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Miss Winnie Daily Cantonese Small Talk, Ep. 53 Vocabulary on Airport and Traveling

Ep. 53 Vocabulary on Airport and Traveling

Hello 大家 好, 歡迎 收聽 今集 嘅 Podcast

今日 係 2023 年 3 月 31 號 星期五

而家 係 下晝 5 點 53 分

咁 呀 我 呢度 嘅 時間 仲係 星期五 啦 , 3 月 31 號 .

但係 如果 你 係 香港 或者 亞洲 地區 啦,

已經 係 踏入 左 4 月 啦.

已經 係 4 月 1 號

幫 我 話時話 喎

呢 個 4 月 1 號 啦. 係 The Fool's Day. 愚人節.

我哋 叫 愚人節

咁, 嘩 好 快 啊, 已經 踏入 4 月 啦

咁 下個星期 呢, 下個 星期五

即係 4 月 嘅 第一個 星期五 啦.

係 我 呢 一度 嘅 時間

嘅 夜晚, 7 點鐘

咁 啦 就 會 有 我哋 一個月 一次 嘅 廣東話

一個 傾計 嘅 小組 吖.

咁 係 我 呢 一度 嘅 山區 時間

係 星期五 嘅 夜晚 7 點 啦.

咁 如果 你 係 住 係 加拿大

因為 溫哥華 嘅 地方 呢

咁 就 會 係 6 點嘅 夜晚 6 點鐘

星期五 嘅 夜晚 6 點鐘

咁 當然 如果 你 係 住 多倫多 嗰邊

咁 就 會 係 快啲 既 時間

即 係 夜晚 既 9 點 囉.

或者 你 係 住 係 美國 嘅 東岸 , East Coast

咁 都 會 係 夜晚 嘅 9 點 .

咁 如果 你 係 香港 嘅話 呢,

就 係 星期六 早上 既 9 點

咁 我哋 就 會 有 呢個 一個月 一次

一個 鐘頭 嘅 廣東話 小組

咁 就 歡迎 呢, 有 興趣 嘅 朋友 啦.

可以 聯絡 我 , inbox 我

咁 我 就 可以 畀 一個 zoom link 你

咁 你 就 可以 唔 參加

咁 呀, 係 免費 嘅

咁 我哋 就 會 傾下 關於 旅行 嘅 話題 呀.

譬如 講下 你 鍾意 同 咩 人 去 旅行 呀?

你 鍾 唔 鍾意 自己 一個人 去 旅行 定係 一班人 去 旅行 呀?

你 鍾意 去 邊度 旅行 呢?

咁 如果 要 你 一個人 去 旅行 嘅話

間 一個 地方 你 會 去 邊度 呢?

大家 會 傾下 關於 旅行 嘅嘢 喎.

咁 阿, 過 咗 幾年 嘅 疫情 啦,

呢 個 pandemic 過 咗 之後 呢,

好多 人 都 會 上 周圍 去 旅行 阿.

咁 我 最近 睇 新聞 呢

話 係 香港 都 多 咗 好多

一 啲 國內 Mainland China

大陸 嘅 遊客 啦.

來到 香港 呢, 旅行

到 返 啲 遊客 咁樣.

咁 亦都 有 好多 香港 人 呀,

我 見到 好多 我 嘅 香港 朋友 阿.

佢哋 都 去 東南亞 地方 旅行 啦.

因為 真係 好多 香港 人 呢, 都 係

好 鍾意 去 旅行

放假 就 係 去 旅行

然之後 放 完 假

就 努力 搵錢

打工 賺錢

然之後 就 等 下 一個 假期

可以 去 旅行

我 都 好耐 冇 去過 旅行 喇.

我 自己 就 都 好 鍾意 去 旅行 嘅.

咁 我 今日 呢 一集 呢.

就 想 同 大家 講下 一啲

詞彙 係 同 旅行 有關

同 機場 或者 旅行 有關 嘅 詞語

咁 阿, 今集 都 會 有 少少 唔 同 嘅,

因為 我 呢 就 會 同 大家 練習 下

溫習 下 一啲 vocabs

一啲 詞語 同 旅行 有關 嘅

咁 阿, 你哋 準備 好 未 呢

咁 第一個 考下 你哋 記 唔 記得?

點講 airport, 機場, 機場.

好啦, departure hall, 點樣 講 呢

離境 大堂, 離境 大堂.

arrival hall, 入境 大堂, 入境 大堂.

airline, 航空公司, 航空公司.

flight, 航班, 航班.

customs, 海關, 海關.

security check, 安檢, 安檢.

boarding gate, 登機 閘口, 登機 閘口.

boarding procedures, 登機 手續, 登機 手續.

boarding pass, 登機證, 登機證.

passport, 護照, 護照.

visa, 簽證, 簽證.

check-in luggage, 寄倉 行李, 寄倉 行李.

hand carry luggage, 手提 行李, 手提 行李.

set off, 出發, 出發.

take off, 起飛, 起飛.

landing, 降落, 降落.

pick someone up in the airport, 摺 機, 摺機.

send someone off in the airport, 送機

check-in counter, 登機 手續 櫃檯, 登機 手續 櫃檯.

so counter, 櫃檯

flight attendant, 空中 服務員, 空中 服務員. For air hostess we can say 空中小姐, 空中小姐.

And for male flight attendant we can call them 空中少爺, 空中少爺. Pilot, 機師, 機師 or 飛機師.

好 喇 , 呢 啲 vocabs 呢, 你哋 識 幾多 呢 ?

咁 都 係 一啲 好 有用 嘅 詞彙 嚟 嘅

咁 你哋 就 可以 溫習 下 喇 喎

咁 我哋 呢 下個星期 五, 係 喇

再 講 多 一次 啦

咁 我 星期五

我 美國 嘅 時間

遊 灘 嘅 時間 七點

就 會 有 呢 一個 嘅 廣東話 chat group

咁 歡迎 呢

有 興趣 嘅 朋友 呢

一齊 參加

我哋 係 圍到 一個 鐘頭 左右 嘅 , about one hour so welcome to join in and you can send me a message to my IG inbox. email me and I can send you the link

咁 我 就 可以

send 條 link 畀 你

希望 下個星期 五

係 喇 可以 見到 你, 同埋 呢,

同 其他 朋友 一齊 傾下 講下

關於 旅行 嘅 話題

咁 今日 呢 就 同 大家 講到 呢 一度 啦

多謝 你 嘅 收聽

我哋 下次 再見 . 拜拜 .

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Ep. 53 Vocabulary on Airport and Traveling episode|詞彙|在...上|Airport|and|Traveling episódio|vocabulário|em|aeroporto|e|Viajando Ep. 53 Vokabeln zum Thema Flughafen und Reisen Ep. 53 [Cantonese Talk] Vocabulary on Airport and Traveling Ep. 53 \[Charla en cantonés\] Vocabulario sobre aeropuertos y viajes 第53話 【広東語トーク】空港や旅先でのボキャブラリー Ep.53 공항과 여행에 관한 어휘 Ep. 53 [Conversa em cantonês] Vocabulário sobre aeroportos e viagens Гл. 53 Словарь об аэропорте и путешествиях. Ep. 53 [Cantonese Talk] Vocabulary on Airport and Traveling Ep. 53 [Cantonese Talk] Vocabulary on Airport and Traveling

Hello 大家 好, 歡迎 收聽 今集 嘅 Podcast Hello|everyone|good|welcome to|"tuning in"|this episode's|of the|Podcast Hello everyone, welcome to this episode of Podcast

今日 係 2023 年 3 月 31 號 星期五 today|is|year|March|number|Friday Today's Relationship Friday, March 31, 2023

而家 係 下晝 5 點 53 分 "Right now"|"is"|afternoon|o'clock|minutes And the family at 5:53 p.m. 而家 係 下晝 5 點 53 分

咁 呀 我 呢度 嘅 時間 仲係 星期五 啦 , 3 月 31 號 . so|"then"|I|"here"|possessive particle|time|"still is"|Friday|particle indicating a change of state|| Well, here my time is still Friday, March 31.

但係 如果 你 係 香港 或者 亞洲 地區 啦, but|"If"|you|are|Hong Kong|"or maybe"|Asia region|region|particle But if you are in Hong Kong or the Asian region,

已經 係 踏入 左 4 月 啦. "Already"|"is already"|stepped into|"into"|April| it has already entered April.

已經 係 4 月 1 號 "Already"|||day Already on April 1st

幫 我 話時話 喎 "Help"||By the way|"you know" Help me when I say it, okay? 幫 我 話時話 喎

呢 個 4 月 1 號 啦. 係 The Fool's Day. 愚人節. this|this|April|date|emphasis particle||The|April Fools' Day|April Fool's Day|April Fools' Day This is April 1st. It's The Fool's Day. April Fools' Day.

我哋 叫 愚人節 we|"call"|April Fools' Day We call it April Fools' Day.

咁, 嘩 好 快 啊, 已經 踏入 4 月 啦 |Wow||fast|"ah"|already|entering|| So, it's April already!

咁 下個星期 呢, 下個 星期五 |Next week Friday||Next|Friday Then next week, next Friday.

即係 4 月 嘅 第一個 星期五 啦. "That is"|||first|Friday|particle It's the first Friday of April.

係 我 呢 一度 嘅 時間 |||"this moment"||"time" At this point in time

嘅 夜晚, 7 點鐘 "at"|evening|7 o'clock In the evening, at 7 o'clock

咁 啦 就 會 有 我哋 一個月 一次 嘅 廣東話 ||then|"will"||our|once a month|once a month|"of"|Cantonese session Then there will be our monthly Cantonese meetup

一個 傾計 嘅 小組 吖. a|chatting||small group|"you know" A group that tends to plan.

咁 係 我 呢 一度 嘅 山區 時間 ||||this|possessive particle|Mountain area|time This is my time in the mountainous area.

係 星期五 嘅 夜晚 7 點 啦. |||evening|| It's Friday night at 7 o'clock.

咁 如果 你 係 住 係 加拿大 |"If"|||living||Canada So if you're living in Canada

因為 溫哥華 嘅 地方 呢 "Because of"|Vancouver's place||"place"|particle indicating a question Because of Vancouver

咁 就 會 係 6 點嘅 夜晚 6 點鐘 ||will be||o'clock||6 o'clock Then it will be 6 o'clock at night. 6 o'clock at night.

星期五 嘅 夜晚 6 點鐘 Friday||night| Friday Nights 6pm

咁 當然 如果 你 係 住 多倫多 嗰邊 |"of course"|if||||Toronto|over there Well, of course, if you live over there in Toronto.

咁 就 會 係 快啲 既 時間 |then|will||Sooner|"of the"| Then it will be faster.

即 係 夜晚 既 9 點 囉. is|||"of the"||particle indicating certainty It's 9 o'clock at night.

或者 你 係 住 係 美國 嘅 東岸 , East Coast |||||United States||East Coast|East Coast|East Coast Or do you live on the East Coast of the United States?

咁 都 會 係 夜晚 嘅 9 點 . Then it will be 9:00 p.m. at night.

咁 如果 你 係 香港 嘅話 呢, ||||Hong Kong|if (you are)| So if you are from Hong Kong.

就 係 星期六 早上 既 9 點 ||Saturday|Saturday morning|of| It's Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m.

咁 我哋 就 會 有 呢個 一個月 一次 |||||this|| Then we will have this once a month

一個 鐘頭 嘅 廣東話 小組 |hour|possessive particle|Cantonese language|group One-minute Cantonese group

咁 就 歡迎 呢, 有 興趣 嘅 朋友 啦. |then|welcome|||interested||friend| Then, interested parties are welcome.

可以 聯絡 我 , inbox 我 can|Contact||message me| You can contact me, inbox me.

咁 我 就 可以 畀 一個 zoom link 你 ||then|can|give||video call link|Zoom link| Then I can give you a zoom link.

咁 你 就 可以 唔 參加 |||||participate Then, you can do it, but you can't participate.

咁 呀, 係 免費 嘅 |||free of charge| So, it's free.

咁 我哋 就 會 傾下 關於 旅行 嘅 話題 呀. ||||chat about|"about"|Traveling||topics| Then we'll talk about traveling.

譬如 講下 你 鍾意 同 咩 人 去 旅行 呀? "For example"|"talk about"||like||what|||travel|you know For example, do you want to go on a trip with anyone? 譬如 講下 你 鍾意 同 咩 人 去 旅行 呀?

你 鍾 唔 鍾意 自己 一個人 去 旅行 定係 一班人 去 旅行 呀? |like|||yourself|"alone"|||or|a group||travel| Do you like traveling by yourself, or do you like traveling with a group?

你 鍾意 去 邊度 旅行 呢? Are you interested in traveling to the border?

咁 如果 要 你 一個人 去 旅行 嘅話 ||||one person|||if Then, if you have to travel alone.

間 一個 地方 你 會 去 邊度 呢? a place|a|||will|go|| What's the next place you'd go?

大家 會 傾下 關於 旅行 嘅嘢 喎. everyone||chat a bit|about||"things about"|particle for emphasis Everyone will talk about travel.

咁 阿, 過 咗 幾年 嘅 疫情 啦, |ah|passed||few years||pandemic| So, after a few years of epidemic.

呢 個 pandemic 過 咗 之後 呢, ||this pandemic|is over|past|after| After the pandemic has passed, what is the reason for this?

好多 人 都 會 上 周圍 去 旅行 阿. |||will|go|around||travel| Many people go on trips to the neighborhood.

咁 我 最近 睇 新聞 呢 ||recently||news| Then, I have been watching the news recently.

話 係 香港 都 多 咗 好多 speaking|||||| Well, Hong Kong has a lot more.

一 啲 國內 Mainland China ||Mainland China|Mainland China|Mainland China Mainland China

大陸 嘅 遊客 啦. Mainland China||Mainland tourists| Tourists from Mainland China.

來到 香港 呢, 旅行 "Arrive in"|||travel Coming to Hong Kong, Traveling

到 返 啲 遊客 咁樣. |return||the tourists|like that The tourists are like this.

咁 亦都 有 好多 香港 人 呀, |also||||| There are so many Hong Kong people, too.

我 見到 好多 我 嘅 香港 朋友 阿. I've met so many of my Hong Kong friends.

佢哋 都 去 東南亞 地方 旅行 啦. |||Southeast Asia||| They're traveling to Southeast Asia.

因為 真係 好多 香港 人 呢, 都 係 |really|||||| It is because there are so many Hong Kong people, all of them are in Hong Kong.

好 鍾意 去 旅行 Well, I'd like to go on a trip.

放假 就 係 去 旅行 go on vacation|||| On vacation, we go on a trip.

然之後 放 完 假 "After that"|take|finish|holiday And then, after the vacation.

就 努力 搵錢 then|work hard|make money Just try to make money.

打工 賺錢 Work part-time|Make money Work to earn money

然之後 就 等 下 一個 假期 ||wait for|||holiday Then wait for the next holiday

可以 去 旅行 ||travel And go travel

我 都 好耐 冇 去過 旅行 喇. |always|a long time||been to|travel| I haven't traveled in a long time.

我 自己 就 都 好 鍾意 去 旅行 嘅. |||also||||| I myself am very interested in traveling.

咁 我 今日 呢 一集 呢. ||||This episode| Then, I'm going to do the same thing today.

就 想 同 大家 講下 一啲 |||||a bit I would like to talk to you about this.

詞彙 係 同 旅行 有關 Vocabulary related travel|||Traveling|related to Vocabulary related to travel

同 機場 或者 旅行 有關 嘅 詞語 |Airport|or|travel|related to||Travel-related terms Words related to the airport or traveling

咁 阿, 今集 都 會 有 少少 唔 同 嘅, ||this episode||||"a bit"||| So, there will be some differences in this episode.

因為 我 呢 就 會 同 大家 練習 下 because|||||||practice with| Because I will practise with you.

溫習 下 一啲 vocabs review|||vocabulary words Revision of the next vocabs

一啲 詞語 同 旅行 有關 嘅 |terms||travel|related to| Some words related to traveling

咁 阿, 你哋 準備 好 未 呢 ||you all|ready||yet| So, you're ready.

咁 第一個 考下 你哋 記 唔 記得? ||"test"|you|remember|not| So, do you remember the first test?

點講 airport, 機場, 機場. How to say||airport| Airport, airport, airport.

好啦, departure hall, 點樣 講 呢 "Alright"|departure hall|departure hall|how to|say| Okay, departure hall, how to speak?

離境 大堂, 離境 大堂. Departure Hall|Departure Hall|Departure| Departure Hall, Departure Hall.

arrival hall, 入境 大堂, 入境 大堂. Arrival hall||Immigration hall||immigration| arrival hall, 入境大堂, 入境大堂.

airline, 航空公司, 航空公司. Airline company|Airline company|Airline company airline, airline, airline.

flight, 航班, 航班. Flight|Flight number|flight

customs, 海關, 海關. Customs office|Customs office|customs

security check, 安檢, 安檢. Security check|Security check|Security check|security check

boarding gate, 登機 閘口, 登機 閘口. Boarding gate|boarding gate|Boarding|Boarding gate|boarding|boarding gate

boarding procedures, 登機 手續, 登機 手續. |Boarding procedures|boarding|boarding procedures||

boarding pass, 登機證, 登機證. |boarding pass|Boarding pass|boarding pass

passport, 護照, 護照. 護照|Passport|

visa, 簽證, 簽證. Visa, permit|Visa document|Visa document

check-in luggage, 寄倉 行李, 寄倉 行李. |check-in|Checked luggage|Checked baggage|Checked luggage|Checked luggage|checked baggage

hand carry luggage, 手提 行李, 手提 行李. Hand-carry luggage|Hand-carry||Hand carry|||luggage

set off, 出發, 出發. Set off|Set off|Set off|Set off

take off, 起飛, 起飛. Take off|Take off|Take off|take off

landing, 降落, 降落. Landing|Touching down|Landing, descent, touchdown.

pick someone up in the airport, 摺 機, 摺機. Pick up|Pick up someone|Pick up|at the|Foldable phone||Foldable phone|Foldable phone|Foldable phone Pick someone up in the airport, fold, fold.

send someone off in the airport, 送機 See off|send-off person|see off|at the airport|See off|See off at airport|See off

check-in counter, 登機 手續 櫃檯, 登機 手續 櫃檯. Check-in counter||Check-in counter|boarding|procedure|Check-in counter|||

so counter, 櫃檯 Counter|counter|counter so counter, counter

flight attendant, 空中 服務員, 空中 服務員. For air hostess we can say 空中小姐, 空中小姐. |Flight attendant|In-flight|Flight attendant|in-flight|air stewardess|"as for"|In the context of "flight attendant," the word "air" can be translated to "in-flight" or "airborne."|Air hostess|We can say|可以|空中服務員: flight attendant|Air hostess|

And for male flight attendant we can call them 空中少爺, 空中少爺. Pilot, 機師, 機師 or 飛機師. ||Male flight attendant|||||refer to|them|Sky Butler|sky butler|Pilot, 機師, 機師 or 飛機師.|Pilot|pilot|or|Airplane pilot

好 喇 , 呢 啲 vocabs 呢, 你哋 識 幾多 呢 ? |||||||know|how many| Okay, how much do you know about these vocabs?

咁 都 係 一啲 好 有用 嘅 詞彙 嚟 嘅 |||||useful||vocabulary|| These are some useful words.

咁 你哋 就 可以 溫習 下 喇 喎 ||||review||| Then you can learn more about La Salle.

咁 我哋 呢 下個星期 五, 係 喇 ||||next Friday|| So, we'll be here next Friday.

再 講 多 一次 啦 again|||one more time| One more time.

咁 我 星期五 So, I'll be there on Friday.

我 美國 嘅 時間 Me, the U.S. Time

遊 灘 嘅 時間 七點 "leisure"|beach|||7 o'clock Time to visit the beach 7:00pm

就 會 有 呢 一個 嘅 廣東話 chat group ||||||Cantonese language|chat group|chat group There will be a Cantonese chat group.

咁 歡迎 呢 |so welcoming| So, welcome.

有 興趣 嘅 朋友 呢 |interest||| Any interested parties?

一齊 參加 Join us.

我哋 係 圍到 一個 鐘頭 左右 嘅 , about one hour so welcome to join in and you can send me a message to my IG inbox. email me and I can send you the link ||"gathered for"||one hour|around||around|about one hour|one hour||Sure, the translation for "welcome" in this context would be "歡迎加入" (faan1 jing4 gaa1 jyu4).|到|join in|||you|can||"my IG inbox"||Join us|to|my IG inbox|Instagram||電郵我|||"I"|able to|||| We are around for about one hour so welcome to join in and you can send me a message to my IG inbox. Email me and I can send you the link.

咁 我 就 可以 Then I can

send 條 link 畀 你 |the||| send the link to you.

希望 下個星期 五 |next week| Hopefully, next week, Friday.

係 喇 可以 見到 你, 同埋 呢, |||see||and| Can I see you, too?

同 其他 朋友 一齊 傾下 講下 |other|friends|together with|| Together with other friends, we'll lean in and talk.

關於 旅行 嘅 話題 about|||topic Topics about traveling

咁 今日 呢 就 同 大家 講到 呢 一度 啦 ||||||"talk until"||| ||||||말하다||| So today, I will talk to you all about this.

多謝 你 嘅 收聽 Thank you|||listening 감사합니다||| Thank you for listening.

我哋 下次 再見 . 拜拜 . |next time|See you again|"Bye-bye" |다음번|안녕| See you next time. Goodbye.