我哋 要 永遠 喺 埋 一齊 !
we|want|forever|to be|together|together
Wir bleiben für immer zusammen!
우리는 영원히 함께 있을 거예요!
Vi måste vara tillsammans för alltid!
We want to be together forever!
心心 喺 孤兒院 長大 ,佢 最 好 嘅 朋友 就 係 孤兒院 養 嘅 狗仔 旺財 。
SamSam|at|orphanage|grew up|he|most|good|possessive particle|friend|just|is|orphanage|raised|possessive particle|puppy|Wong Choi
|||||bästa||||bara|||uppfostrat|||Wong Choi
Heart grew up in an orphanage, and her best friend was a puppy named Fortune raised by the orphanage.
旺財 肥嘟嘟 ,眼仔碌碌 ,每 次 見到 心心 都 會 好 開心 噉 汪汪 叫 ,又 跟岀 跟入 。
Fortune|chubby|bright eyes|every|time|sees|Heart|all|will|very|happy|like that|woof|barks|also|follows out|follows in
Fortune is chubby, with rolling eyes, and every time he sees Heart, he gets very happy and barks, following her in and out.
今日 晏晝 ,心心 如常 準備 好 狗糧 ,打算 餵 旺財 食 午餐 。
today|afternoon|my pet|as usual|prepared|good|dog food|plan|to feed|Wangcai|eat|lunch
This afternoon, Heart prepared dog food as usual, planning to feed Fortune lunch.
咦 ?
旺財 呢 ?
Fortune|question particle
Where's Wong Choi?
唔見 咗 嘅 ?
lost|past tense marker|question particle
心心 大 嗌 :「旺財 !
Xinxin|big|shout|Wong Choi
心心が大声で叫んだ: 「旺財!」
Heart Heart shouted: "Wong Choi!"
旺財 !
Wong Choi!
夠鐘 食飯 喇 !」
time's up|eat|already
It's time to eat!
佢 四圍 揾 旺財 , 最後 發現 旺財 瞓 咗 喺 花園 地下 , 好 唔 舒服 噉 。
|all around||||||||||||||
He searched everywhere for Wong Choi, and finally found Wong Choi sleeping on the ground in the garden, looking very uncomfortable.
院長 先生 即刻 帶 旺財 去 睇 獸醫 。
director|Mr|immediately|take|Wang Choi|to|see|veterinarian
The director immediately took Wong Choi to see the veterinarian.
獸醫 托 一 托 眼鏡 ,話 :「旺財 已經 二十 歲 ,好 老 喇 。
veterinarian|take off|a|take off|glasses|said|Wangcai|already|twenty|years old|very|old|particle
The veterinarian adjusted his glasses and said, "Wangcai is already twenty years old, quite old now."
狗 一 老 ,就 會 易 病 。
dog|one|old|then|will|easily|get sick
When dogs get old, they become more prone to illness.
我 估計 ,佢 應該 仲 有 幾 個 月 生命 。」
I|estimate|he|should|still|have|several|measure word|months|life
I estimate that he should have a few months left to live."
心心 好 唔開心 ,夜晚 一 個 人 睇 電視 ,唔肯 同 其他 小朋友 講嘢 。
Xinxin|very|unhappy|at night|one|measure word|person|watch|TV|unwilling|with|other|children|talk
Xinxin is very unhappy, watching TV alone at night, unwilling to talk to other children.
電視 做 緊 旅遊 節目 。
television|is making|currently|travel|program
The TV is currently doing a travel program.
主持人 話 :「傳說 喺 喜瑪拉雅 山頂 有 一 種 藥 ,食 完 之後 咩 病 都 醫 得 好 ,仲 會 長生不老 !」
host|said|legend|at|Himalayas|mountain top|there is|one|kind|medicine|eat|after|afterwards|any|illness|all|cure|able to|well|also|will|live forever
The host said: "Legend has it that on the top of the Himalayas, there is a kind of medicine that can cure any illness and grant immortality!"
心心 即刻 上網 搜尋 喜瑪拉雅山 嘅 資料 ,執齊 食物 ,放 埋 旺財 入 書包 ,準備 岀發 。
Xinxin|immediately|online|search|Himalayas|possessive particle|information|pack|food|put|also|Wangcai|into|backpack|prepare|depart
Xinxin immediately searched for information about the Himalayas online, packed food, and put Wangcai into her backpack, getting ready to set off.
去 到 門口 ,居然 撞到 院長 !
go|arrive|at the door|unexpectedly|bumped into|principal
When she got to the door, she unexpectedly ran into the dean!
「你 咁 急 趕住 去 邊 呀 ?」
you|so|anxious|in a hurry|go|where|question particle
「 どこにそんなに急いで行くの? 」
"Where are you in such a hurry to go?"
院長 攔住 心心 。
the dean|stopped|Xinxin
The director stopped Xinxin.
心心話 :「我 要 上山 揾 藥 救 旺財 !」
heartfelt words|I|want|go up the mountain|find|medicine|save|Wong Choi
心心が言った: 「私は山に薬を探しに行かなきゃ! 」
Xinxin said: "I need to go up the mountain to find medicine to save Wangcai!"
院長 好 有 耐性 噉 同 心心 講 :「嗰啲 只係 傳說 ,唔係 真 㗎 !
director|good|has|patience|like that|with|heart to heart|talk|those|only|legends|not|real|particle
The director patiently told Xinxin: "Those are just legends, they aren't real!"
老 咗 就 會 病 , 病 咗 就 會 死 —— 人 又 好 , 狗 又 好 , 大家 都 一樣 ! 」
When you get old, you will get sick; when you get sick, you will die - people are good, dogs are good, everyone is the same!
心心 唔忿氣 ,佢 唔理 院長 ,一 枝 箭 衝 去 火車站 。
Xinxin|not angry|he|ignores|principal|one|measure word for arrows|arrow|rush|to|train station
Heart not angry, he ignored the director and shot an arrow towards the train station.
就 噉 樣 , 佢 哋 一 人 一 狗 開始 咗 揾 萬能 藥 嘅 旅程 。
||||||||||||万能 (1)|||journey
Just like that, they each with a dog began their journey to find the miracle cure.
佢哋 喺 山腳 租 咗 一 隻 牛 。
They|at|foot of the mountain|rented|past tense marker|one|measure word for animals|cow
They rented a cow at the foot of the mountain.
隻 牛 揹 住 旺財 ,心心 拖 住 隻 牛 ,行 咗 一 個 星期 ,終於 由 山腳 行 到 山頂 。
measure word for animals|cow|carry|particle indicating continuous action|Wang Choi (a name)|Sam Sam (a name)|pull|particle indicating continuous action|measure word for animals|cow|walk|past tense marker|one|measure word|week|finally|from|foot of the mountain|walk|to|top of the mountain
The cow carries wealth, and Xinxin drags the cow. After walking for a week, they finally reached the top of the mountain.
山頂 有 個 和尚 。
mountain top|has|measure word|monk
At the top of the mountain, there is a monk.
心心 問 和尚 :「你 好 ,我哋 係 上嚟 求 藥 㗎 。
Xinxin|asked|monk|you|good|we|are|come up|ask for|medicine|sentence-final particle
Xinxin asks the monk: "Hello, we came here to seek medicine.
請問 呢度 係咪 有 萬能藥 ?」
may I ask|here|is it|have|cure-all
May I ask if there is a万能药 (universal medicine) here?"
和尚 話 :「係 。
The monk said: "Yes."
請 施主 過嚟 呢邊 ……」
please|benefactor|come over|this side
Please, benefactor, come over here..."
佢哋 去到 一 個 公園 ,入面 有 好 靚 嘅 花 ,有 一 群 黑 鼆鼆 嘅 禿鷹 ,地 上面 仲 有 隻 死 咗 嘅 貓仔 。
They|arrived at|a|measure word for places|park|inside|has|very|beautiful|possessive particle|flowers|has|a|group|black|vultures|possessive particle|vultures|ground|on|still|has|measure word for animals|dead|past tense marker|possessive particle|kitten
They arrived at a park, where there were beautiful flowers, a group of black vultures, and on the ground, there was a dead kitten.
和尚 話 :「呢 隻 貓仔 啱啱 死 咗 冇耐 ,啲 禿鷹 好 快 就 會 食 咗 佢 。」
monk|said|this|measure word for animals|kitten|just|died|past tense marker|not long after|plural marker|vultures|very|quickly|then|will|eat|past tense marker|it
和尚は言いました: 「この子猫はちょうど死んだばかりで、ハゲワシはすぐにでも食べるでしょう。」
The monk said: "This kitten has just died not long ago, the vultures will quickly eat it."
心心 既 愕然 又 震驚 ,話 :「點解 要 噉做 ?」
Xinxin|both|astonished|and|shocked|said|why|must|do it like that
Heart was both shocked and astonished, saying: "Why do it this way?"
和尚 話 :「呢個 就 係 長生不老藥 。
monk|said|this|just|is|elixir of life
和尚は言った: 「これが不老不死の薬です。』
The monk said: "This is the elixir of immortality."
禿鷹 食 咗 貓 , 貓 嘅 一 部分 就 變 咗 禿鷹 , 另 一 部分 變 咗 泥土 , 最後 會 開花 。 」
The vulture ate the cat, part of the cat became the vulture, another part became soil, and eventually it will bloom."
心心 眼濕濕 ,話 :「我 想 永遠 同 旺財 一齊 ,唔想 佢 變成 禿鷹 !
Xinxin|eyes watery|said|I|want|forever|with|Wong Choi|together|don't want|he|to become|vulture
心心は涙を流しながら言った: 「私は永遠に旺財と一緒にいたい、彼がハゲタカになってしまうのは嫌だ!」
Heart's eyes were wet, saying: "I want to be with Fortune forever, I don't want him to become a vulture!"
唔 想 佢 變成 花 !」
not|want|he|to become|flower
I don't want him to turn into a flower!
和尚 話 :「人 會 老 ,會 病 ,病 就 會 死 。
monk|said|people|will|grow old|will|get sick|sickness|then|will|die
The monk said: "People will grow old, will get sick, and sickness will lead to death.
狗 都 一樣 ,冇 辦法 改變 。」
dog|also|the same|no|way|change
Dogs are the same, there's no way to change that."
心心 好 失望 ,最後 同 旺財 一齊 落山 。
Xinxin|very|disappointed|finally|with|Wangcai|together|go down the mountain
心心 はとても失望していましたが、最後に 旺財 と一緒に山を降りました。
Xinxin was very disappointed, and in the end, went down the mountain with Wangcai.
喜瑪拉雅山 風景 優美 ,空氣 清新 ,白雪雪 噉 。
Himalayas|scenery|beautiful|air|fresh|white snow|like this
ヒマラヤ山 の景色は美しく、空気は清新で、雪が白く輝いています。
The Himalayas have beautiful scenery, fresh air, and are covered in white snow.
旺財 見到 好開心 ,喺 雪地 上面 跑嚟 跑去 ,好似 突然 精靈 咗 好多 。
Wang Choi|saw|very happy|in|snow|on|running towards|running away|seems|suddenly|lively|past tense marker|much more
旺財 はとても嬉しそうで、雪の上を走り回り、まるで突然たくさんの精霊が現れたようでした。
Wangcai was very happy to see it, running back and forth in the snow, as if suddenly full of energy.
回程 路上 , 心 心 見到 雪地 上面 多 咗 好多 腳印 —— 有 自己 嘅 , 有 旺財 嘅 。
On the way back, Xinxin saw many more footprints in the snow - some were hers, and some were Wangcai's.
返到 孤兒院 ,心心 離遠 就 見到 院長 喺 門口 。
return to|orphanage|Xinxin|from a distance|then|saw|principal|at|the entrance
When they returned to the orphanage, Xinxin saw the director at the door from a distance.
院長 好 緊張 噉 跑 出嚟 ,大 嗌 :「心心 !
principal|very|nervous|like that|run|out|loud|shout|name of a person
The director ran out, very nervous, and shouted: "Xinxin!"
旺財 !
你哋 終於 返嚟 喇 ,我 好 擔心 你哋 呀 !」
you (plural)|finally|come back|particle indicating completed action|I|very|worried|you (plural)|particle for emphasis
You guys are finally back, I was so worried about you!"
心心 忍唔住 眼淚 ,話 :「院長 你 講得 啱 ,呢個 世界 根本 就 冇 萬能藥 ……」
Sam Sam|can't help but|tears|said|director|you|speak|right|this|world|fundamentally|just|no|panacea
心心は涙を抑えきれず、言った: 「院長、あなたの言うとおりです。この世界には万能薬なんて基本的に存在しません……」
Xinxin couldn't hold back her tears and said: "Director, you are right, there is no miracle cure in this world..."
院長 聽到 都 心 有 戚戚 焉 ,佢 攬住 心心 ,心心 攬住 旺財 ,三 個 攬住 一齊 喊 ,喊咗 好 耐 。
the dean|heard|all|heart|has|sorrowful|particle indicating a state of being|he|hugged|a character|a character|hugged|a character|three|measure word|hugged|together|cried|cried for|very|long
The director felt a deep sorrow upon hearing this, holding onto his heart, while his heart held onto Wangcai, the three of them embraced and cried together for a long time.
幾 個 月 後 ,旺財 病死 ,院長 將 佢 埋葬 喺 花園 。
several|measure word|month|later|Wang Choi|died of illness|the director|will|he|bury|in|garden
A few months later, Wangcai passed away, and the director buried him in the garden.
冇 幾耐 ,花園 開 咗 新 嘅 花 。
not have|long|garden|bloom|past tense marker|new|possessive particle|flowers
Not long after, new flowers bloomed in the garden.
「我 會 永遠 記得 旺財 。」
I|will|forever|remember|Wong Choi
"I will always remember Wangcai."
院長 話 。
The director said.
同樣 ,心心 永遠 都 會 記得 ,佢 同 旺財 去 過 喜瑪拉雅山 ,好 開心 ,好 幸福 ,雪地 上面 有 過 佢哋 兩 個 嘅 腳印 。
likewise|Xinxin|forever|all|will|remember|he|with|Wangcai|go|past|Himalayas|very|happy|very|happy|snow|on|have|past|they|two|measure word|possessive particle|footprints
Similarly, Xinxin will always remember that she and Wangcai went to the Himalayas, very happy, very blessed, with their footprints in the snow.
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