Colors & Shapes الألوان والأشكال باللغة العربية Tareq wa Shireen طارق وشيرين Arabic Cartoon Kids - YouTube
||||||Tareq|and||||||أطفال كرتون|
Farben und Formen Tareq wa Shireen Arabic Cartoon Kids – YouTube
Colors & Shapes Tareq wa Shireen Arabic Cartoon Kids - YouTube
Colores y formas Tareq wa Shireen Árabe Dibujos animados para niños - YouTube
Couleurs et formes Couleurs et formes en arabe Tareq wa Shireen Tareq wa Shireen arabe Cartoon Kids - YouTube
色と形 Tareq wa Shireen アラビア語漫画の子供たち - YouTube
Kolory i kształty Kolory i kształty po arabsku Tareq wa Shireen Tareq wa Shireen Arabic Cartoon Kids - YouTube
Cores e formas Cores e formas em árabe Tareq wa Shireen Tareq wa Shireen Árabe Cartoon Kids - YouTube
Colors & Shapes Tareq wa Shireen Arabic Cartoon Kids - YouTube
Färger och former Färger och former på arabiska Tareq wa Shireen Tareq wa Shireen Arabic Cartoon Kids - YouTube
Renkler ve Şekiller Tareq wa Shireen Arabic Cartoon Kids - YouTube
颜色和形状 阿拉伯语的颜色和形状 Tareq wa Shireen Tareq wa Shireen 阿拉伯语卡通儿童 - YouTube
لماذا تبكي ايها الضفدع ؟
why|cry|"O" or "O you"|frog
Why are you crying frog?
Почему ты плачешь, лягушка?
Neden ağlıyorsun kurbağa?
هل اذاك احد ؟
did|hurt you|someone
Did anyone hurt you?
тебя кто-нибудь обидел?
kimse seni incitti mi?
لا انني حزين فقط
No, I'm just sad
Нет, мне просто грустно
Hayır, sadece üzgünüm
لماذا انت حزين ؟
Why are you sad ?
Почему ты грустишь ?
neden üzgünsün ?
لا احب لوني
||my color
I don't like my color.
мне не нравится мой цвет
rengimi sevmiyorum
لا تحب اللون الاخضر !
You don't like the green color? How?
Не нравится зеленый цвет!
Yeşili sevmiyorum!
ولكني اريد ان يكون لوني احمر
But I|||||
But I want it to be red
Но я хочу, чтобы мой цвет был красным
Ama rengimin kırmızı olmasını istiyorum
مثل هذه الوردة
||like this rose
like this rose
Как эта роза
Bu gül gibi
ضفدع احمر يقفز
Red frog jumps||
red frog jumping
Zıplayan kırmızı kurbağa
سيكون اجمل شئ اراه
will be|most beautiful||
It will be the best thing I'll see
Gördüğüm en güzel şey olacak
ولكن قول لي يا صديقي
But tell me, my friend. And how will you achieve your dream to be a red frog?
كيف يمكنك ان تحقق هذا الحلم
|||achieve||the dream
How can you make this dream come true?
Bu hayalinize nasıl ulaşabilirsiniz?
وتتحول الي ضفدع احمر
"and turns into"|||red
It turns into a red frog
Kırmızı kurbağaya dönüşüyor
قيل لي
I was told|
People told me on the River Dijla, there is a witch with a good heart. She can help me. And I should search for her. But there is a simple problem.
ان عند ضفة نهر دجلة
that|at|bank|River|Tigris River
It is on the bank of the Tigris River
ساحرة طيبة القلب
Kind-hearted witch|kind|heart
kind hearted witch
تستطيع مساعدتي
can you help me|helping me
you can help me
وعلي ان ابحث عنها
And I||search|her
And I have to search for it
هناك مشكلة بسيطة
|problem|small issue
There is a slight problem
What is
what is it
اني اخاف ان ابحث عنها وحدي
I|I'm afraid||search|her|alone
I am afraid of looking for her alone and by myself.
اها فهمت
Oh, I understand.|I understand
Oh I understand. Do you want me to come with you?
تريد ان اتي معك
want||come|with you
want me to come with you
هل تستطيعين
|Can you
Can you? Please, please.
ارجوكي ارجوكي
Please, I beg.|please
Please, please
يبدو انكما تبحثان عن شئ
seems|you two|you both are looking|about|something
You look like you are searching for something.
نعم سيدتي الساحرة الطيبة
|My lady|good witch|kind lady
Yes, my good witch
نحن نبحث عنكي
||about you
We are looking for you
And why
and why
هذا الضفدع يريد ان يصبح لونه احمر
This frog wants to be red.
ماذا ؟!
What ?!
انا لم اسمع بمثل هذا الطلب من قبل
||hear|"of such"||||before
I had never heard of such a request before
Excuse me
excuse me
ولكن هل انت متاكد يا ضفدع
but|but are||sure||frog
But are you sure, frog?
نعم من كل قلبي
Yes|from||my heart
Yes, with all my heart
Then get ready. (magic words)
get ready
حالوش مالوش فاشوش
Haloush Malush Fashoush
عربندك بندوو
Your gang|
Arabbandk Bandoo
يا الهي
|Oh my God
الضفدع اصبح لونه اصفر
The frog has turned yellow
What? Yellow? I don't like yellow. I love red.
انا لا احب اللون الاصفر
||||the yellow color
I don't like yellow
انا احب اللون الاحمر
|||the red color
I love red
انه البرد
it's cold
البرد اللعين
damn cold
لا تخف
|Do not fear
Do not be afraid
خطأ بسيط
simple fault
خطأ بسيط
It's a simple mistake, simple mistake. Don't be upset. And close your eyes.
لا تنزعجا
|Don't worry
don't be upset
اغمض عينيك
close your eyes
حالوش مالوش
(magic words)
فاشوش حلبندك بلابندك
|Nonsense or gibberish|
Fashosh Halbandak Balbandak
لونه زهري
It's pink
ماذا حدث
What happened
اعتقد اني اخطأت ببعض الكلمات
||made a mistake||
I think I misspelled some words
It's simple. It's simple. Don't be worried. I will fix it fast.
لا تقلقوا
|Don't worry
do not worry
سأصحح هذا الخطأ
I will correct||
I will correct this error
I will rewrite this mistake.
اذا رأني احد في هذا اللون
|saw me||||
If someone saw me in this color, it would be a disgrace.
ستكون فضيحة
|A scandal
It will be a scandal
كفاك ثرثرة
Enough of your|Stop babbling
stop gossip
دعني اتذكر
Let me remember
لابد ان اشرب الدواء الذي اخترعته
|||||you invented
I should drink a medicine I invented. It makes me remember.
و هو يعيد الذاكره
|||the memory
And it brings back memories
حالوش مالوش فاشوش
(magic words)
عربندك بندوك صندوك
Arabbandk Bendok Box
Red! His color is red! Finally!
لونه احمر
its color is red
صار لوني احمر
I became red
ما اجملني
|How beautiful I am
how beautiful I am
ما بك ؟
What 's your ?
اريد ان اذهب الي الساحرة
I want to go back to the witch.
لماذا و ماذا تريد منها الان
Why? What do you want from her now?
اريد ان يرجع لوني اخضر
I want my color to be back to green.
تريد ان يرجع لونك اخضر
|||your color|
You want your color back to green? Why?
ولماذا ؟
And why?
اللون الاحمر اتي لي بالكثير من المتاعب
The color red gave me a lot of trouble
وكيف هذا
How is that?
هناك اولاد اشقياء
There are|naughty boys|naughty boys
There are naughty boys that want to catch me.
يريدون الامساك بي
|catching me|
They want to catch me
كلما اختبأت منهم
Each time I hide, they find me because of my red color.
وجدوني , بسبب لوني الاحمر
They found me|||
They found me, because of my red color
و المصيبة هي القطة المتوحشة
||||the wild
The big problem is the wild cat.
التي تريد ان تاكني
|||devour me
The wild cat wants to eat me. And she chases me all night
وتطاردني طوال الليل
"chases me"||
It haunts me all night
ولا تدعني انام
|let me|
She doesn't let me sleep.
اريد ان اعود الي لوني الاخضر
||go back|||
I want my green color back!
ما اجمل ان يكون لوني اخضر
How beautiful it is to be green
لقد تعبت
I feel tired, tired!
get tired
لا اريد ان اكون مثل احد
I don't like to be like this. I want to go back to what I was!
اريد ان اعود كما كنت
I want to be back as I was
لنعد الي الساحرة
Let's go||
Let's go back to the witch
وارجو ان تقبل طلبك
I hope|||
And I hope that she will accept your request.
من فضلك ايتها الساحرة
|please|O you|
Please, witch.
نعم , من انتم
Yes. Who are you?
اه هاها
Uh huh I remember. And what do you want?
I remembered
نعم تذكرت
Yes I remembered
والان ماذا تريدان
And now||
Now what do you want?
هذا المسكين الشقي
|the poor|the unfortunate one
He gets hurt a lot because of the change in his color.
تعذب كثيرا بسبب تغير لونه
suffered a lot||||
He is very tormented by his change of color
و هو يريد ان يعود الي ما كان عليه
He wants to go back to what he was. Like all frogs.
كباقي الضفادع
|the frogs
Like other frogs
ولكني لا اذكر الكلمات السحرية
But I don't remember the magic words.
و ماذا عن الدواء
What about the medicine?
لقد نفذ
It has|Ran out
It is finished. There is nothing, not even one drop.
و لم يبقي منه نقطة واحدة
And there was not a single point left
لم يبقي لدينا شي سوي ان نعتمد علي ذاكرتك
||||||rely on||your memory
We have nothing left but to rely on your memory
حالوش مالوش فاشوش
(magic words)
عربندك بندووو
Arabbandk Bandoo
تغير لونه الي الليلكي
Its color changed to lilac
حالوش مالوش فاشوش
(magic words)
حربندك بربندكوش
your war|
Harbindik Pribandukush
لقد عاد لونه اخضر
It has|||
It's green again
ما اجملني باللون الاخضر
How beautiful I am in green
لقد اشتقت الي لوني الاخضر
|I missed|||
I missed my green color!
" اغنية "
" Song "
اليوم الثلاثاء
Today is Tuesday and I will wear my purple dress.
و سألبس فستاني البنفسجي
||my dress|
And I will wear my purple dress
كم احب اللون البنفسجي
I love purple so much.
صباح الخير
Good morning
صباح النور يا شيرين
Good morning, Shirin
انتي اليوم كوردة بنفسجية
You are a violet todayدة
اليوم الثلاثاء
Today is Tuesday, the purple day.
اليوم البنفسجي
Violet day
و هل البنفسجي هو لونك المفضل
Is purple your favorite color?
نعم ولكني احب الالوان جميعها
Yes, but I love all colors.
لذا فاني البس في كل يوم من ايام الاسبوع
And for that, I wear a different color every day of the week.
فستان لونه مختلف
A different color dress
ما هو لونك المفضل يا جدتي
What is your favorite color, grandma?
انظري الي جيدا
Look at me closely and you will know.
و ستعرفين
|you will know
And you will know
اسرعي يا شيرين
Hurry, Shareen. The school bus will come. Eat your breakfast.
سيحضر باص المدرسة
|the school bus|
The school bus will come
تناولي فطوركي
|your breakfast
Eat my breakfast
شيرين فستانك لونه بنفسجي
|your dress||
Sherine your dress is purple
اليوم الثلاثاء
today is Tuesday
لقد نسيت , نسيت موعدي مع طبيب الاسنان
||||||the dentist
I forgot, I forgot my dentist appointment
علي ان اذهب بسرعة
I have to go quickly
اهلا شيرين
Hi Shareen! Today is Tuesday? The purple color is amazing on you!
اليوم الثلاثاء
today is Tuesday
رائع اللون البنفسجي عليكي
Gorgeous purple on you
لقد احضرت لكي معي مفاجأة
|I brought|||a surprise
I have a surprise for you!
انظري بيضة بنفسجية
Look, a purple egg
هل اعجبتكي
|Did you like
do you like it
ما اجملها
|its beauty
What a beauty! Can you get me every day an egg with the color of my dress?
هل تستطيع ان تحضر لي كل يوم بيضة بلون فستاني
Can you bring me an egg every day the color of my dress?
انتي تلبسين اليوم الفستان البنفسجي
You are wearing the purple dress today. I should take my baby to the doctor.
علي ان اخذ الطفل لتطعيمه عند الطبيب
I||||to vaccinate him||
I need to take my baby to the doctor for vaccinations.
علي ان اسرع
I have to hurry up
انتي تلبسين كل يوم فستان لونه مختلف
You are wearing a different color dress every day so what is your favorite color?
فما لونك المفضل
What is your favorite colour?
البنفسجي طبعا
Purple, of course!
لوني المفضل هو اللون الازرق
My favorite color is blue because I love the sea and the sky.
لاني احب البحر و السماء
Because I love the sea and the sky
لوني المفضل هو الاخضر
my favorite color is green
لون العشب الذي العب عليه كرة القدم
|the grass|||||
The color of the grass on which I play football
و لون الشجر
And the color of the trees
انا احب اللون البني
I love brown. It's the color of chocolate and the cocoa and date.
انه لون الشكولاته
||the color of chocolate
It's the color of chocolate
مممممم و الكاكاو و التمر
Mmmmm, cocoa and dates
و انا احب اللون الابيض
||||the white
I love white because I love to look at the clouds in the sky while they are changing their shapes.
because I
because I
احب ان انظر الي الغيوم في السماء
||||the clouds||
I like to look at the clouds in the sky
وهي تغير اشكالها
||its shapes
They change their forms
ميااااو , انا احب اللون الاابيض
||||the white
And I love the white color because it reminds me of the warm milk.
لانه يذكرني بالحليب الساخن
Because it reminds me of hot milk
وانا احب البرتقالي
||the orange
And I love orange because I love my ball. My favorite game is basketball.
لاني احب كرتي
||my ball
Because I love my ball
لعبتي المفضلة كرة السلة
My favorite game|favorite||
My favorite game is basketball
كل واحد يفضل لونا
Everyone prefers a color but the most beautiful is when all the colors come together in the rainbow.
ولكن ما اجمل الالوان عندما تجتمع معا في قوس قزح
But how beautiful the colors come together in the rainbow
جميلة مثلكم
|like you
Beautiful like you, when you play together.
عندما تلعبون معا
|you all play|
when you play together
get up
Shareen, get up. You are late. The bus will come any moment.
لقد تأخرتي
|you (feminine
You are late
سيأتي الباص في اي لحظة
The bus will come any minute
حاضر يا امي
ready mom
سألبس ثيابي في الحال
|my clothes||
I will get dressed right away
ولكن ما هو اليوم
But what is the color?
ما هو اليوم
Today is Thursday.
اليوم يوم الخميس
Today is Thursday
يا الهي
Oh my God, today is not Thursday. It's Wednesday.
اليوم هو يوم الاربعاء
Today is Wednesday
في هذا اليوم كان علي شيرين ان تلبس الفستان الازرق
On this day, Shareen should wear the blue dress, not the red dress.
وليس الاحمر
And not the red
Red? So today is Thursday.
اليوم الخميس
today is Thursday
اليوم موعد وصول ابن اختي من السفر
Today is my nephew's arrival from travel
يجب ان اكون في المطار لاستقباله
|||||to receive it
I have to be at the airport to pick him up
اووه اليوم الخميس
Oh, today is Thursday.||
Oh, today is Thursday. I need to make some dessert.
يجب ان احضر بعض الحلوي
I have to get some candy
ستأتي صديقاتي اليوم لزيارتي
|||for my visit
My friends will come today to visit.
اليوم الخميس
Today is Thursday. It's Tariq's birthday
عيد ميلاد طارق
Tariq's birthday
هل احضرتي له هدية
|you brought||
Did you get him a present?
Of course, 2 days ago. It is in my bag.
انها في حقيبتي منذ يومين
||my bag||
It's been in my bag for two days
و انا كذلك
Me too.
عيد ميلاد سعيد
Happy Birthday!
ولكن اليوم هو الاربعاء
But today is Wednesday
غدا هو عيد ميلادي
Tomorrow is my birth day
Wednesday! So why are you wearing the red dress?
ولما تلبسين الفستان الاحمر
When you wear the red dress
لماذا لبستي الفستان الاحمر
|you wore||
Why did you wear the red dress?
كان عليكي ان تلبسي الفستان الازرق
|||you should wear||
You should wear the blue dress.
سامحكي الله يا امي
God forgive you|||
God forgive you, mama. You told me that today is Thursday.
قالت لي اليوم هو الخميس
She told me today is Thursday
" اغنية "
" Song "
ما بك ؟
What's wrong with you?
تنظر دوما الي البحر
Always looking to the sea.
هل تبحث عن شئ
Is something wrong with you?
انني ... انني ابحث عن حورية البحر
I am looking for a mermaid from the sea.
لقد رأيت صورتها في كتاب جدي
||its picture|||
I saw her picture in my grandfather's book
لها ذيل سمكة
|fish tail|
She has a fish tail.
عندما سالت جدي عن الصورة
When I asked my grandpa about the picture, he said it's a mermaid of the sea.
قال لي
He said to me
انها حورية البحر
It's a mermaid
اذا كان ما تقوله صحيحا
If what you say is true
فلماذا لم يبحث عنها احد
Why has no one searched for her?
لكي تبحث عنها
To be able to search for her, you must believe in her first.
عليك ان تؤمن بوجودها اولا
You have to believe in it first
ان الشمس تغرب
|the sun|sets
The sun is setting
ولكن لا اثر لحوريتك
|not||of your mermaid
But no trace of your nymph
قلت لك
I told you. You will not see it until you believe it.
لا تراها الا اذا امنت بوجودها
You don't see it unless you believe in its existence
و هل انت مؤمن بها
And do you believe in it?
نعم من كل قلبي
I believe with all my heart
و انا اصدق ما تقول
And I believe what you say
Tariq, look!
انظر اعتقد اني اري شيئا
|||I see|
Look I think I see something
انها هناك
it's there
انني اراها
|I see it
I see her
Yeah! There!
Oh! She is waving at us!
انها تلوح لنا
|She waves to us.|
She waves to us
تطلب منا ان نذهب اليها
How is that? She is asking us to go to her.
ماذا ننتظر
What are we waiting for? Let's go before she disappears.
هيا قبل ان تختفي
Let's go|||it disappears
Come on before you disappear
take your time
Wait, do you think you are a swimming champion?
هل تعتقد انك بطل في السباحة
Do you think you are a swimming champion?
المسافة بعيدة
it's too far
معك حق
You are right
ماذا نفعل
What do we do
لا اكاد اصدق عيني
not|I can hardly||
I can't believe my eyes!
انتي هنا
You are there!
لا تعتمد علي عينيك
Don't depend on your eyes.
يجب ان تعتمد علي قلبك ايضا
You need to depend on your heart.
لقد كان قلب يقول لي
My heart was telling me that you are here.
انكي هنا
You are here|
you are here
ولهذا وجتك
|I found you
So I found you.
ما رأيكما ان اخذكما في رحلة
|||take you||
What do you think about a trip to see the bottom of the sea?
تشاهدان فيها اعماق البحر
You see the depths of the sea
سأريكما اشياء لم يراها احد في سنكم من قبل
I will show you||||||||
I'll show you things no one your age has seen before
نعم موافقان
Yes, we agree!
ما اجمل هذه الاسماك
|||the fish
What beauties these fish are!
لم اري مثلها من قبل
I never saw anything like them before!
لم تريا شئ بعد
did not|see||
You didn't see anything yet.
يا الهي
My God! A red fish with blue stripes!
اسماك حمراء مخططة باللون الازرق
Red fish with blue stripes
لم اري مثل هذه الاسماك من قبل
I didn't see this kind of fish before.
Hello, come and look at what I can do.
تعالوا انظروا الي ما افعله
Come see what I'm doing
العب بالالوان
|with colors
I am playing with colors and I am changing them.
و اغيرها
|change it
and others
انا ساحر الالوان
I am the magician of colors.
ما هذا الشئ
What is this thing?
الم تعرف
the letters Alif Lam|
You don't know?
انه اظرف مخلوق في اعماق البحار
|the most amusing||||
He is the cutest creature in the bottom of the sea.
The octopus.
و نحن نسميه مازج الالوان
|||color mixer|
And we call it a color mixer
لانه يحب خلط الالوان
Because he likes to mix colors
اللون الازرق اخلطه
||mix it
Blue mix it up
مع اللون الاصفر
with yellow color
ماذا يصبح
what becomes
Yes, yes it becomes green.
نعم يصبح اخضر
Yes it becomes green
اللون الاحمر اخلطه مع الاصفر
And I mix red with yellow and what happens?
ماذا يحدث
What is happening
ماذا يحدث
What is happening
أحصل على البرتقالي
Get the orange
اهاذا ما قلتماه
||you said
That's what you said?
صح صح صح صح انتما شاطران
||||you two|
Right, right, right. You are very good!
And now
اللون الاحمر مع اللون الازرق
Red color with blue
ماذا يصبح
what becomes
بنفسجي بنفسجي
Purple! (laughing)
كانت رحلة ممتعة
It was a pleasant trip
we will miss you
We will miss you.
مادمتما قد وجدتماني
As long as||
Because you found me, you will not miss me.
فلن تفقداني
|you will lose me
You won't lose me
سأكون هنا
I will be here. Look for me at the sunset and you will find me.
ابحثا عني عند المغيب ستجداني
|||sunset|you will find me
Look for me at sunset, you will find me
القلوب لها طريقة غريبة في الالتقاء
hearts|||||coming together
Hearts have a strange way of meeting
و عندما نلتقي
And when we meet, I will take you to show you places and things you never saw before.
اخذكما لتشاهدا اماكن و اشياء لم ترياها من قبل
Take you to see places and things you've never seen before
" اغنية "
" Song "
هذه حشرة غريبة
That is a strange insect. I will pick it with my beak to know it.
سألتقطها بمنقاري لأتعرف عليها
I will pick it up|||
I met her with my beak, I don't know her
اتركني ايها الطائر الجميل
Leave me, beautiful bird
انا لست حشرة
I'm not an insect
انا خط مستقيم
I'm a straight line.
ماذا تقصد
What do you mean?
الا تعرف المستقيم
||the straight
You don't know the straight line?
يبدو انك ثرثار
You sound chatty. I'll pick you with my beak to taste you.
سالتقتك بمنقاري
meet you|
I met you with my beak
to taste you
to taste you
مهلا ارجوك
wait a moment|
No! Hold on, please!
الا تعرف ان الاشكال تبدأ بخط مستقيم
You don't know the shapes, starting with the straight line?
the shapes
The shapes? The shapes like what?
الاشكال مثل ماذا
Shapes like what
مثل المربع
Like the square. I make four straight lines to make a square.
انا اكون اربعة مستقيمات متساوية
I form four equal lines
لأشكل المربع
to shape|
And now I turn into a square.
والان تحولت الي مربع
|has turned into||
Now it has turned into a square
يااا ما اجمل هذا
Oh how beautiful this is
انك تشبة حصالة النقود
||money box|
You will look like a money box.
Tell me
Tell me
هل تستطيع ان تتحول الي شكل اخر
can|||transform into another form|||
Tell me, can you turn into another shape?
استطيع ان اشكل ثلاث مستقيمات
||I can form||
I can make 3 straight lines to turn into a triangle.
لتحول الي مثلث
Don't turn into a triangle
المثلث له ثلاث اضلاع
The triangle has three sides
Right, like your beak. It's a triangle.
مثل منقارك فهو مثلث
|Your beak||
Like your beak, it is triangular
لقد جن حسون
|went crazy|
Hassoun has gone crazy
فهو يكلم نفسه
|is talking|
He speaks to himself
انا متأكد
I am sure
حسون كان يكلم نفسه
Hassoun was talking to himself
ما بك يا فلفل تكلم نفسك
What about you, Fil Fil? You're talking to yourself. You are strange.
انت غريب الاطوار
your are different
انا ام حسون
Me? Or Hasoon? He's talking to himself in the tree.
انه يكلم نفسه فوق الشجرة
He is talking to himself on top of the tree
هل تستطيع ان تتكور مثل الكرة
|||curl up||
Can you roll like a ball?
ايها المستقيم
Oh straight!
No, but I can be a circle.
ولكني استطيع ان اكون دائرة
But I can be a circle
هذا رائع
It's amazing. You look like a wheel!
ان تشبه العجلة
||the wheel
It resembles a wheel
Yes, the wheel is a circle.
العجلة شئ دائري
The wheel is a circular thing
وكذلك الشمس و القمر و الساعة
The same as the sun and the moon and the clock.
ايضا عينك تشبه الدائرة
And your eyes look like circles too.
ما بك يا حسون تكلم نفسك
What wrong with you, Hasoon? You're talking to yourself.
Stop it
Stop! Stop! Circle!
توقفي ايتها الدائرة
Stop it, circle
هييييييي هيييييي هيي
حسون مجنون
Crazy finch
مسكين حسون
Poor Hassoun
اين اختفيت ايها المستقيم
Where did you disappear, Line?
ايها المثلث
Triangle! Square! Where are you, Circle?
ايها المربع
Oh square
اين انت ايتها الدائرة
Where are you circle?
كيف سأجده بين هذه الاشكال
|I will find it|||
How can I find him between these trees?
لقد وجدتك ايها المربع
I have|I found you||
I found you, Square! I found you, Circle!
وجدتك ايتها الدائرة
I found you||
I found you circle
وجدتك ايها المربع
I found you square
لا انه ليس المربع الذي ابحث عنه
No, it's not the Square that I'm looking for.
دوختنا يا حسون
made us dizzy||
You're making us dizzy, Hasoon!
قل ماذا تريد و نحن نساعدك
|||||We help you
Tell us what you want and we will help you.
قبل قليل
Shortly before
تعرفت علي المستقيم
A while ago, I met the line.
وحدد لي اشكال جميلة
He showed me beautiful shapes.
ولكنه اختفي فجأة
But he disappeared suddenly.
واختفت الاشكال معه
And the shapes disappeared with him.
تقصد المربع و المثلث و الدائرة و المستطيل
You mean the square, circle, triangle, and the rectangle?
هل شاهدتها
|saw it
Do you see them?
انها موجودة في كل مكان
They are everywhere!
يعقل هذا
understands this|
Is it true?
طبعا يعقل
|of course
Of course it makes sense
يبدو انك بحاجة الي نظارات طبيه
|||||prescription glasses
It sounds like you need glasses to see the shapes.
كي تري الاشكال
|to see|
to see the shapes
انظر إلى باب الدار
Look at the door!
ما به
What about it?
انه ازرق يا حسون
It is blue, Hasoon.
تأكدت انك بحاجة الي نظارات
Are you sure now that you need glasses?
understand me
understand me
باب الدار مستطيل
The door of the house is rectangular
انك تحتاج الي النظارات اكثر مني يا فلفل
You need glasses more than me, Fil Fil.
انظر الي النافذة
Look at the window. It's a square.
انها مربعه
It's square
انظر الي بيتك
||your house
Look at your house
انه مثلث
It's a triangle
الاشكال موجودة في كل مكان
Shapes are everywhere.
ركزوا نظركم علي الاشياء تجدوها
||||you will find it
Focus your eyes on the things you find
المسطرة مستطيلة
The ruler is rectangular
شاشة التلفاز مربعة
The TV screen is square
قرص الالعاب دائري
Circular game disc
اذن القط مثلثة
The cat ears are triangles.
غريب عجيب
|strange amazing
كيف لم انتبه الي وجود الاشكال في كل مكان
how||I didn't notice||||||
How did I not notice that there are shapes everywhere
لانك لم تفكر بذلك
Because you didn't think about it.
" اغنية "
" Song "
ما هذه الالعاب
What are these games?
انها لعبة الاشكال
|game of shapes|
It's a game of shapes.
كيف نلعبها
|we play it
How do we play?
سنلعب دور المهندسة
||the engineer
We play as engineers.
و هي تبني البيوت و الحدائق بهذه الاشكال
And she builds houses and gardens in these forms
هذا رائع لنبدأ
||let's start
That's amazing. Let's start.
ليس هكذا
is not|
not like that
اذا كيف
So how
عليك ان تجمعي الاشكال المتشابهه
We each collect the same shapes.
تقصدين المثلثات وحدها
You mean||
You mean triangles alone
و المربعات وحدها
And the squares alone
بدأتي تفهمين اللعبة
|you understand|
You're understanding now!
انا سأجمع المثلثات
|I will collect|
I will collect the triangles.
و انا سأجمع المربعات
||I will collect|
And I will collect the squares.
And now I will collect the rectangles.
سأجمع المستطيلات
|the rectangles
I will collect the rectangles
And I will collect the circles.
سأجمع الدوائر
|the circles
I will collect circles
And now we sing about building a building with these shapes,
نفكر ببناء بيت
|about building|
We are thinking of building a house
من هذه الاشكال
of these forms
سأساعدك في بناء الحديقة و السياج
I will help you build the garden and the fence.
اصبح البيت جميلا
The building is beautiful!
انا اسف
I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.
لم اقصد تحطيم البناء
||destruction of|
I didn't mean to destroy the building.
We will build a better building.
سنبني بيتا افضل منه
We will build|a house||
We will build a better house
اعلم انني مذعج
I know that I'm annoying.
انا حزين
I am sad because I am a triangle.
لانني مثلث
Because I'm a triangle
انا اكره شكلي
I hate my shape.
كل شئ في مدبب
Everything in me is pointy.
كما ان حركي بطيئة
And I move slowly.
ليست مثل حركة الدائرة الرشيقة
Not like the movement of the graceful circle.
انها ايضا سريعة جدا
She is very fast.
ليست السرعة ضرورية دائما ايها المثلث
Speed isn't always necessary, Triangle
إن سرعتي توقعني في مآزق كثيرة.
My speed gets me into trouble.
انت افضل مني
You are better than me
لانك تستطيع التوقف اذا تدحرجت
You can stop if you tumble.
لاول مرة اكتشف ميزة جيدة في المثلث
The first time I found a good thing about triangles.
لكل شكل من الاشكال دور في الحياة يا صديقي
Each shape has an important role in life, my friend
فلا تحزن لشكلك المدبب
|be sad||
Don't be sad for your pointed shape
ولكنك افضل مني
But you are better than me.
فأنت تمتلك اربعة اضلاع متساوية
You have 4 equal lines.
اما انا
But me? I have only 3
فلا املك سوي ثلاثة اضلاع
I only have three sides
اتدري ان اضلاعك الثلاثة هذه
Do you know||||
Do you know that your 3 lines make you free to choose your shape.
تجعلك حرا في اختيار شكلك
makes you||||
Make you free to choose your look
تستطيع ان تكون مثلث متساوي الساقين
You can|||||legs
You can be isosceles, a right triangle, obtuse, or acute.
ام مثلث قائم الزاوية
Or a right angled triangle
ام مثلث منفرجا
||with a gap
Or an obtuse triangle
او مثلث حاد الزاوية
or an acute triangle
كل هذه الاشكال لي
All these shapes for me?
Yes, but me I will stay a square.
اما انا سأبقي مربعا
||I will stay|
But I will stay square
و الدائرة تبقي دائرة
And the circle stays a circle.
و المستطيل يبقي مستطيل
And the rectangle stays a rectangle.
الان استطيع ان اثق بنفسي
Now, I can trust myself.
يبدو ان شكلي مميز بين الاشكال
It sounds like my shape is special!
صباح الخير يا شيرين
Good morning, Shareen!
صباح الخير
Good morning
يبدو انك سهرتي مع هذه الاشكال ليلة امس
|||||||last night
Looks like you stayed up with these shapes last night
انها اشكال جميلة
Beautiful shapes!
صنعت منها بيوتا و عربات و حدائق
I built buildings, cars, and gardens!
بهذه الاشكال
With these shapes?
طبعا يا حسون
Of course, Hasoon!
فالاشكال هي التي تحدد لنا الاشياء
the shapes|||||
The shapes make up all things.
تقصدين ان نقول
You mean to say
ان شكل الطاولة دائرة مثلا
The shape of the table is a circle, for example
انت تفهم اذا
So you understand me!
و من قال لك غير ذلك
And who told you otherwise?
ما هذا الصوت
What is this sound?
لابد انه حسون
He must be sensitive
" اغنية "
" Song "
سيداتي انساتي سادتي
Ladies and gentlemen
هلا بكم في سرك الاشكال
|||your circus|
Welcome to the Shapes Circus!
يشاركني في التقديم
Shares with me||presentation
Sharing a demonstration with me, the player Susan!
اللاعبة سوزان
the player|Susan
Susan player
و الفيل دغفل
||is a baby
And the elephant, Dagfal!
حيوا معي الاشكال العجيبة
Let's have some applause for the shapes!
The triangle, the square, the circle and the rectangle!
يسمونني المثلث
they call me|
They call me triangle
وانا فعلا مثلث
And I am already a triangle.
لانني اتكون من ثلاثة اضلاع
Because I have 3 lines.
وانا المربع
I am the square
وانا فعلا مربع الشكل
And I'm already a square.
فلي اربع اضلاع متساوية
let there be|||
I have 4 equal lines.
انا الدائرة المدورة
||the round
I am the roundabout
ادور حول نفسي كالكرة
|||like a ball
Around myself is a ball.
اما انا المستطيل
as for|I am|
As for me, the rectangle
فمن اسمي يستطيل
And from my name, I am stretched.
ولذلك فأنا اختلف عن المربع
So I disagree with the square
فأنا اطول منه بسبب استطاله ضلعين من اضلاعي
I'm longer than him because 2 of my lines are stretched.
اخبركم بسر
I will tell you|
Can I tell you a secret?
انا استطيل و اتمدد بحريتي
|||stretch out|
I'm free to stretch as long as I want.
تجدونني في الاهرامات
you will find me||
You can find me in the pyramids.
و في بيوت الحيوانات
And the house of the animals.
و في قمم الجبال
And the peak of the mountains.
شكلي مدبب
Pointy shape
لكني في الواقع لطيف
But I'm actually cute
هل عرفتموني
|you know me
Did you know me?
مثلث , مثلث , مثلث
Triangle! Triangle! Triangle!
شكرا للمثلث الاصفر
|the triangle|
Thank you to the yellow triangle.
تجدونني في الساعة
You can find me in the clock
و في اطار السيارة
And the car's wheels
و في عجلة الدراجة
|||the bike
And at the wheel of the bike
في اي شي يدور
And in everything that rolls.
فمن انا
Do you know who I am?
دائرة , دائرة , دائرة , دائرة
Circle! Circle! Circle!
لماذا تدور العجلة
Why does the wheel spin?
لانها ببساطة دائرية الشكل
It is simply circular in shape
فلا يمكن ان تسير الدراجة بعجلة مثلثة
|||||with a wheel|
The bicycle can't move with triangle or square wheels.
او عجلة مربعة
or a square wheel
الحركة في الدوران يا هيفاء
Movement in rotation, Haifa
So the ancient people invented the wheel in a circle shape.
اخترع الانسان القديم العجلة بشكلها الدائري
|human||||circular shape
The ancient man invented the wheel in its circular shape
و استطاع ان يحرك الكثير من الاشياء من خلال دورانها
|||||||||its rotation
And they could move a lot of things
so he worked
So he worked
ناعورة دائرية لنقل المياه من النهر الي الاراضي المرتفعة
waterwheel|||||the river||the land|
So they made the water wheel.
و عمل عجلات للعربات
|||for vehicles
And they made wheels for carriages.
و ساعدته ايضا علي رفع الاثقال
She also helped him lift weights
كان سؤالي مهما اذا
My question was whatever
سوزان تتوازن بجسمها علي المستطيل الازرق
||her body|||
Susan balances her body on the blue rectangle
و الدائرة الحمراء
And the red circle
سيقسم ظهري هذا الفيل انه ثقيل
|my back||||
My back will be broken. This elephant is heavy
و ماذا اقول انا
What can I say?
انا احمل الفيل و المستطيل
I'm carrying the elephant and the rectangle.
ولكنكي دائرة
but you|
But I'm a circle
تستطيعين ان تتحركي و تدوري
You can move and spin
" اغنية "