Ep. 61 Happiness Index
|Happiness Index|Index
Ep. 61 [Kantonesische Diskussion] Glücksindex
Ep. 61 [Cantonese Talk] Happiness Index
Ep. 61 [Charla en cantonés] Índice de felicidad
Ep. 61 Índice de Felicidade
Ep. 61 [Kantonesiskt samtal] Lyckoindex
Ep. 61 [Cantonese Talk] Happiness Index
Ep. 61 [Cantonese Talk] Happiness Index
Hello, 大家 好 , 歡迎 收聽 今集 嘅 Podcast。
||||tuning in|this episode|of|
Hello, everyone, welcome to this episode of the podcast.
今日 係 二 零 二三 年 四月 二十 二 號 星期六 。
Today is Saturday, April 22, 2023.
而家 係 早上 嘅 九點 零 四 分 。
now|is|morning|possessive particle|904 AM|zero|four|minutes
It is now 9:04 in the morning.
今日 呢, 想 同 大家 講下 關於 幸福 快樂 呢 一個 題目 嘅 。
today|question particle|want to|with|everyone|talk about|about|happiness|happiness|question particle|a|topic|possessive particle
Today, I would like to talk about the topic of happiness.
咁 英文 呢, 就 係 叫做 Happiness 啦 , Happiness。
In English, it is called Happiness, Happiness.
咁 但係 呢, 喺 廣東話 呢, 我哋 可以 翻譯 Happiness 做 快樂 , 開心 同埋 幸福 。
Well, in Cantonese, we can translate Happiness as快樂, 開心, and 幸福.
呢啲 呢, 都 係 可以 翻譯 做 英文 嘅 Happiness。
These can all be translated to the English term Happiness.
咁 我 想 同 大家 講下 幸福 呢 一個
So I want to talk to everyone about this concept of happiness.
喺 廣東話 成日 都 會 用到 嘅 一個 詞語 。
|Cantonese|all the time|always|will|"used in"|that|a|common phrase
In Cantonese, it is a word that is used all the time.
咁 幸 呢 其實 係 指 幸運 。
so|fortunate|is|actually|is|refers to|luck
Luck means good fortune.
Fortunate, fortune or luck, lucky, 幸運 。
福 呢 其實 係指 Blessings or being blessed。
blessings|||refers to|blessings||being blessed|being blessed
咁 所以 幸福 呢 一個 字 啦
That's why I'm happy.
literally 係 解 做 覺得 好 幸運
really|is|to explain|to be|||Feel fortunate
Literally means to feel very lucky.
同埋 覺得 自己 有 好多 嘅 福氣 。
||myself|have|||Good fortune
And feel that I have a lot of blessings.
A feeling of being so lucky and being blessed. And we will call this kind of feelings 幸福 。So it is more than happiness.
|state of emotion|of||therefore||||||we|will be|refer to|this kind of|type of||happiness and blessings|Blessed joy|||||greater than|
A feeling of being so lucky and being blessed. And we will call this kind of feelings happiness. So it is more than happiness.
係 我 覺得 幸福 呢 個 字 呢, 係 唔單止 係 開心 咁樣 嘅 。
is||think|||this|word||is|not only||happy|like that|emphasis particle
Yes, I think the word 'happiness' is not just about being happy.
係 當中 係, 有 包括 係, 有 一種 感恩 啦 ,
|"among them"||there is|"including"|||a kind of|gratitude|
Within it, there is also a sense of gratitude.
覺得 自己 好 被 愛 啦 , being loved, 同埋 一種 好多 福氣 ,
|myself||passive marker|love|||being loved||||blessedness
Feeling very loved, and a sense of a lot of blessings.
lots of blessings 咁樣 嘅 意思 。
a lot of||blessings|like that||meaning
lots of blessings means like this.
咁 我 就 睇 網上 邊 搵到 一啲 嘅 報告 、report
||then I|look for|online|which|"found"|some||report|report
So I looked online and found some reports.
係 關於 Happiness Index, 幸福 指數 或者 開心 指數 。
It's about the Happiness Index or Joy Index.
咁 原來 呀 , 香港 嗰個 嘅 開心 指數 排名 呢, 都 幾 低 㗎 喎 。
|actually||Hong Kong|that|possessive particle|happiness|Happiness index|ranking||also|quite|low|emphasis particle|you know
So, Hong Kong's happiness index ranking is quite low.
香港 呢 係 排 七十 五, rank 75 for Hong Kong, 七十 五。
咁 亞洲 其他 國家 地區 嘅 開心 指數 又 係 點呢 ?
|Asia|other|countries|region||||also||how about
So, how is the happiness index in other Asian countries and regions?
咁 我 同 大家 講下 啦 。
||||talk a bit|
So, let me talk to everyone about it.
咁 喺 新加坡 , 佢 係 排 三十 二, 新加坡 排第 三十 二 位 。
In Singapore, it ranks thirty-second, Singapore is in the thirty-second position.
So for Singaporean, their happiness index is ranking number 32。
咁 台灣 呢, 係 幾 高 喎 ?
So, how high is Taiwan?
台灣 呢 係 排 十九 呀, number 19 for Taiwan。
Taiwan ranks number 19.
日本 係 排 五十 六, number 56 for Japan。
Japan ranks number 56.
咁 韓國 係 排 三十 一, number 31 for Korean。
咁 你, 可以 呢, 睇到 呢, 嘩 , 香港 都 比較 低 。
Well, you know, you can see that Hong Kong is relatively lower.
原來 係 整個 亞洲 地區 , 香港人 唔係 覺得 自己 咁 開心 。
actually||entire||region|Hongkongers|"are not"|"feel"|oneself||
It turns out that in the entire Asian region, Hong Kong people do not feel so happy about themselves.
咁 我 覺得 其中 好 大 嘅 原因 , 點解 香港人 唔係 咁 開心 呢 ?
|||among them||||Reason|why|Hong Kong people||so||
So I think one of the big reasons why Hong Kong people are not that happy is?
首先 住屋 嘅 問題 , housing problems。
First of all, housing problems.
住 嘅 問題 令到 好多 香港人 都 唔 開心 。
The housing issues make a lot of Hong Kong people unhappy.
好 細 嘅 地方 , 好 貴 嘅 地方 。
Very small places, very expensive places.
太過 狹窄 , too narrow, too small。
too|Too narrow|too|||too small
Too narrow, too small.
但係 啦 , 又 係 全世界 最 貴 嘅 樓價 。
||also|is|the world|most|expensive|of|housing prices
But, it is the most expensive property price in the world.
Top 1 most expensive apartment in the world。
Top 1 most expensive apartment in the world.
全世界 最 貴 嘅 樓價 。
||||Property prices
咁呀,點會 開心 呀 , 連住 都 成為 問題 。
"Well,"|how could|||"even living"||become a|
So, how can I be happy? Even living here has become a problem.
仲有 呢,工作 時間 好長 ,long working hours。
also||work||very long|long|working|working hours
Also, the working hours are very long.
工作 時間 好長 , 休息 唔 夠 , 壓力 太 大 。
||very long|rest||not enough|pressure||
The working hours are very long, there is not enough rest, and the pressure is too big.
都 令到 香港人 好 難 呀 開心 呀 。
|makes|||very|question particle||
It also makes it very difficult for Hong Kong people to be happy.
咁 另 一個 呢 , 好啦, 我哋 睇下 嘅 國家 , 講下 美國 呀。
|another|||"Alright"|we|look at|that||talk about||
Another one, alright, let's take a look at the country, let's talk about the United States.
咁,我 而家 喺 美國 , 美國 呢, 係 排行 第 十六,rank 16。
So, I am currently in America, America is ranked 16th, rank 16.
第 十六, 美國 ,American, America。
16th, America, American, America.
美國人 嘅 開心 指數 係 排 第 十六。
Americans||happiness|Happiness index||rank||
而 第 十五 位 係 加拿大 , 嘩,加拿大 係 高過 美國 一位 。
and|||||Canada|wow|||higher than|the United States|place
The 15th place is Canada. Wow, Canada is one place ahead of the United States.
rank higher than USA for Canada。
|higher||the USA||Canada
加拿大 係 第 十五。
Canada is ranked fifteenth.
而 德國 ,Germany, 係 第 十四。
And Germany is ranked fourteenth.
好啦,頭 三位 ,top 3, 頭 三位 係 邊 幾個 國家 呢 ?
|top|top three|||top three||which|which few|countries|
Alright, which are the top three countries?
第三,the third place is, 第三名 係 , 冰島 ,Iceland。
third||third|place||Third place||Iceland|Iceland
第二名 係 丹麥 ,Denmark, 丹麥 。
second place||Denmark|Denmark|Denmark
第一名 , rank 1, 係 芬蘭 , Finland, 芬蘭 。
first place|||Finland|Finland|Finland
咁,即係 話 頭 第三位 嘅 國家 都 係 喺 北歐 嘅 地方 或 北歐 嘅 國家 。
|that is|saying|head|third place||country|all|||Northern Europe|||or|Nordic||
Then, the countries that are in third place are in Scandinavia or Scandinavian countries.
Countries of Northern Europe, 北歐 嘅 國家 。
無論 你 而家 身處 咩 地方 啦 , 我 都 希望 你哋 每 一個 都 可以 過得 開心
Regardless of||now|in a|what|place||I|all|hope|you all|each|each|||live|
No matter where you are right now, I hope each and every one of you can be happy.
同埋 快樂 嘅 都 能夠 感到 幸福 啊。
And those who are happy can also feel blessed.
我 啦 , 就 問 咗 呢 個 AI chat。
|||||||AI chat|chat
As for me, I asked this AI chat.
而家 好 流行 就 係 用 呢 個 AI chat 問 問題 啦 。
||popular||||||AI chat|chat||questions|
Right now, it's very popular to use this AI chat to ask questions.
咁 我 都問 咗 呢 個 AI chat。
|I|also asked|past tense marker||||
So I also asked this AI chat.
究竟 如果 一個人 要 覺得 開心 呀 , 快樂 呀 , 幸福 呀 。
in the end|if|a person||||||||
Ultimately, if a person wants to feel happy, joyful, or blessed.
有啲 乜嘢 嘢 要 避免 去 做 呢 ?
|what|thing|need to|avoid|to|doing|
What are some things to avoid doing?
咁 呢度 呢,佢 就 出 咗 有 七 點 喎 。
Well, here, it has come out to be seven points.
7 points. 有 七 點 .
7 points. There are seven points.
咁 我 都 好 認同 嘅 。
Well, I also agree.
I agree with them. I agree with these points. 咁 我 都 認同 呢 七 點 喎 。
|agree||them||agree|||||||agree with||||
I agree with them. I agree with these seven points.
你哋 又 覺得 佢 講 得 啱 唔啱 呢 ? 咁 我 同 大家 分享 下 。
|||he/she|speaks|speaks|correct|right or wrong||then|I||everyone|share|
What do you think? Do you think what he said was right or wrong? Well, let me share with everyone.
第一點 , 如果 你 想 開心 嘅 話 , 就要 避免 同 其他人 比較 。
First point|||||if|if|must|avoid comparing||other people|compare with
First point, if you want to be happy, you should avoid comparing yourself to others.
Avoid to compare yourself to others. 避免 同 其他人 比較 。
Avoid|||yourself|||||other people|
Avoid to compare yourself to others.
同 其他人 比較 嘅 時候 呢 , 會 容易 產生 不足 感 。
|||||||easier|generate feelings|shortcomings|sense of inadequacy
When comparing yourself to others, it's easy to develop feelings of inadequacy.
Feelings of inadequacy. 不足 感,容易 產生 妒忌, jealousy 。
||inadequacy|inadequacy|feeling|easily|give rise to|jealousy|jealousy
Feelings of inadequacy. It can easily lead to jealousy.
同埋 令到 自己 個 自尊心 降低 。
And it lowers one's self-esteem.
Lower ones self esteem.
Lower one's self-esteem.
咁 所以 唔好 成日 去 注視 其他人 有啲 乜嘢 。
||don't|all the time||gaze at|other people||what
So, don't always focus on what others have.
而 係 注視 返 自己 嘅 成就 。
and|is|focus on||||achievements
Instead, we focus on our own accomplishments.
Your own accomplishment。Focus on your own accomplishment.
注視 返 自己 嘅 成就 。
Focus on||||achievement
Focus on your own achievements.
同埋 注視 返 自己 嘅 強處 。
And focus on your own strengths.
Your own strength. Focus on your own strength.
Your own strength. Focus on your own strength.
注視 你 嘅 強處 , 你 嘅 強項 。
Focus on your strengths.
好 啦 , 第二點 , AI chat 呀 , 提醒 我哋 。
||second point||||remind us|
Alright, the second point, AI chat, remind us.
Don't hold grudges。
Don't hold grudges.
唔 好 心懷 怨恨 。
||harbor|Hold grudges
Do not harbor resentment.
因為 呢啲 嘅 怨恨 , 能夠 令到 個人 好 苦毒 呀。Bitter。
because|this||Resentment|can||a person||Bitter and resentful||bitter
Because this kind of resentment can make a person very bitter.
能夠 阻礙 咗 你 去 前進 同 感受 快樂 嘅 。
|hinder||||move forward||experience||
It can hinder you from moving forward and feeling happiness.
所以 啦 佢 就 提議 , 要 嘗試 原諒 其他人 。
||||suggested|need to|try to|forgive others|
So, he suggested that we should try to forgive others.
Try to forgive others。
Make an effort||forgive|
嘗試 原諒 他人 。
Try to forgive others.
同埋 將 呢啲 嘅 負面 感覺 放開 。
"and"|"let go of"|these||negative|negative feelings|let go
And let go of these negative feelings.
Let go. 放開 . 放開 呢啲 負面 感覺 呢 .
||let go|let go||negative|feelings|
Let go. Let go. Let go of these negative feelings.
Let go of these negative feelings.
第三 ,Don't dwell on the past。
Third, don't dwell on the past.
唔 好 成日 諗 返 以前 , 淨係 諗 返 以前 嗰啲 錯誤 或者 後悔 嘅 嘢 。
||all the time|think||the past|only|think|||those|mistakes|or regret|regrets||
Don't always think back to the past, only thinking about those mistakes or regrets from before.
其實 我哋 每 一個 人 喇 , 都 唔 係 完美 。Not perfect。
|we|every|every|person|emphasis particle|all|not|are|perfect|not|perfect
In fact, every one of us is not perfect. Not perfect.
都 唔 係 完美 啦 。
Not perfect at all.
咁 所以 都 會 做 一啲 錯 咗 嘅 事 、 錯誤 嘅 事 呀 。都 會 犯錯 。
||||||mistakes||||mistakes|that|things||||make mistakes
So, there will be some wrong things, mistakes. Mistakes will happen.
會 make mistakes。
Will make mistakes.
或者 一啲 bad decision。
Or some bad decisions.
一啲 唔好 嘅 決定 。
Some bad decisions.
但係 呢 , 你 淨係 成日 諗 返 呢啲 錯誤 或者 後悔 嘅 事情 。
However, you keep thinking about these mistakes or regrets.
就 會 令到 你 更加 嘅 唔 開心 。
||||even more|||happy
It will only make you even more unhappy.
我哋 應該 Learn from our mistakes。
We should learn from our mistakes.
同埋 Focus on the present moment。
And focus on the present moment.
就 係 喺 錯誤 當中 去 學習 。
It is to learn from mistakes.
然之後 再 重新 振作 。
After that||rejuvenate|cheer up
Then, recover and re-energize.
Stand up from those mistakes and carry on, move on。
Stand up|||those|||||move|
繼續 嘅 去向 前行 。
continue||direction|move forward
Continue to move forward.
唔 好 成日 looking back。
||all day||back
Don't always look back.
唔 好 成日 淨係 睇 返轉頭 。
||||look|look back
Don't just keep looking backward.
而 係 去 Focus 返 現在 同埋 明天 、 聽日 、 將來 。
Instead, focus on the present and the future, tomorrow, and what lies ahead.
好 啦 , 跟住 第四點 。
||Next|fourth point
Alright, let's move on to the fourth point.
我哋 需要 避免 嘅 啦 , 就 係 唔理 自己 。
we|need to|avoid|that||||ignore|oneself
What we need to avoid is ignoring ourselves.
Neglect self care.
幫 你 唔理 自己 嘅 情緒 、emotions 啦 。
Help you to ignore your emotions and emotions.
或者 你 嘅 精神 健康 、mental health。
同埋 你 嘅 physical health。
你 嘅 身體 健康 啦 。
Your body is healthy.
咁 就 令到 你 個人 嘩,
Then it makes you wow,
心情 又 會 差 啦 。
Your mood will also be poor.
身體 又 出 問題 啦 。
Something is wrong with your body again.
咁 就 好 難 開心 㗎 喇 喎 。
It's hard to be happy, I don't think so.
咁 所以 要 prioritize self care activities。
|therefore||put first|||activities
So, we need to prioritize self-care activities.
要 將 一啲 照顧 自己 嘅 活動 呢 , 唔 放 喺 優先 嘅 位置 呀 。
need|will||take care of|||activities|||||priority||position|
We should place some activities that take care of ourselves in a priority position.
優先 係 as a priority。to prioritize。
Prioritize means to give something priority. To prioritize.
去 放 喺 優先 嘅 位置 。
Put it in the priority position.
唔好 覺得 self care 係 等於 自私 。
唔好 覺得 self care 係 等於 selfish.
Self care is not equal to selfish. You have the responsibility to take care of yourself. It is not other people's responsibility. It is your responsibility.
||||equivalent to||||||responsibility|||||||||other|other people's|||||
Self care is not equal to selfish. You have the responsibility to take care of yourself. It is not other people's responsibility. It is your responsibility.
唔好 將 self care 成為 其他人 嘅 一個 責任 。
Do not make self care a responsibility of others.
呢 一個 係 你 嘅 責任 。
This is your responsibility.
your responsibility to take care of yourself。
your responsibility to take care of yourself.
係 你 嘅 責任 去 照顧 好 自己 。
|||responsibility||take care of||
It is your responsibility to take good care of yourself.
包括 係 你 嘅 身體 啦 。
Including your body.
你 嘅 情緒 啦 。你 嘅 精神 啦 。
Your emotions. Your mental state.
所以 運動 呀 、 健康 飲食 呀 。
So exercise and healthy eating.
足夠 嘅 休息 同埋 睡眠 。Enough rest and sleep。
Enough rest and sleep.
呢啲 全部 都 呢 , 係 好 緊要 嘅 。All these are important。
All these are important.
跟住 好 , 我哋 繼續 落去 。
then|||continue|go down
Okay, we'll keep going.
跟住 呢, 就 係 到 第 五點 。
||||||fifth point
唔好 成日 講 一啲 說話 踩 自己 呀 。
Don't talk all the time and step on your own feet.
踩 in Cantonese means stepping. Don't say something that stepping you down, push you down。
stepping on||||stepping|||||||down|push||
唔好 講 一啲 好 負面 嘅 說話 。
Don't say some negative words.
Negative self-talk. To avoid negative self-talk。
Negative self-talk. To avoid negative self-talk.
避免 嗰啲 負面 嘅 自言自語 。
Avoid that negative self-talk.
自言自語 即係 有啲 self-talk, self-saying 呀 。
talking to oneself||||||self-saying|
Self-talk means some self-talk, self-saying.
咁樣 你 成日 踩 自己 呀 。
This way, you are always putting yourself down.
令到 自己 個個 自尊心 都 會 低落 。
Low self-esteem, 自尊心 低落 。
亦 都 會 令到 自己 好 懷疑 自己 呀 。
It can also make you doubt yourself.
Feel the feelings of self-doubt。
Feel the feelings of self-doubt.
懷疑 自己 self-doubt, self-doubting。
Self-doubt, self-doubting.
咁,所以 調轉 去 做 。
So, we should turn around and do it.
就係 講 多啲 正面 嘅 說話 。
that is||more|positive||words
That is to say, speak more positive words.
You have to practice positive self-talk。
You have to practice positive self-talk.
要 去 實踐 正面 嘅 說話 喇 。
||practice|positive||speaking positively|
It's time to practice positive speech.
同 自己 講 多啲 正面 同埋 鼓勵性 嘅 說話 。
Talk more with yourself using positive and encouraging words.
咁 呢啲 都 可以 幫助 自己 開心 啲 嘅 喎 。
These can help make yourself happier.
第六 , 即係 避免 自己 俾 一啲 負能量 嘅 人 圍繞 。
sixth||avoidance||||negative energy|||surrounding
Sixth, avoid surrounding yourself with negative people.
負能量 ,negative force。
negative energy||force
你 身邊 嘅 人 會 唔 會 係 好多 負能量,
|around you||||||||negative energy
Are the people around you full of negative energy?
定係 會 俾 到 你 一啲 正 能量 。
Or do they give you some positive energy?
個 啲 positive force 或者 vibes
Those positive forces or vibes.
究竟 係 正 能量 定係 負能量 嘅 人 呢 ? 咁樣 , 如果 你 嘅 朋友 係 一啲 正面 嘅 人 呀 。
after all||positive|energy|or|negative energy|||||if|your|possessive particle|friends|||positive|||
What kind of person are you, a positive energy or negative energy person? So, if your friend is a positive person.
咁 佢 能夠 俾 咗 啲 positive vibes 你 個 啲 正 能量 你 。
Then they can give you some positive vibes and positive energy.
同 你 講 鼓勵 嘅 說話 。
|||encouraging||words of encouragement
And talk to you with encouraging words.
都 能夠 令到 你 開心 啲 嘅 喎 。
|able to||||||
It can make you a bit happier.
但 你 身邊 嘅 人 成日 都 踩 你 呀,
|||||||step on||
But the people around you are always stepping on you,
講 一啲 嘢 好 mean 呀 , 好 刻薄 呀,咁樣。
||||mean mean-spir|||mean-spirited||
saying some really mean things, very harsh, like that.
都 會 令到 你 唔 開心 嘅 喎。
always||make you|||||
It will make you unhappy.
所以 係 呀 要 選擇 朋友 都 好 緊要 呀 。
||||choose friends||||important|
So, it's important to choose friends carefully.
So you have to choose some friends that can encourage you, rather than saying something mean and stepping on you.
So you have to choose some friends that can encourage you, rather than saying something mean and stepping on you.
唔 好 呢 , 揀 一啲 朋友 呢 成日 講 嘢 好 刻薄 呀 。
Don't choose friends who always say hurtful things.
成日 踩 你 嘅
|step on||
Always stepping on you.
咁,第七 呢 , 就係 避免 自己 唔 去 嘗試 新 嘅 嘢 呀 。
So, the seventh one is to avoid not trying new things.
原來 呢 , 當 我哋 去 繼續 學習 一啲 新 嘅 嘢 。
It turns out that when we continue to learn new things.
Learning new things. 學習 新 嘅 嘢
Learning new things.
都 能夠 令到 自己 快樂 嘅 喎 。
It can also make oneself happy.
開心 啲 嘅 喎
Being a bit happier.
咁 呀 當 你 成日 都 好 避免,唔, 我 呢啲 又 唔 試 。 嗰啲 又 唔 試
So when you avoid me all the time, you don't try. I don't try there
咁 呀 , 你 嘅 生活 呢 , 就 會 成日 停滯不前 嘅 啦 。
Well, your life will always be stagnant.
會 有 一種 停滯不前 嘅 感覺 。
||a kind of|stagnation||
There will be a feeling of stagnation.
Lead to feelings of stagnation and unhappiness。
Lead to feelings of stagnation and unhappiness.
令到 你 會 感到 停滯不前 同 唔 開心 。
Makes you feel stuck and unhappy.
所以 佢 就 建議 我哋 要 擁抱 新 嘅 體驗 。新 嘅 經驗 。
So he suggested that we should embrace new experiences. New experiences.
Embrace new experiences。
Embrace new experiences.
擁抱 新 嘅 體驗 ,同埋 挑戰 challenges。
Embrace new experiences and challenges.
原來 新 嘅 體驗 同埋 挑戰 。
It turns out new experiences and challenges.
都 能夠 帶 俾 我哋 生活 呢, 更多 嘅 色彩 。
|can bring|bring|||||more||color
Can also bring us more colors in life.
More colors in our life。
|More vibrancy|||
More colors in our life.
能夠 讓 我哋 嘅 生活 更加 有 色彩 。
It can make our life more colorful.
咁 我 能夠 叫 到 自己 更加 嘅 開心 架 喎 。
||||||even more|||particle|
Then I can call myself a happier person.
學 一啲 新 嘅 嘢 啦 。
Learn something new.
繼續 嘅 學習 同埋 成長 。
Continue learning and growing.
Keep on learning and growing。
Keep on learning and growing.
繼續 學習 同埋 成長 。
好啦,就 係 呢 七點 我 都 覺得 係 一啲 好好 嘅 提醒 嚟 嘅 。
okay||||seven points||||||||reminder|is|
Alright, I think these seven points are a very good reminder.
I think these seven points are very good and very good advice to many of us。
I think these seven points are very good and very good advice to many of us.
都 係 一啲 好好 嘅 建議 。
They are also some very good suggestions.
好好 嘅 一啲 忠告 。忠告 in Cantonese it means advices。
呢啲 好 嘅 忠告 。
These are good pieces of advice.
我 都 希望 呢, 你哋 都 有 一啲 嘅 inspiration。
I also hope that you all have some inspiration.
有 啲 嘅 體會 啟發 啦 。
There are some experiences that can be enlightening.
好呀,我 今日 就 講到 呢 一度 啦 。
good呀||||talk about|||
Alright, I will talk about this today.
好 多謝 你哋 收聽 呀 。咁 就 畀 我 搶 啲 呀。
|Thank you|you all|listening||||||grab|some|
Thank you all for listening. Now let me grab a bit.
咁 帶 我 希望 你哋 有 開心 愉快 嘅 每 一日 。
|||||||happy||every|every day
So I hope you all have a happy and pleasant day every day.
Be blessed and then see you in the next episode。
我哋 下集 再見 。拜拜 。
|Next episode|see you|bye
We'll see you again in the next episode. Goodbye.