就 嚟 到 曹操 身邊 。 just|come|walk into|city gate|past tense particle|Xu Youyi|tapped|measure word for animals|horse|ran|quickly|a few steps|then|||Cao Cao|beside As they were about to enter the city gate, Xu You spurred his horse, ran a few steps, and came to Cao Cao's side. 用條 馬鞭 指住 城門 對 曹操 話 : 阿瞞 。 |riding whip|pointing at|city gate|to|Cao Cao|said|A Man (nickname for Cao Cao) He pointed at the city gate with his whip and said to Cao Cao: Ah Man. 咦 ? 乜 直情 嗌 曹操 個 乳名 喎 。 eh|what|just|call|Cao Cao|his|childhood name|particle indicating realization Eh? Why are you directly calling Cao Cao by his childhood name? 阿瞞 , 你 如果 唔 得 我 呀 , 點入 到 呢 道門 呀 吓 ? Ah Man|you|if|not|able|me|particle||to|this|door|particle|particle Ah Man, if you can't do it, how can you enter this door? 曹操 哈哈大笑 啊 。 Cao Cao|laughed heartily|ah Cao Cao laughed loudly. 但 係 嗰 班 將領 聽 咗 呀 , 人人 個心 都 好 不忿 啊 。 ||that|classifier for groups|generals|heard|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|everyone|hearts|all|very|indignant|sentence-final particle But when the generals heard this, everyone felt very indignant. 噉 曹操 行過 袁紹 住宅 嘅 門口 佢 問 嘞 : then|Cao Cao|walked past|Yuan Shao|residence|possessive particle|door|he|asked|past tense particle So Cao Cao walked past Yuan Shao's residence and asked: 有 邊個 入 過去 呀 ? there is|who|enter|past|question particle Who has gone in? 守 門口 個 衛士 回答 話 : 世子 喺 裏 便 嚟 呀 。 guard|entrance|measure word|security guard|replied|saying|young master|at|inside|soon|come|particle The guard at the door replied: The heir is inside. 所謂 世子 乃 係指 諸侯 嘅 親生 仔 繼承人 咯 。 so-called|heir apparent|is|refers to|feudal lords|possessive particle|biological|son|heir|sentence-final particle The so-called heir refers to the biological son of a feudal lord, the successor. 嗯 ? 乜 曹丕 入 咗 去 咩 ? hmm|what|Cao Pi|enter|past tense marker|go|question particle Hmm? Did Cao Pi go in? 曹操 唔 高興 嘞 , 就 嗌 佢 出 嚟 想 責備 佢 。 Cao Cao|not|happy|past tense particle|then|call|him|out|come|want|scold|him Cao Cao is not happy, so he called him out to reprimand him. 劉氏 即刻 出 嚟 跪 喺 處 對 曹操 話 : 如果 唔 係 世子 喺 處 , 就 保 唔 住 妾 身 全家 咯 。 Liu family|immediately|come out|here|kneel|at|me|to|Cao Cao|said|if|||heir|at|me|then|protect|||concubine|life|whole family|particle indicating finality Liu immediately came out and knelt in front of Cao Cao, saying: If it weren't for the heir being here, I wouldn't be able to protect myself and my whole family. 妾 身 願意 奉獻 甄氏 嚟 服侍 世子 。 I (referring to oneself as a concubine)|body|willing|to dedicate|the Zhen family|to|serve|heir I am willing to offer Zhen to serve the heir. 曹操 就 話 要 見 下 甄氏 。 Cao Cao|then|said|wants|to meet|later|Lady Zhen Cao Cao then said he wanted to see Zhen. 甄氏 行出 嚟 , 跪 喺 地下 行禮 。 Yan family|walk out|here|kneel|on|the ground|bow Zhen came out and knelt on the ground to pay her respects. 曹操 睇 下 佢 就 話 喇 : 哦 ! 真 係 我 嘅 好心 抱 啊 ! Cao Cao|look|at|he|then|said|particle indicating completed action|oh|||my|possessive particle|good intentions|hug|ah Cao Cao looked at her and said: Oh! She really is my beloved! 於是 就 叫 曹丕 收 咗 佢 喎 。 then|just|called|Cao Pi|accept|past tense marker|him|sentence-final particle So, Cao Pi was called to take him. 呢 啲 呢 就 放落 唔 講 佢 喇 。 particle indicating a question|||then|put in|not|say|he|particle indicating completed action These things are best left unsaid. 噉 曹操 平定 咗 冀州 之後 啊 , 有 一日 , 佢 親自 去 到 袁紹 嘅 墳墓 嗰 處 祭奠 一番 。 then|Cao Cao|pacified|past tense marker|Jizhou|after|particle|there is|one day|he|personally|||Yuan Shao|possessive particle|grave|that|place|pay respects|a round After Cao Cao pacified Jizhou, one day, he personally went to Yuan Shao's tomb to pay his respects. 佢 再拜 行禮 , 喊 得 好 淒涼 。 He|bowed again|greeting|cried|to the extent of|very|desolate He bowed again and performed the rites, crying very sorrowfully. 佢 對 嗰 班 官員 話 : 往日 , 我同 本初 一齊 起兵 嘅 時候 , 本初 曾經 問過 我 話 , 將來 如果 各路 諸侯 彼此 不 和 , 你 話 搵 邊個 地方 嚟 作為 根據 好 呢 噉 。 he|to|that|group|officials|said|in the past||Benchu|together|raise an army|past tense marker|time|Benchu|once|asked|me|said|in the future|if|all|feudal lords|each other|not|harmonious|you|said|find|which|place|to|serve as|base|good|this|then He told the officials: In the past, when I rose up in arms with Benchu, Benchu once asked me, if in the future the various lords are at odds with each other, which place would be a good base to rely on? 我 就 反問 佢 話 : 足下 嘅 意思 點啊 ? I|then|asked back|he|said|your feet|possessive particle|meaning|how I then asked him: What does your honor mean? 本初 話 嘞 : 我南據 黃河 , 北阻 燕代 , 兼有 沙漠 之眾 , 向南 進兵 以 爭霸 天下 , 噉 得 唔 得 呢 ? Ben Chu|said|past tense marker||Yellow River|blocked by the north|Yan and Dai|also have|desert|||advance troops|in order to|compete for dominance|the world|then|succeed|not|succeed|question particle Ben Chu said: I am based in the Yellow River to the south, blocked by Yan Dai to the north, and surrounded by many deserts. If I advance southward to fight for dominance over the world, will that work? 當時 我 就 話 : 我要 搜羅 天下 有 才學 嘅 人 , 充分發揮 佢 哋 嘅 聰明才智 , 以 天道 嚟 治理 一切 , 噉 就 處處 都 可以 作為 根據地 嘅 。 at that time|I|then|said|I want|to gather|the world|have|talent and knowledge|possessive particle|people|fully utilize|they|plural marker|possessive particle|intelligence and wisdom|using|the way of heaven|to|govern|everything|then|just|everywhere|all|can|serve as|base|possessive particle At that time, I said: I want to gather talented people from all over the world, fully utilize their intelligence and wisdom, and govern everything according to the way of heaven, so that everywhere can serve as a base. 唉 , 呢 番 說話 , 就 好似 昨日 講 嘅 噉 啊 。 sigh|this|time|conversation|just|like||said|past tense particle|like|particle Alas, this conversation feels like it was just yesterday. 但 係 本初 已經 逝世 咯 , 我 不禁 為 佢 流 起 眼淚 嚟 呀 。 ||Ben Choi|already|passed away|particle indicating completed action|I|can't help but|for|him|shed|rise|tears|come|particle indicating exclamation But Ben Chu has already passed away, and I can't help but shed tears for him. 大家 聽 咗 曹操 呢 一番 說話 都 十分 感慨 。 everyone|heard|past tense marker|Cao Cao|this|one round of|speech|all|very|moved Everyone felt very emotional after hearing Cao Cao's words. 收尾 , 曹操 送 咗 好多 金銀 、 布匹 、 糧食 畀 袁紹 嘅 妻子 劉氏 。 finishing touches|Cao Cao|sent|past tense marker|a lot of|gold and silver|cloth|food|to|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|wife|Liu family At the end, Cao Cao sent a lot of gold, silver, cloth, and food to Yuan Shao's wife, Liu. 曹操 仲落 咗 個 命令 : 因為 河北地區 嘅 居民 啊 , 遭受 戰爭 嘅 災難 , 就 免收 今年 嘅 租稅 噉 。 Cao Cao|still|past tense marker|measure word|order|because|Hebei region|possessive particle|residents|ah|suffered|war|possessive particle|disaster|then|exempt from paying|this year|possessive particle|tax|like that Cao Cao also issued an order: because the residents of Hebei have suffered from the disasters of war, this year's taxes will be waived. 同時 呢 , 又 寫 咗 一份 奏章 報告 朝廷 , 由 曹操 自己 嚟 兼任 冀州 牧 , 就 係 冀州 嘅 最高 軍政 長官 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question|also|wrote|past tense marker|a|memorial|report|imperial court|by|Cao Cao|himself|came|concurrently held|Jizhou|governor|then|is|Jizhou|possessive particle|highest|military and political|commander At the same time, he wrote a memorial to report to the court, stating that Cao Cao himself would also serve as the Governor of Jizhou, which is the highest military and political leader of Jizhou. 又 有 一日 , 許褚 騎住 匹馬 ,𠽤𠽤𡃈𡃈 噉 行入 東門 。 again|has|one day|Xu Chu|riding|a horse|galloping|like this|walked into|East Gate One day, Xu Chu rode a horse and swaggered into the East Gate. 咁 啱 撞見 許攸 , 許攸 就 嗌 住 許褚話 嘞 : then|just|ran into|Xu You|Xu You|then|shouted|at||particle indicating completed action Just then, they ran into Xu You, and Xu You shouted at Xu Chu saying: 喂 ! 你 哋 冇 咗 我 呀 , 點 能夠 喺 呢 道 城門 出出入入 啊 吓 ? hey|you|plural marker|have not|past tense marker|I|sentence-final particle|how|able to|at|this|road|city gate|come and go|ah|exclamation particle Hey! Without me, how can you come in and out of this city gate? 許褚 發火 嘞 : 哼 ! 我 哋 出生入死 , 身冒 血戰 , 奪取 到 城池 , 你 誇 乜嘢 口 咁 大膽 啊 ! Xu Chu|got angry|particle indicating past action|humph|||risk our lives|risking our lives|bloody battle|seize|arrive|city|you|boast|what|mouth|so|bold|particle for emphasis Xu Chu got angry: Hmph! We risk our lives, fighting bloodily, capturing the city, and you boast so boldly! 你 哋 只 係 一身 牛力 , 算 得 乜嘢 吖 ? ||||full of|strength|||anything|particle You are just a strong man, what does that count for? 許褚 畀 佢 激 到 呀 肚 都 爆 , 嬲 起 上 嚟 一劍 就 殺 咗 許攸 , 割 咗 佢 嘅 頭 ,攞 住 嚟 見 曹操 。 Xu Chu|gave|him|angered|to the point of|particle|belly|all|burst|angry|rose|up|here|one sword|then|killed|past tense marker|Xu You|cut|past tense marker|his|possessive particle|head|took|holding|here|see|Cao Cao Xu Chu was so provoked that he was about to explode with anger, and in a fit of rage, he killed Xu You with one sword, cutting off his head to bring it to Cao Cao. 話許 攸 如何 如何 無禮 , 我 已經 殺 咗 佢 喇 噉 。 talking about Xu|you|how||rude|I|already|killed|past tense marker|he|completed action particle|like that Speaking of Xu You, how rude he was, I have already killed him. 嘿 , 乜 噉 搞法 㗎 , 曹操 就 話 喇 : 唉 佢 同 我 係 老朋友 , 所以 講下 笑 啫 , 點解 要 殺 佢 呢 ? hey|what|like this|way of doing things||Cao Cao|then|said|particle indicating completed action|sigh|he|with|I|am|old friend|so|have a little|laugh|only|why|need to|kill|him|question particle Hey, what's going on? Cao Cao said: 'Ah, he and I are old friends, so I was just joking, why would I want to kill him?' 但 係 唔 殺 都 殺 咗 咯 , 唯有 鬧許 褚 一餐 , 然後 叫 人 好 隆重 噉 葬 咗 許攸 係 啦 。 |is|||||||||||||||||||||particle indicating suggestion or confirmation But since he is dead, I can only scold Xu Zhu for a bit, and then have someone give Xu You a grand burial. 曹操 啊 , 就 為 咗 要 管好 冀州 , 就 叫 人 到處 咁 去 訪問 下 睇 下 有 咩 好 嘅 人才 。 Cao Cao|ah|then|||to|manage well|Jizhou|then|ordered|people|everywhere|so|to|inquire|a particle indicating action|||there are|what|good|possessive particle|talented individuals Cao Cao, in order to manage Jizhou well, asked people to go around and inquire about any good talents. 有人 介紹 佢 話 , 有 一位 騎 都尉 崔琰 , 佢 係 有 本事 㗎 。 someone|introduced|he|said|there is|a|cavalry|officer|Cui Yan|he|is|has|ability|particle indicating certainty Someone introduced him, saying that there is a cavalry commander, Cui Yan, who is quite capable. 皆 因好 幾次 向 袁紹 獻計 , 袁紹 都 冇 聽 佢 話 , 噉 佢 就 藉口 有 病 喺 屋企 冇 出 嚟 做事 唧 。 all||several times|to|Yuan Shao|offer advice|Yuan Shao|all|not|listen|he|words|then|he|then|excuse|has|illness|at|home|not|go out|come|work|at all This is because several times I offered advice to Yuan Shao, but he never listened to me, so I made an excuse that I was sick and stayed home without going out to work. 曹操 聽 咗 , 即刻 就 召 崔琰 嚟 , 任命 佢 做 本州 嘅 別 駕 從事 。 Cao Cao|heard|past tense marker|immediately|then|summoned|Cui Yan|here|appointed|he|as|Benzhou|possessive particle|special|carriage|official Cao Cao heard this and immediately summoned Cui Yan, appointing him as the special assistant for this province. 曹操 對 佢 講 喇 : 昨日 , 我查 咗 一下 本州 嘅 戶籍 , 總共 有卅 幾萬人 , 啊 , 都 可謂 大州 咯 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 Cao Cao|to|him|said|particle indicating completed action|yesterday||past tense marker|a little|Benzhou|possessive particle|household registration|in total|||ah|all|can be considered|large state|particle indicating affirmation|hahaha|hahaha Cao Cao said to him: "Yesterday, I checked the household registration of this province, and there are a total of over thirty thousand people. Ah, this can be considered a large province, hahahaha!" 崔琰 話 : 當前 天下 紛崩 , 九州 幅裂 , 袁氏 兩 兄弟 互相 爭權 , 使到 冀州 百姓 無以 為生 , 暴骨 於 原野 。 Cui Yan|said|currently|world|in chaos|the nine provinces|in turmoil|Yuan family|two|brothers|mutually|fighting for power|causing|Jizhou|common people|unable to|survive|die violently|in|the fields Cui Yan replied: "Currently, the world is in chaos, the nine provinces are fragmented, and the two brothers of the Yuan family are fighting for power, causing the people of Jizhou to have no means of survival, their bones lying in the fields. 但 係 丞相 你並 唔 着 緊去 關心 百姓 嘅 生活 , 去 解救 佢 哋 瀕於 死亡 嘅 困境 , 反而 首先 去 計較 戶籍 嘅 多少 , 噉 唔 通 本州 嘅 民 眾 對 明 公 嘅 希望 , 就 係 噉 嘅 啫 咩 ? |is||||||||possessive particle|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||only|question particle However, Prime Minister, you are not concerned about the lives of the people, to rescue them from their near-death predicament, but instead, you first consider the number of household registrations. Is that really what the people of this province hope for from you?" 哦 ! 多謝 先生 指教 ! oh|thank you|sir|guidance Oh! Thank you, sir, for your guidance! 曹操 立即 好 嚴肅 噉 , 多謝 崔琰 對 佢 嘅 批評 , 將崔琰 呀 當作 上賓 噉 嚟 款待 呀 。 Cao Cao|immediately|very|serious|like that|thank you|Cui Yan|towards|him|possessive particle|criticism||sentence-final particle|treat as|honored guest|like that|come|entertain|sentence-final particle Cao Cao immediately became very serious, thanking Cui Yan for his criticism, treating Cui Yan as a distinguished guest. 噉 曹操 平定 咗 冀州 之後 呢 , 就 派 人 去 探聽 袁 譚 嘅 消息 。 then|Cao Cao|pacified|past tense marker|Jizhou|after|particle indicating a question|then|sent|people|to|inquire|Yuan|Tan|possessive particle|news After Cao Cao pacified Jizhou, he sent someone to inquire about Yuan Tan's news. 呢 個 時候 啊 , 袁譚 做 緊 乜嘢 呢 ? this|measure word|time|particle|Yuen Tam|||what|particle At this time, what was Yuan Tan doing? 袁譚 正在 帶住 支 人馬 , 喺 甘陵 、 安平 、 渤海 、 河間 呢 一帶 地區 進行 劫掠 。 Yuan Tan|is currently|leading|subordinate|troops|in|Ganling|Anping|Bohai|Hejian|this|area|region|conducting|plunder Yuan Tan was leading a group of troops, plundering in the areas of Ganling, Anping, Bohai, and Hejian. 袁譚 聽聞 話 袁尚 打敗仗 趯 咗 去 中山 郡 , 就 帶兵 去 攻 佢 。 Yuan Tan|heard|that|Yuan Shang|lost battle|fled|past tense marker|went|Zhongshan|county|then|led troops|to|attack|him Yuan Tan heard that Yuan Shang was defeated and fled to Zhongshan County, so he took his troops to attack him. 袁尚 都 無心 戰鬥 喇 , 直情 趯 去 幽州 投奔 袁熙 。 Yuan Shang|all|unwilling|to fight|particle indicating finality|simply|to run|to|Youzhou|to seek refuge|Yuan Xi Yuan Shang was also unwilling to fight, and simply fled to Youzhou to seek refuge with Yuan Xi. 袁譚 呢 , 噉 啊 收編 晒 袁 尚 嘅 軍隊 。 Yuan Tan|this|then|ah|incorporate|all|||possessive particle|army As for Yuan Tan, he then incorporated all of Yuan Shang's army. 嗱, 噉 兵力 一 雄厚 咗 啊 , 佢 又 想 去 收復 冀州 咧 。 well|then|military strength|one|strong|past tense marker|sentence final particle|he|again|wants|to|recover|Jizhou|sentence final particle Now, with a strengthened military force, he wanted to recover Jizhou. 曹操 當時 知道 咗 袁 譚 嘅 去向 , 就 使 人 去 召 佢 嚟 。 Cao Cao|at that time|knew|past tense marker|Yuan|Tan|possessive particle|whereabouts|then|sent|people|to|summon|him|here At that time, Cao Cao learned of Yuan Tan's whereabouts and sent someone to summon him. 哈 , 點知 袁譚 呢 趟 唔 聽 笛 喇 唔 肯 嚟 。 Ha|how would I know|Yuen Tam|this|trip|not|listening|flute|particle indicating completed action|not|willing|come Ha, who knew that Yuan Tan wouldn't listen to the flute and wouldn't come this time. 曹操 噉 就 嬲 啦 , 寫 咗 封信 去 畀 袁譚 聲明 取消 以前 所 定 嘅 婚約 。 Cao Cao|like this|then|angry|particle indicating completed action|write|past tense marker|a letter|to|give|Yuan Tan|declare|cancel|previously|particle indicating possession|set|possessive particle|marriage contract Cao Cao got angry and wrote a letter to Yuan Tan to declare the cancellation of the previous engagement. 跟 住 曹操 親自 率領 大軍 去 打 佢 , 一直 逼近 中原 。 ||Cao Cao|personally|led|large army|to|fight|him|continuously|closing in on|Central Plains Then, Cao Cao personally led a large army to attack him, steadily approaching the Central Plains. 袁譚 聽講 曹操 自己 帶兵 嚟 到 , 即刻 就 派 人 去 搵 劉表 求救 嘞 喎 。 Yuan Tan|heard|Cao Cao|himself|bring troops|come|arrived|immediately|then|send|people|to|find|Liu Biao|ask for help|past action particle|sentence-final particle When Yuan Tan heard that Cao Cao was personally leading troops here, he immediately sent someone to find Liu Biao for help. 劉表 呢 就 請 埋 劉備 嚟 商量 。 Liu Biao|this|then|invite|also|Liu Bei|to come|discuss Liu Biao then invited Liu Bei to discuss. 劉備 話 嘞 : 而家 曹操 已經 奪取 咗 冀州 , 兵勢 正盛 。 Liu Bei|said|past tense marker|now|Cao Cao|already|captured|past tense marker|Jizhou|military strength|is strong Liu Bei said: Now that Cao Cao has already taken over Ji Province, his military power is on the rise. 袁氏 兄弟 睇 嚟 冇 幾耐 就 必定會 畀 曹操 捉住 , 救 佢 冇 乜 好處 吖 。 Yuan family|brothers|see|come|not|long|then||by|Cao Cao|catch|save|him|not|any|benefit|particle The Yuan brothers seem to be caught by Cao Cao in no time, and there’s not much benefit in saving them. 何況 , 曹操 素來 都 想 打 荊 襄 嘅 主意 嘅 , 所以 我 哋 仲 係 喺 度 養精蓄銳 , 守住 自己 嘅 地方 好 。 moreover|Cao Cao|always|all|wanted|attack|Jing|Xiang|possessive particle|idea|possessive particle|so|I|plural marker|still|am|at|place|conserve energy and prepare for battle|defend|own|possessive particle|territory|well Moreover, Cao Cao has always wanted to attack Jingxiang, so it’s better for us to conserve our strength and defend our own territory. 唔 好 亂 咁 起兵 呀 。 not|very|recklessly|like this|start a rebellion|sentence-final particle Don't raise an army recklessly. 劉表 話 嘞 : 噉 我 哋 點樣 推辭 佢 好 呢 ? Liu Biao|said|past tense marker|then|||how|decline|he|well|question particle Liu Biao said: Then how should we decline him? 誒 , 噉 可以 分別 寫信 畀 袁氏 兄弟 , 以 和解 為名 , 講得 婉轉 啲 , 推 咗 佢 就 得 啦 。 eh|then|can|separately|write a letter|to|the Yuen family|brothers|in the name of|reconciliation||speaking|tactfully|a bit|push|past tense marker|him|then|fine|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Hey, we can write a letter to the Yuan brothers separately, under the pretense of reconciliation, and speak more tactfully, just push them away and that will be fine. 哦 , 冇 錯 冇 錯 , 噉 等 我 寫信 啦 。 oh|not|wrong|||then|wait|I|write a letter|particle indicating completion or suggestion Oh, that's right, that's right, then let me write the letter. 於是 劉表 啊 就 分別 寫信 畀 袁譚 、 袁尚 , 勸 佢 哋 兩 兄弟 要 顧念 手足之情 , 和 好 團結 , 共同 對付 曹操 噉 。 then|Liu Biao|ah|then|respectively|wrote letters|to|Yuan Tan|Yuan Shang|advised|they|plural marker|two|brothers|should|consider|brotherly love|||united|together|deal with|Cao Cao|like that So Liu Biao wrote separate letters to Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang, urging them to consider their brotherly bond, to reconcile and unite, and to jointly deal with Cao Cao. 袁譚 收到 劉表 個信 , 知道 劉表 唔 想 發兵 嘞 , 又 諗 住 自己 點都 打 唔 過 曹操 㗎 , 就 放棄 咗 平原 , 轉移 去 南皮 就 實行 堅守 。 Yuan Tan|received|Liu Biao||knew||not|wanted|to send troops|past tense particle|again|thought|to stay|himself|no matter how|fight|not|over|Cao Cao|(sentence-final particle)|then|gave up|past tense particle|Pingyuan|moved|to|Nanpi|then|implemented|defense When Yuan Tan received Liu Biao's letter, he realized that Liu Biao did not want to mobilize troops, and thinking that he could not defeat Cao Cao anyway, he gave up Pingyuan and moved to Nanpi to implement a strong defense. 南平 啊 , 係 喺 河北省 嘅 東南部 嚟 。 Nanping|ah|is|at|Hebei Province|possessive particle|southeastern part|from Nanping is located in the southeastern part of Hebei Province. 噉 曹操 一路 追到 去 南皮 。 then|Cao Cao|all the way|chased|to|Nanpi So Cao Cao chased all the way to Nanpi. 當 其時 天寒地凍 , 啲 河道 結晒冰 , 運糧 船 唔 行得 。 when|at that time|extremely cold|plural marker|river channels|completely frozen|transporting grain|boats|not|able to move At that time, it was cold and freezing, and the rivers were all frozen, so the supply ships couldn't move. 於是 曹操 就 下令 喇 , 要 征集 當地 嘅 百姓 做 民夫 , 鑿冰 拉船 。 then|Cao Cao|then|gave the order|particle indicating completion|to need||local|possessive particle|common people|to work as|laborers|to break ice|to pull boats So Cao Cao ordered to recruit the local people as laborers to break the ice and pull the ships. 啲 老百姓 聽見 噉 嘅 命令 , 嘩 一下 就 趯 走 晒 匿 埋 噃。 plural marker|common people|heard|such|possessive particle|order|exclamation|suddenly|then|ran|away|completely|hide|together|sentence-final particle When the common people heard such an order, they immediately ran away and hid. 曹操 發火 嘞 , 就 想 派兵 去 搜捕 啲 百姓 , 捉到 返 嚟 就要 殺 噉 。 Cao Cao|got angry|past tense particle|then|wanted|to send soldiers|to|search and capture|plural marker|common people|caught|return|here|would then|kill|like that Cao Cao got angry and wanted to send soldiers to search for the people, and anyone caught would be killed. 啲 老百姓 聽到 呢 個 消息 , 唉 死 啦 , 就 唯有 返 嚟 走 去 兵營 自首 嘞 。 plural marker|common people|heard|this|measure word|news|sigh|die|sentence-final particle|then|only|return|here|walk|go|military camp|surrender|completed action particle The common people heard this news and sighed, 'It's over,' so they could only return to the barracks to surrender. 曹操 對 佢 哋 話 : 我 唔 殺 你 哋 呢 , 就 號令 不行 ; 如果 殺 咗 你 哋 , 啊 我 又 於心不忍 。 Cao Cao|to|he|plural marker|said|I|not|kill|you|plural marker|question particle|then|orders|won't be followed|if|kill|past tense marker|you|plural marker|ah|I|again|feel guilty Cao Cao told them: 'If I don't kill you, then my orders won't be effective; but if I kill you, I won't be able to bear it in my heart.' 你 哋 快 啲 趯 上山 匿 埋 啦 , 唔 好 畀 我 啲 士兵 捉到 你 哋 , 去 , 去 啦 ! |||plural marker|||||||||||soldiers|catch|||go|| You all quickly go up the mountain and hide, don't let my soldiers catch you, go, go! 哦 ? 有 啲 噉 嘢 㗎 ? oh|have|some|like this|thing|question particle Oh? Is there such a thing? 啲 老百姓 流住 眼淚 叩 咗 幾個 頭快 啲 走 人 咯 。 plural marker|common people|flowing|tears|knock|past tense marker|a few|quick-witted|plural marker|leave|people|sentence-final particle The common people were in tears, bowed their heads a few times, and quickly left. 好 喇 , 而家 講下 袁譚 喇 , 佢 帶兵 出城同 曹兵 對敵 。 good|particle indicating completed action|now|talk about|Yuan Tan||he|lead troops||Cao's troops|engage in battle Alright, now let's talk about Yuan Tan, he led his troops out of the city to confront Cao's army. 兩陣 對圓 , 曹操 出馬 用條 馬鞭 指住 袁譚 鬧 佢 話 : two armies|face to face|Cao Cao|rode out||whip|pointed at|Yuan Tan|scolded|him|said In the two armies facing each other, Cao Cao rode out and pointed his whip at Yuan Tan, scolding him saying: 我待 你 咁 好 , 你 點解 要 變心 呀 ? |you|so|well|you|why|want|to change heart|question particle I treated you so well, why did you change your heart? 呸 ! 你 個 奸賊 ! 你 侵犯 我個 境界 , 搶奪 我個 城池 , 逃賴 我個 妻子 , 你仲 反而 話 我 變心 ? phew|you|possessive particle|scoundrel|you|infringe|my|territory|rob|my|city|run away with|my|wife||instead|say|I|betray Pah! You treacherous scoundrel! You invaded my territory, seized my city, and ran off with my wife, and you still dare to say that I changed my heart? 曹操 嬲 嘞 , 派 徐晃 出馬 。 Cao Cao|angry|past tense marker|send|Xu Huang|to fight Cao Cao was furious and sent Xu Huang to the battlefield. 袁譚 啊 叫 彭安 迎戰 。 Yuan Tan|ah|is called|Peng An|to face off Yuan Tan called for Peng An to battle. 兩個 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 徐晃 一刀斬 咗 彭安 落馬 。 the two|fought|past tense marker|several|rounds|Xu Huang|one slash|past tense marker|Peng An|off his horse The two fought for several rounds, and Xu Huang struck down Peng An from his horse with a single blow. 袁譚 唔 夠打 就 退 咗 入 去 南皮 閂 實 城門 。 Yuan Tan|not||then|retreat|past tense marker|enter|go|Nanpi|close|solid|city gate Yuan Tan, unable to fight back, retreated into Nanpi and closed the city gates. 曹操 呀 指揮 軍馬 , 將 南皮 成個 氹 氹 𡃈 圍到 鐵桶 咁 實 。 Cao Cao|ah|commanded|cavalry|to|Nanpi|whole|moat|moat|like|surrounded|iron barrel|so|solid Cao Cao commanded the cavalry, surrounding Nanpi completely like a tightly sealed iron barrel. 袁譚 慌 嘞 , 就 派 辛評 去 見 曹操 , 要 請求 投降 。 Yuan Tan|panicked|past tense marker|then|sent|Xin Ping|to|see|Cao Cao|wanted|to request|surrender Yuan Tan was in a panic, so he sent Xin Ping to meet Cao Cao to request surrender. 曹操 話 嘞 : 袁譚 呢 個 小子 , 反覆無常 , 我 信 佢 唔 過 ! Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|Yuan Tan|this|measure word|kid|fickle|I|trust|he|not|reliable Cao Cao said: This kid Yuan Tan is fickle, I don't trust him! 你 嘅 細 佬 辛 毗 我 已經 重用 佢 咯 , 你 亦 都 留 喺 度 算 咯 。 you|possessive particle|younger|brother|hard|compare|I|already|reused|he|final particle|you|also|all|stay|at|place|count|final particle I've already reused your son Xin Pi, you can stay here as well. 辛評 話 : 丞相 你 噉 講就錯 喇 。 Xin Ping|said|Prime Minister|you|like this||particle indicating completed action Xin Ping said: Prime Minister, what you said is wrong. 常言 有話 : 主貴臣榮 , 主憂臣辱 。 common saying|there is a saying|| There is a saying: When the lord is honored, the ministers are esteemed; when the lord is worried, the ministers are humiliated. 我為 袁氏 做 咗 咁 耐 , 點 能夠 背叛 佢 呢 ? |Yuen family|work|past tense marker|so|long|how|able to|betray|him|question particle I have served the Yuan family for so long, how could I betray them? 曹操 諗 住 留 辛評 唔 住 㗎 喇 , 就 叫 佢 返 扯 。 Cao Cao|think|about|stay|Xin Ping|not|stay|particle|particle|then|call|he|return|argue Cao Cao thought about keeping Xin Ping but couldn't, so he told him to go back. 辛評 返到 去 , 對 袁 譚話 曹操 唔 肯 接受 投降 啊 噉 。 Xin Ping|return|home|to|Yuan|Tan said|Cao Cao|not|willing|accept|surrender|ah|like this When Xin Ping returned, he told Yuan Tan that Cao Cao was unwilling to accept the surrender. 哈 ! 袁譚 鬧 佢 喎 : 哼 ! 你 細佬而家 係 同 曹操 做事 。 Ha|Yuan Tan|scold|him|particle indicating realization|humph|you||is|with|Cao Cao|working Ha! Yuan Tan scolded him: Hmph! Your little brother is now working with Cao Cao. 睇 嚟 , 你 亦 係 唔 得 忠心 嘅 ! ||you|also|are|||loyal|particle It seems you are also not loyal! 哈 ? 啊 ! 辛評 一聽 當堂 激到暈 咗 ,𢴈 喺 地下 嚟 。 Ha|Ah|Sin Ping|at first hearing|on the spot|so shocked that he fainted|past tense marker|he|is|on the ground|here Ha? Ah! When Xin Ping heard this, he was so furious that he fainted and fell to the ground. 袁譚 就 叫 人 扶出去 , 冇 幾耐 辛評 就 死 咗 嘞 。 Yuen Tam|then|called|someone|to help him out|not|long|Sin Ping|then|died|past tense marker|final particle Yuan Tan ordered someone to help him out, and not long after, Xin Ping died. 袁譚 亦 有 啲 後悔 , 不過 人 都 死 咗 咯 , 後悔 亦 冇 用 啦 。 Yuen Tam|also|has|a little|regret|but|person|all|die|past tense marker|final particle|regret|also|have not|use|final particle Yuan Tan also felt a bit regretful, but since the person is already dead, there's no use in regretting it. 郭圖 就 嚟 獻計 , 佢 對 袁 譚 話 : Guo Tu|just|come|offer a plan|he|to|Yuan|Tan|said Guo Tu came to offer a plan, and he said to Yuan Tan: 聽日 , 我 哋 趕 晒 啲 百姓 行先 打頭陣 , 兵士 跟 住 尾 , 一 於 同 曹操 決一死戰 啦 。 tomorrow|||rush|all|measure word for people|commoners||take the lead|soldiers|||behind|||with|Cao Cao|fight to the death|sentence-final particle "Tomorrow, let's have all the common people march ahead as the vanguard, and the soldiers will follow behind. We will fight to the death against Cao Cao." 袁譚 已經 行到 冇 棋行 嘞 , 幾大 就 幾大 啦 。 Yuen Tam|already|walked until|no|moves|past tense particle|how big|then|how big|final particle Yuan Tan had already reached a point of no return; it was a matter of life and death. 當晚 , 拉晒 南皮 城內 嗰 啲 百姓 嚟 , 一人 畀 支槍 佢 或者 畀 把 刀 佢 , 要 佢 哋 聽候 命令 出 城 打仗 。 that night|rounded up|Nanpi|inside the city|those|plural marker|common people|come|each person|give|a gun|he|or|give|a|knife|he|required|them|they|to await|orders|out|city|fight That night, all the common people in Nanpi City were gathered, each given a gun or a knife, and ordered to wait for commands to go out of the city to fight. 第二 朝早 蒙蒙 光 , 四道 城門 一齊 打開 , 趕 啲 老百姓 在 前 打頭陣 就 士兵 在 后 。 second|morning|||four|city gates|together|opened|urged|particle indicating a small amount|common people|at|front|leading the way|then|soldiers|at|back The next morning, at dawn, all four city gates were opened, urging the common people to lead the charge while the soldiers followed behind. 喎 嗬 殺 啊 ! 噉 啊 一齊 衝出去 , 直筆 衝到 去 曹 軍 嘅 營寨 。 oh|wow|kill|particle|then|particle|together|rush out|straight|rush to|go|Cao|army|possessive particle|camp Wow, let's kill! They all charged out together, rushing straight to the Cao army's camp. 嘩 兩 軍 混戰 起 嚟 呀 , 從 辰時 打 到 午時 。 wow|two|armies|mixed battle|start|come|particle|from|morning|fight|until|noon Wow, the two armies clashed together, fighting from dawn until noon. 即 係 由 上午 八點 左右 一直 打 到 中午 , 仲 係 勝負 未 分 。 That is, from around eight in the morning until noon, and the outcome was still undecided. 之 兩方 嘅 人馬 呢 , 已經 死到 遍地 都 係 。 possessive particle|both sides|possessive particle|soldiers|question particle|already|die until|everywhere|all|are The troops from both sides are already dead all over the place. 曹操 見 打 咗 咁 耐仲 未曾 全勝 , 就 落 咗 馬 , 上去 山上 便 親自 擊鼓 喎 。 Cao Cao|saw|fight|past tense marker|so||not yet|complete victory|then|dismount|past tense marker|horse|went up|on the mountain|then|personally|beat the drum|sentence-final particle Cao Cao saw that after fighting for so long, he still hadn't achieved a complete victory, so he dismounted and went up the mountain to personally beat the drum. 全軍 將士 見到 丞相 呀 親自 擊鼓 唄 , 嘿 呀 人人 精神振奮 , 搏命 向前 , 打到 袁 軍 大敗 嘞 呢 趟 。 the whole army|soldiers|saw|the Prime Minister|particle|personally|beat the drum|particle|hey|particle|everyone|morale boosted|fighting for their lives|forward|fought until|Yuan|army|was defeated|past tense particle|question particle|time When the entire army saw the Prime Minister personally beating the drum, everyone was invigorated and fought desperately forward, leading to a great defeat of Yuan's army this time. 百姓 就 更慘 咯 , 被 殺死 㗎 不計其數 啊 。 common people|then|even worse|sentence-final particle|by|killed|sentence-final particle|countless|exclamatory particle The common people suffered even more, with countless being killed. 曹洪越 打越 精神 , 發起 威 , 突入 袁 軍 兵陣 , 就 撞 正 袁譚 , 舉刀 亂 斬 啊 , 袁譚 呢 , 噉 就 畀 曹洪 殺死 咗 嘞 。 Cao Hongyue|fighting|energetically|initiated|intimidation|broke into|Yuan|army|formation|then|||Yuan Tan|raised his knife|wildly|slashed|ah|Yuan Tan|question particle|then|just|by|Cao Hong|killed|past tense marker|final particle Cao Hong became more and more spirited, showing his might, breaking into Yuan's army formation, and directly colliding with Yuan Tan, wildly slashing with his sword, and Yuan Tan was thus killed by Cao Hong. 郭圖 見到 陣腳大亂 , 急急 拍馬 跑 返入 城 。 Guo Tu|saw|the troops in disarray|hurriedly|urged his horse|ran|back into|the city Guo Tu saw that the formation was in chaos, so he hurriedly rode back into the city. 樂進 眼快 嘞 , 一箭 射過去 , 噼啪 噉 , 將郭圖 連人 帶馬射 咗 落條 護城河 處死 咗 咯 。 Le Jin|quick-eyed|particle indicating completed action|one arrow|shot over|sound of arrows|like that||||past tense marker||moat|executed|past tense marker|particle indicating completed action Luo Jin was quick-eyed, and with one arrow shot over, bang! He shot Guo Tu along with his horse into the moat and killed him. 戰鬥 結束 嘞 , 曹操 帶兵 入 城 , 安撫 百姓 啦 。 battle|ended|past tense marker|Cao Cao|led troops|into|city|pacified|people|sentence-final particle The battle ended, and Cao Cao led his troops into the city to pacify the people. 忽然間 , 有 一彪 軍馬 嚟 到 。 suddenly|there is|a group of|war horses|| Suddenly, a group of cavalry arrived. 原來 係 袁熙 部下 嘅 將官 焦觸 同張 南 。 originally|is|Yuan Xi|subordinate|possessive particle|general|Jiao Zhu||Nan It turned out to be the generals Jiao Zhu and Zhang Nan under Yuan Xi. 曹操 即刻 帶兵 迎上去 。 Cao Cao|immediately|lead the troops|charge forward Cao Cao immediately led his troops to meet them. 哦 , 焦觸 同張 南 唔 係 嚟 打仗 嘅 , 係 嚟 投降 嘅 。 oh|Jiao Zhu||Nan|not|is|come|fight|particle|is|come|surrender|particle Oh, Jiao Zhu and Zhang Nan are not here to fight, they are here to surrender. 曹操 好 歡喜 , 封 佢 哋 做 列 侯 。 Cao Cao|very|happy|enfeoffed|he|plural marker|made|marquis|lord Cao Cao was very pleased and granted them the title of Marquis. 同時 呢 , 又 有 個 黑山 嘅 賊寇 呀 叫做 張燕 , 帶 咗 十萬人 嚟 投降 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question|also|has|measure word|Black Mountain|possessive particle|bandit|particle indicating exclamation|called|Zhang Yan|brought|past tense marker|100000 people|come|surrender At the same time, there was a bandit from Black Mountain named Zhang Yan, who brought ten thousand people to surrender. 曹操 呢 就 封 佢 做 平北 將軍 。 Cao Cao|this|then|appointed|him|as|Pingbei|general Cao Cao then appointed him as General of the North. 呢 啲 呢 就 暫時 唔 講 佢 嘞 。 question particle|||then|temporarily|not|talk|he|past action particle Let's not talk about that for now. 而家 講下 曹操 啊 佢 入 城 之後 呢 , 就 下令 將袁 譚 嘅 首級 掛起 嚟 號令 , 邊個 敢 嚟 喊 嘅 就 斬 ! now|talk about|Cao Cao|ah|he|enter|city|after|particle|then|ordered||Tan|possessive particle|head|hung up|to come|order|whoever|dares|to come|shout|particle|then|beheaded Now let's talk about Cao Cao. After he entered the city, he ordered that Yuan Tan's head be hung up as a warning, saying that anyone who dared to shout would be executed! 袁譚 個人 頭 掛 喺 北 門外 便 。 Yuen Tam|person|head|hanging|at|North|outside the gate|convenient Yuan Tan's head was hung outside the North Gate. 哈 , 點 知道 有 個人 唔 怕死 喎 , 着 住 孝服 , 居然 走 去 跪 喺 袁 譚 嘅 人頭 下 便 喊 啊 。 Ha|how|to know|there is|a person|not|afraid of death|particle indicating realization|||mourning clothes|unexpectedly|to walk|to|kneel|at|Yuan|Tam|possessive particle|head|under|then|cry|particle indicating exclamation Ha, who would have thought that someone would be so fearless, dressed in mourning clothes, actually went to kneel under Yuan Tan's head and shouted. 啲 衛兵 就 拉 咗 佢 嚟 見 曹操 啦 , 曹操 審問 佢 。 the|guards|then|pulled|past tense marker|him|here|to see|Cao Cao|sentence-final particle|Cao Cao|interrogated|him The guards then brought him to see Cao Cao, and Cao Cao interrogated him. 原來 呢 個人 喇 , 係 青州 別駕 王修 。 it turns out|this|person|particle indicating completed action|is|Qingzhou|a title for a government official|Wang Xiu It turns out this person is Wang Xiu, a special envoy from Qingzhou. 佢 啊 因 為 勸諫 袁譚 , 袁譚 啊 唔 聽 佢 勸 將 佢 趕走 咗 嘅 。 he|particle|||advised|Yuan Tan||particle|not|listened|him|advice|to|him|drive away|past tense marker|particle He, because he advised Yuan Tan, was driven away by Yuan Tan who did not listen to his advice. 而 家 佢 知道 袁譚 死 咗 , 所以 係 特意 走 嚟 喊 佢 嘅 。 and|family|he|knew|Yuen Tam|die|past tense marker|so|is|deliberately|come|here|cry|him|possessive particle Now that he knows Yuan Tan is dead, he has come specifically to mourn for him. 曹操 問 : 你 知 唔 知道 我 嘅 命令 啊 ? Cao Cao|asked|you||||I|possessive particle|order|question particle Cao Cao asked: Do you know my orders? 知道 。 know I know. 你 唔 怕死 呀 ? you|not|afraid of death|question particle Aren't you afraid of death? 我 係 佢 屬下 嘅 官員 , 佢 死 咗 , 我 唔 嚟 喊 佢 , 誒 乃 係 不義呀 。 I|am|he|subordinate|possessive particle|official|he|died|past tense marker|I|not|come|cry|he|ah|actually|is| I am an official under him. If he dies and I don't come to mourn him, isn't that unjust? 因為 怕死 而 不義 , 仲點 做人 啦 ? because|afraid of death|and|unjust||to be a person|sentence-final particle If being afraid of death leads to injustice, then how can one be human? 如果 畀 我 收葬 袁 譚 嘅 屍體 , 就算 係 殺 咗 我 我 死 而 無恨 啊 。 if|give|me|bury|Yuan|Tam|possessive particle|body|even if|is|kill|past tense marker|I|I|die|and|have no hatred|ah If I could bury Yuan Tan's body, even if it kills me, I would die without regret. 啊 ! 啊 ! 河北 嘅 義士 , 為 咩 嘢 事 咁 多 㗎 ? ah|ah|Hebei|possessive particle|righteous person|for|what|thing|matter|so|many|question particle Ah! Ah! Why are there so many righteous men in Hebei? 啊 , 可惜 袁氏 唔 會 用 佢 哋 呀 , 如果 好好 地 噉 使用 佢 哋 , 我仲點 敢 正眼 望一望 冀州 呢 ? ah|unfortunately|Yuan family|not|can|use|they|plural marker|particle|if|properly|adverbial particle|like that|use|they|plural marker||dare|in the eye|take a look|Jizhou|question particle Ah, it's a pity that the Yuan family won't use them. If they were to use them well, how could I dare to look at Jizhou? 於是 曹操 就 下令 將袁 譚 嘅 屍體 安葬 好 。 then|Cao Cao|then|ordered||Tan|possessive particle|corpse|bury|properly So Cao Cao ordered that Yuan Tan's body be properly buried. 將王修 當作 上賓 嚟 款待 , 任命 佢 做 司 金 中郎將 。 |regarded as|honored guest|come|entertain|appointed|he|as|||middle general He treated Wang Xiu as a distinguished guest and appointed him as the General of the Treasury. 曹操 就 問 佢 : 而家 袁尚 已經 投奔 袁熙 嘞 , 請問 用 乜嘢 計策 去 攻 佢 好 呢 吓 ? Cao Cao|then|asked|him|now|Yuan Shang|already|defected to|Yuan Xi|past action particle|may I ask|use|what|strategy|to|attack|him|well|question particle|exclamation particle Cao Cao then asked him: Now that Yuan Shang has already defected to Yuan Xi, what strategy should we use to attack him? 王修 唔 回答 。 Wang Xiu|not|answer Wang Xiu did not respond. 曹操 話 : 忠臣 啊 ! 忠臣 啊 ! Cao Cao|said|loyal minister|ah|loyal minister|ah Cao Cao said: Loyal minister! Loyal minister! 噉 曹操 就 再 唔 問王修 。 then|Cao Cao|then|again|not| Then Cao Cao no longer asked Wang Xiu. 佢 問 郭 嘉 。 He|asked|Kwok|Ka He asked Guo Jia. 郭嘉 就 話 : 最好 派 袁 氏 嘅 降 將 焦觸 同張 南 佢 哋 去 打 返 佢 就 啱 。 Guo Jia|then|said||send|Yuan|family name|possessive particle|surrender|general|Jiao Zhu||Nan|they|plural marker|go|fight|return|them|just|right Guo Jia said: It would be best to send the surrendered generals from the Yuan clan, Jiao Chu and Zhang Nan, to fight against them. 曹操 聽 佢 話 , 跟 住 就 派 焦觸 、 張南 、 呂曠 、 呂翔 、 馬 延 、 張顗 , 各自 率領 本部 兵馬 , 分 三路 去 進攻 幽州 。 Cao Cao|heard|he|words|||immediately|sent|Jiao Chuo|Zhang Nan|Lue Kuang|Lue Xiang|||Zhang Yi|each|led|main|troops|divided|into three routes|to|attack|Youzhou Cao Cao listened to him and then sent Jiao Chu, Zhang Nan, Lü Kuang, Lü Xiang, Ma Yan, and Zhang Yi, each leading their own troops, to advance in three routes to attack Youzhou. 另外 呢 , 又 派 李典 、 樂進 , 會同 張燕 一齊 呀 去 並州 攻打 高幹 。 additionally|question particle|also|send|Li Dian|Le Jin||Zhang Yan|together|particle indicating surprise|go|Bingzhou|attack|Gao Gan In addition, Li Dian and Le Jin will also go with Zhang Yan to attack Gao Gan in Bingzhou.

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