有 一日 ,媽咪 買 咗 好多 生果。
One day, my mother bought a lot of fruit.
有 一日 ,媽咪 買 咗 好多 生果。
我 哋 問 :「幾時 可以 食 生果 呀?
|we|ask|when|can|eat|fruit|particle of inquiry
We asked: "When can I eat fruit?
我 哋 問 :「幾時 可以 食 生果 呀?
」媽咪 就話 :「我哋 今晚 先 有得 食。」
Mommy said, "Let's get something to eat first tonight."
」媽咪 就話 :「我哋 今晚 先 有得 食。」
我 大佬 拉希姆 好 貪心 ,樣樣 生果 都 想 試 吓 ,結果 食 咗 好多。
|big boss|Rahim|very|greedy|everything|fruit|all|want|try|try|result|ate|ate|a lot
My big brother Rahim is so greedy, he wanted to try every kind of fruit, but ended up eating a lot.
我 大佬 拉希姆 好 貪心 ,樣樣 生果 都 想 試 吓 ,結果 食 咗 好多。
細佬 大叫 :「睇吓 拉希姆 做 嘅 好事!
little brother|shouting|take a look|Rahim|||good deed
The younger brother yelled, "Look at what Rahim has done!
」我 就 跟 住 話 :「拉希姆 好 曳 好 自私。」
I stopped talking: "Raheem is so selfish."
媽咪 好 嬲 拉希姆。
Mommy loves Raheem.
我 哋 亦都 好 嬲 拉希姆 ,但係 拉希姆 一啲 都 唔 慚愧。
||also||||||a little|||ashamed
We all hated Raheem too, but Raheem had nothing to be ashamed of.
小 細佬 就 問 :「你 會 唔 會 罰 拉希姆 呀?
The little guy asked, "Will you punish Rahim?
媽咪 就 警告 拉希姆 :「你好 快 就 會 後悔 㗎啦。」
||warned||||||regret it|for sure
Mommy warned Raheem: "You will regret it soon."
媽咪 就 警告 拉希姆 :「你好 快 就 會 後悔 㗎啦。」
冇幾耐 ,拉希姆 果然 開始 唔舒服。
not long||indeed||unwell
After a while, Raheem really started to feel uncomfortable.
拉希姆 細細 聲話 :「我個 肚 好 痛 呀。」
Raheem said softly, "My stomach hurts."
媽咪 預咗 會 噉樣 嘅。
Mommy|expected||like this|
Mommy predicted it would be like this.
拉希姆 正 受到 生果 嘅 懲罰!
Raheem is being punished with fruit!
後來 ,拉希姆 同 我哋 道歉 話 :「我 以後 唔 會 再 咁 貪心 㗎 喇。」
Later, Raheem apologized to us: "I will not be so greedy in the future."
我 哋 全部 人 都 相信 佢。
All of us believed in him.