Ep. 62 Neighbors' Rice Smells Better
|Episode 62|Neighbors' Rice|Aroma|
Ep. 62 [Cantonese Talk] Neighbors' Rice Smells Better
Ep.62 [Charla en cantonés] El arroz de los vecinos huele mejor
第62話 【広東語トーク】隣の家のご飯が美味しく感じる件
Ep. 62 [Cantonese Talk] Neighbors' Rice Smells Better
Hello 大家 好
今日 呢, 已經 係 二 零 二 三 年 嘅 四 月 二十 四 號 星期一
today||already||two|twenty|two|one||possessive particle|April|April|twenty|||Monday
Today is Monday, April 24, 2023
而家 係 下晝 嘅 十二 點 十一
In the Daylight, it is 12:11.
係 十二 點 五十 五 分
It is twelve fifty-five.
仲有 五 分鐘 就 一 點 啦
There are still five minutes until one o'clock.
咁 我 今日 呢 就 係
So today, I am...
喺 屋企 . 點解 呢 ?
Why is it at home?
係 因為 今日 係 學校 嘅 假期
It's because today is a school holiday.
咁 就 唔使 返工
||need to|
So there is no need to go to work.
咁 我 今個 禮拜 呢個 周末 , weekend 呢
||this|||this weekend|this weekend|
So, this weekend,
係 一個 長 周末 , long weekend 呀
is a long weekend.
因為 啱啱 嘅 星期五 學校 假期 啦
|just|last|last Friday|||
Because last Friday was a school holiday.
跟住 星期五 星期六 星期日
加埋 今日 星期一 有 4 日 假期 喎
Added together, today is Monday and there is a 4-day holiday.
呀,正 呀 ! 不過 呢 , 咁 你 話, 呀, 放假 有 咩 做好 呢, 咁樣 ?
question particle|exactly|emphasis particle|but||||||holiday||what|to do||like this
Ah, great! But, you said, ah, what is good to do on holiday, like that?
平時 我 放假 其實
usually||on holiday|
Usually when I take a holiday, actually
大部分 時間 我 都 係 即係 宅 喺 屋企 啦
most of|||||that is|stay at home|||particle indicating a suggestion or change
Most of the time, I stayed in my house.
即係 留 喺 屋企 做 宅女 呀
So, I'm just staying home as a homebody.
咁 我 啱啱 就 睇咗 一啲 YouTube 片
||||watched|a few||video
Well, I just watched some YouTube videos.
咁 我 睇咗 乜嘢 片 呢 ?
||watched|what|movie|question particle
So, what videos did I watch?
咁 即係 一啲 香港 嘅 walking video
|that is||||walking|video
So that means some walking videos of Hong Kong
嗰啲 散步 呀 , 行路 嘅 片 呀
Those videos of walking, of strolling
唔知 你 有冇 睇過 呢 ?
don't know|||seen|
I wonder if you've seen them?
咁 呀, 我 自己 呢 , 就 好 鍾意 睇 呢 啲 ,
Well, I personally really like watching these.
walking videos 嘅,呢啲 散步 片 ,
walking videos, these walking clips,
因為 呢,當 我 睇 嗰啲 片 嘅 時候 呢
||when|||those||possessive particle||
because when I watch those clips
我 就 好似 自身 喺 個 地方
|just|seem like|itself||that|
It's like I'm in a place by myself.
It seems that I am right there when I am watching those videos I will assume, Oh I am there and it's so interesting.
|appears||||correct|at that location|at that moment|||watching|||||assume|constant time|||at that place||it is||fascinating
咁 我 覺得 非常之 有趣
So, I think it's very interesting.
特別 係 我 已經 話 超過 三年
especially|||already||more than|three years
Especially since I've been saying it for over three years.
冇 返 香港 囉, 咁 所以 呢
|||emphasis particle||so|
Haven't returned to Hong Kong, so that's why.
都 會 掛住 香港 嘅 嗰啲 街 呀 , the streets
|will|hang on||possessive particle|those|streets|||the streets
嗰啲 街 啦 香港 嗰啲 鋪頭 啦 , shops
||||those|shops||those shops
Those streets in Hong Kong, those shops.
咁 所以 呢 呢啲 散步 片 呢 就 好 幫 到 手 啦
||||walk||||||to help|help|
So these walking videos really help a lot.
so those videos help me a lot
|||help|||a lot
so those videos help me a lot
非常之 幫 到 我 呀
咁 我 啱啱 呢 就 睇 完 幾 條
So I just finished watching a few of them
係 我 以前 住 嘅 地區 嘅 片
It's a film of the area I used to live in
地區 districts
咁 我 以前 喺 香港 呢
So I used to be in Hong Kong
就 住 喺 慈 雲 山區 , Chi Wan Shan district
then|live||慈|cloud||Chi|Chi Wan|Mountain|
I live in the Chi Wan Shan district.
咁 我 就 住 喺 個 區 啦 超過 二十 年 呀
I have been living in this area for over twenty years.
嘅 父母 爸爸媽媽 啦
My parents, dad and mom.
都 仲 係 住 喺 嗰度 嘅 so my parents are still living in that district
咁 所以 呢 我 都 好 掛住 嗰個 地方
So, I really miss that place.
咁 我 啱啱 睇 片 嘅 時候 呢
I was just watching a video.
嘩! 就 好似 即係 行 緊 嗰啲 鋪頭 呀
Wow! It's just like walking in those shops.
行 緊 嗰啲 街 咁 而 嗰啲 街 有啲 鋪頭 呢
It is very close to that street and there are some shops in that street.
係 我 以前 日日 都 會 經過 嘅
||||||passed by|
Something I used to pass every day
so I passed by those shops and streets
daily when I was living in Hong Kong
咁 呀 你哋 都 可以 search 下 喎
咁 其中 一個 我 好 中意 嘅 channel 呢
|among them||||like|||
So one of the channels that I really like is
係 叫做 Hong Kong map
called Hong Kong map
咁 你 打 Hong Kong and then 打 map MAP map
So you type Hong Kong and then type map MAP map
咁 就 會 有 嗰 啲 video 架啦, 咁樣
|||||||will|like this
So, there will be those videos, like that.
而 另 一個 我 好 中意 嘅 channel 啦
And another channel that I really like.
叫做 Hong Kong Walker
It's called Hong Kong Walker.
咁 你 打 Hong Kong and then Walker, W-A-L-K-E-R
So you type Hong Kong and then Walker, W-A-L-K-E-R.
咁 你 就 可以 搵 到
Then you can find it.
個 channel 咁 我 有 好多 香港 嘅 街道 嘅 片 啦
This channel has a lot of videos of Hong Kong streets.
咁 呀,佢 都 會 一路 拍片 呀 會 講 廣東話 嘅
|||||all the way|filming||will||Cantonese|
Well, he will keep filming and will speak Cantonese.
你哋 都 可以 一路 睇 住 片
You all can continue to watch the video
一路 會 聽到 一啲 廣東話
You will hear some Cantonese along the way
咁 我 一路 睇 呢啲 walking video 嘅 時候 呢
As I continue to watch these walking videos
咁 我 都 有 一句 說話
Then I have a saying.
喺 我嘅 腦海 中 彈 咗 出嚟 呀
||mind||pop up|||
It popped up in my mind!
So popped up,彈出 嚟
|popped up||popped|
So popped up
So a sentence popped up in my mind when I was watching those walking videos
咁 就 係 啦 叫做 ' 隔離 飯 香 ', ‘ 隔離飯香 '
||||called||||neighbor's food
So, this is called 'Neighboring Rice Aroma', 'Neighboring Rice Aroma'
Have you ever heard this phrase before?
Have you ever heard this phrase before?
你 有冇 聽過 呢 一句 廣東話 說話
||||this sentence||saying
Have you heard this Cantonese saying before?
叫做 隔離飯香 呢
|isolation meal|
It's called 'Gai Lei Fan Heung'.
咁 乜嘢 意思 呢, 咁樣
So what does that mean, like this?
隔離飯香 呢 同 英文 有 一句
isolation meal aroma|||||a sentence
'Gai Lei Fan Heung' has a phrase in English.
叫做 The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
係 非常之 類似 都係 咁 嘅 意思
It is very similar, it means something like that.
即係 話 呢 人哋 嘅 嘢 呢, 好似, 唔, 好啲 喎, 咁樣
|||other people||||||||
It means that other people's things are, well, better, like that.
literally it means neighbours' rice smells better, neighbours' rice smells better
Literally it means neighbours' rice smells better, neighbours' rice smells better.
隔離飯香 , 香 is smells good, and 隔離 can mean the one nearby or here 隔離 can mean neighbours.
咁 點解 我 咁樣 諗 到 呢 一句 說話 呢
Why do I think of this statement?
就係 因為 如果 我 身處 喺 香港 嘅 時候 啦
我 就 會 好 羨慕 , envy. 好 羨慕
嘩!嗰啲 住 喺 外國 嘅 人 ,
||||foreign countries||
Wow! Those who live in foreign countries .
有 好多 好 闊落 嘅 空間 呀,唔會 咁 嘈吵 啦
There is a lot of spacious area, it won't be so noisy.
有 好多 嘅 自然 嘅 景觀 呀
There are many natural sceneries.
some natural scenery, 自然 嘅 風景 呀, 自然 嘅 景觀 呀
some natural scenery, natural landscape, natural scenery
因為 天空 呢, 好大 咁樣, 咁 好似 呢 感覺 . 好 relaxing 咁樣, 好 輕鬆 嘅
|the sky|||||||feels||relaxing|||relaxed|particle indicating possession
咁,但係 呢 譬如 我 而家 身處 喺 美國 啦
|||for example||now|being in|||
But, for example, I'm in the United States.
真係 一個 比較 闊落 嘅 空間 spacious
It's really a spacious space.
好 闊落 嘅 一個 居住 嘅 空間 呀
我 係 周圍 見到 好多 嘅 綠 草 , green grasses.
||around||||green|grass||green grasses
I see a lot of green grasses around me.
好多 樹 , 無 乜 人 呀, 咁樣
So many trees, so few people, so much so.
咁 我 睇 住 呢啲 , walking videos
睇 到 香港 呢 嘩 ! 咁 方便 嘅 我 睇法 .
Look at Hong Kong! So convenient I see.
話 原來 我 以前 住 嗰 度 呢
I used to live there.
我 真係 呢 一 落 樓下 . 真係 行 一分鐘
I really fell downstairs. It's really okay. One minute.
Just one minute walk. 一分鐘
Just one minute walk. One minute
咁 我 就 可以 去 到 一個 shopping mall
Then I can go to a shopping mall
一個 呢 個 購物中心 啦 一個 商場
|||shopping center|||shopping mall
A shopping center, a mall
嗰個 商場 呢 有 七 層 嘅 七 層 seven levels 有 七 層
|shopping mall|||seven|levels|||||levels|||
咁 真係 乜嘢 鋪頭 都 有
There are really all kinds of shops
You can find all sorts of stores and restaurants in that shopping mall
||||various types||stores||||||
你 真係 搵 到 所有 嘅 店舖
You really found all the stores
所有 唔同 種類 嘅 餐廳 都 有 呀,
即係 , 非常之 方便
咁 我 有 supermarket, 有 超市 , 有 wet market: 有 街市
|||supermarket||supermarket|||wet market||
咁 , 真係 你 諗 到 嘅 要 買 嘅 嘢
譬如 衫 呀 , 鞋 呀 ,零食 呀 , 眼鏡 呀 : optical, or glasses,
Daily necessity, 日用品 呀
|necessity|daily necessities|
Daily necessity, daily items!
全部 都 可以 呢 , 一 落 街 你 就 入去 個 商場
all|||||go to|||then|||shopping mall
All of them can be found. Once you go down to the street, you just enter the mall.
咁 就 已經 搵 到 啦 呢 啲 嘢
Then you can already find these things.
咁 而家 話 我 要 去 一啲 地方 買嘢 係 鋪頭
Then they say I have to go to some place to buy something from the shop.
咁 一 係 你 就 上網 買 啦 online, amazon
|||||go online||||Amazon
Then you can buy it online, amazon
或者 上網 買 超市 嘢 都 ok
Or you can go online and buy some supermarket stuff.
但 如果 你 要 去 嗰啲 鋪頭 呢
But if you want to go to those shops,
咁 一定 真係 要 揸車 去 咁 樣
Then you definitely have to drive there.
咁 所以 呢 就 覺得 , 嘩 ! 咩 以前 嘩 我 住 嗰度 咁 方便 嘅
||"in that case"||feel||||wow||||||
So that's why I feel like, wow! What was it like before when I lived there, so convenient.
跟住 我 就 覺得 我 爸爸媽媽 而家 住 嗰度
Then I felt that my parents are living there now.
雖然 地方 嗰 個 apartment 啦, 個個 單位 呢
Although the place is an apartment, each unit is very small.
係 好 細 嘅 即係 二百 零 呎
It's really small, about two hundred square feet.
200 feet, something, 二百 零 呎
200 feet, something, two hundred zero feet
咁 但係 呢 一 落 街 啦 就 好 方便
Well, but this street is very convenient
咁 其實 係 香港 啦 , 好多 一啲 住屋 嘅
Well, actually, it's in Hong Kong, many residential properties
單位 呀 housing, most of the housing 其實 都 好細 啦
The units are quite small, most of the housing is actually very small.
都 係 好 出名 㗎 啦
They are quite famous.
你哋 都 會 知 架啦 一般 我 諗 都 係 二百 幾 呎 三百 幾 呎
|||||usually|||||||feet|three hundred||feet
You all would know, generally I think they are around two hundred something square feet to three hundred something square feet.
如果 有錢 啲 嘅 人 呢 , 咁 就 可能 個 單位 當然 可以 大 啲 五百 呀
|rich|||||||||unit|of course||||five hundred|
If there are rich people, then it is possible that a unit can of course be larger than 500
至 七 百 呎 呀 , 或者 你 再 有錢 啲 嘅
一 千 呢 啦 就 已經 係 好 有錢 好 有錢 嘅 人 先 至
|thousand|||||||||||||only then
A thousand dollars is already a very rich person.
可以 五 千 呎 以上 嘅 單位
Units over 5,000 feet are allowed
但 一般 好多 嘅 public housing 一啲 公共 房屋
公共 房屋 都 係 可能 三百 呎 呀
|housing||||three hundred||
Public housing can be about three hundred square feet.
左右 啦 , 平均 都 係 可能
Around that, on average it might be.
三 個 人 四 個 人 住 三百 呎 左右 嘅 單位 咁樣
Three or four people live in a unit of about three hundred square feet like that.
咁 呀, 所以 呢 我 就 會 諗 起 呢 啲 真 係 隔離飯香 呀
|||||||||||||smell of rice|
So, I will think of the aroma of the neighboring food.
當 你 身處 係 一個 地方 你 就 會 覺得
when||are in|||||||
When you are in a place, you will feel.
嘩!人哋 嗰度 啲 嘢 真係 好 啦
Wow! The things over there are really great!
你 就 好 羨慕
You are really envious.
咁 但 當 你 真係 去到 嗰 個 地方 你 睇 返 你 又 會 覺得
But when you actually get to that place, you look back and you will feel
唔 係 喎 其實 以前
No, actually, in the past
嗰度 又 真係 都 唔錯 又 唔係 咁 差 咋 喎 , 咁樣
||||||||that bad|only||
It's really not that bad, it's not that bad.
所以 永遠 呀,都 好 難 呀,係 滿足 嘅 有時候 即係
So, it is always hard to be satisfied, sometimes it is
Its hard to feel satisfied. That is the truth of human hearts.
It is|||||||||possessive particle|human|hearts
好難 呢 , 去 滿足 人心 啊
very difficult||||human heart|
It's so hard to fulfill one's heart.
好 容易 就係 覺得 呢, 人哋 嗰啲 好
It's easy to think that they are good
咁 但係 正如 我 上 一集 喺 podcast 嗰度 分享 呀
||as|||one episode|||there|share|
Well, it's just like the last episode I shared on the podcast.
真係 要 避免 avoid, 避免
Really, need to avoid, avoid
去 比較 唔 減少 一啲 比較
Going to compare doesn't reduce a bit of comparison
比較 係 comparison
Comparison is comparison
比較 減少 去 同 其他人 比較
Compare Decrease Go With Others Compare
因為 呢 永遠 呀 係 世事 世界 上 嘅 事
|||||world affairs|world|||
Because there are always things in the world, things in the world.
唔 , 係 冇 呢 個 兩全其美
|||||satisfactory solution
No, there is no such thing as a two-way street.
好 啦 , 兩全其美 呢
||to have the best of both worlds|
Alright, a win-win situation then.
即係 之 兩樣 都 係 完美 嘅 咁樣
|of|two things|||perfect||
That means both are perfect in this way.
咁 咩 係 兩樣 完美 啦
|||two things|perfect|
So what are the two perfect things then?
即係 我哋 廣東話 又 話 好似 一個 coin 一個 銀仔 呀
||Cantonese|||||coin||silver coin|
That is, in our Cantonese, it's like a coin and a silver boy.
都 有 兩面 two sides 咁樣
||two sides||sides|
Everything has two sides.
咁 凡事 everything, 凡事 , 都 係 有 兩面 咁 樣 睇 嘅
|Everything|everything|everything||||two sides||樣(1)||
So everything, everything, has two sides to it.
有 好 嘅 一面 呀 , 有 唔好 嘅 一面 嘅
There is a good side and there is a bad side.
咁 呀 好 難 呢 , 兩面 都 係 perfect 咁樣
|||really||both sides|||perfect|
It's really difficult, both sides are perfect like this.
真係 冇 , 係 呀 . 呢 個 世界 係 冇 一啲 兩全其美
There really isn't, yes. There is no such thing as perfect in this world.
咁 呀 , 譬如 你 喺 香港 住 嘅 嘅 時候
Well, for example, when you live in Hong Kong.
你 可以 享受 好 方便 嘅 生活 啦
You can enjoy a convenient life!
咁 但係 當然 呢 , 住 嘅 環境 就 好細 呀
||of course||||environment|||
But of course, the living environment is very small
好 嘈吵 呀 , 好大 壓力 呀 .
It's very noisy, so much pressure.
工作 嗰 個 時間 好長 呀 .
|that|that|that time|very long|
The working hours are very long.
好 急促 呀 嘅 生活 啦
Life is really stressful.
咁 但係 你 嚟到 美國 , 係 啦 , 咁樣
So, when you come to America, right, like this.
地方 大 呀 , 冇 咁 嘈 呀 ,
The place is big, not so noisy.
咁樣 , 但係 又 冇 好似 香港 個 種 生活
||again|not|||of|type of|lifestyle
Like this, but it’s not quite the same kind of life as in Hong Kong.
咁 方便 你 一 落 街 就 可以 買 到 唔同 嘅 嘢
You can buy different things as soon as you walk down the street.
一 落 街 就 有 好多 唔同 種類 嘅
There are so many different kinds of people on the streets.
餐廳 呀 , 食肆 呀 、 鋪頭 呀 , 咁 樣
Restaurant, eatery, shop, that's how it is.
咁 所以 呢 永遠 都 唔 能夠 兩全其美 嘅
So it can never be both sides are beautiful.
咁 如果 你 永遠 呢
So if you always...
喺 一個 位置 只係 去 羨慕 人哋 有 嘅 嘢 啦
In a position to envy what people have.
咁 你 永遠 都 唔 開心 嘅 呀 嘛
咁 所以 就要 學識 係 , 唔 , 欣賞 你 而家 有 嘅 嘢 囉
So, we have to learn how to, uh, appreciate what you have.
To appreciate what you have now 你 欣賞 你 而家 有 嘅 嘢
To appreciate what you have now you appreciate what you have right now.
同埋 其實 人生 都,。。。
And actually, life is...
我 覺得 都 唔係 一個 停滯 係 同 一個 階段 嘅 啦
I feel that it's not a stagnation at one stage.
停滯 係 , Just stay at one stage all the time.
Stagnation is, Just stay at one stage all the time.
So I think life is just like floating along, like a river flowing along You will experience different stages, different situations
So I think life is just like floating along, like a river flowing along You will experience different stages, different situations
咁 呀 , 人生 都 好似 一條 河流 咁 去 不斷 流動 呀
||life|||a river|river|||continuously|flow|
Well, life is like a river continuously flowing.
好難 係 , 即係 喺 同 一個 情況 永永遠遠 , Forever, 咁 嘅
very difficult||||||situation|forever|||
所以 就 係 當 你 而家 喺 呢 一個 情況 , 呢 一個 Situation, 呢 個 情況
Therefore, when you are in this situation, this situation, this situation, this situation, this situation, this situation, this situation, this situation, this situation, this situation, this situation, this situation, this situation, this situation, this situation, this situation.
咁 就 學習 去 享受 enjoy 你 而家 呢 一個 嘅 處境 啦
處境 都 可以 計 Situation 囉
咁 你 就 學習 享受
So you learn to enjoy.
你 而家 嘅 處境 咁樣
This is your current situation.
咁 到 你 帶 即係 帶 一 啦
So when you bring it, just bring one.
可能 你 又 會 去 到 另 一個 處境 架啦
Maybe you will go to another situation.
咁 呀 到 時候 你 又 可以 去 體驗 一啲 新 嘅 , 新 嘅 嘢
Then at that time you can experience some new things.
Experience some new things
Experience some new things
又 去 享受 個陣 時 個 處境 帶 畀 你 嘅 一啲 新 嘅 體驗 咁樣
Enjoy a new experience in a time and place.
呢 個 都 係 畀 自己 一個 提醒 啦
This is a reminder to myself.
如果 你 永遠 都 係 呢 個 情況
If you will always be in this situation
你 就 係 覺得 隔離飯香
You feel that you are separated from the smell of the food.
咁 你 永遠 都 唔 會 滿足
Then you will never be satisfied.
永遠 都 唔 開心
You will never be happy.
但係 你 而家 係 呢個 情況
But you are currently in this situation.
你 可以 懷念 嘅
You can miss it.
即係 Miss 你 可以 Miss 以前 咁 樣
that is|||||||
It means Miss, you can miss the way things used to be.
但係 唔好 淨係 成日 去 諗 住 以前 有 嘅 嘢 咁樣
But don't just keep thinking about what you had in the past.
因為 一路 要 去 Move on 一路 要, 咁樣, 去 前進, 去 Move on,去 前進 咁樣
||||||||||move forward|||||move forward|
Because you need to keep moving on, you need to, you know, go forward, go move on, go forward like that.
係 喇 , 呢 個 就 係 我 今日 想同 大家 分享 下 架啦
La, this is what I would like to share with you today.
咁 我 喺 呢度 都 好 感謝 你哋 一路 嘅 支持 同埋 收聽
Well, I am very grateful for your support and listening all along.
如果 你 都 鍾意 我 呢個 Podcast
If you also like my podcast,
又 未 俾 Review 我嘅 呢
have you not yet given me a review?
你 都 可以 幫 我 撳 一個 Review
You can help me press a review
或者 去 我 個 YouTube Channel
Or go to my YouTube channel
我 都 會 Post 呢 一個 嘅 Podcast 內容 嘅
I will also post the content of this podcast
咁 你 都 可以 俾 個 Like 我 呀
Well, you can also give me a like.
好 多謝 大家 . 咁 我 哋 下 一集 再見 , 拜拜 !
|||||||next episode|see you|
Thank you very much, everyone. Let's meet again in the next episode, bye!